Maria Divine Mercy Signs

Signs to Watch For – New Cross – It’s Already Here

From Maria Divine Mercy

All homage to Me, in My Churches, will soon be reduced to a mere nod in My direction. They will no longer genuflect before My Tabernacles. They will not bow before Me or kneel, nor will they pray before My Corpus on the Cross, for it will not be My Image they will be asked to venerate. I will be scourged and made to look ridiculous. My Words will be turned into the most peculiar verbiage and the Truth of My death on the Cross will be thrown out.


Notice the reference to the Beast Cross and the new Resurrexifix of Francis.

Notice the removal of kneeling and genuflection, soon to come.


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  • It is so obvious that the catholic church and Mary, have relegated Jesus to the shadows. We are to come to God through his Son Jesus Christ. We are clearly instructed to, “…call no one father on earth.” This is a direct reference to the your church. All catholics should read read the book of Revelation which contains the strongest admonition in the Bible. If any man adds anything to this book, all the plagues of this book will be added to your life, and if any man takes anything away from this book, his name will be taken out of the Lambs Book of Life. Careful you billion plus deceived souls.

    • You are merely repeating the Protestant heresy which you follow. In essence, every Protestant is a false prophet since they hack 7 books out of the Bible and then personally interpret it their own way, as if they were a pope, all claiming to be guided by the Holy Spirit yet contradicting everyone else left, right and center. Protestantism is a heresy started by a fallen priest which is nothing more then Biblical relativism – one’s own opinion rules. This of course makes it impossible to obtain truth and unity, since there are probably 40,000 denominations now, starting with 1 in the year 1517. That’s hundreds of new denominations every year, all thinking that their opinion is truth. Division, not unity, is the fruit of Protestantism.

  • Dear Carroll, don’t be too hard on us.
    The Catholic Church today has been secretly infiltrated by the same “enlightened intellectuals” (aka Satan’s servants) that began the 1500’s Protestant Revolution, of which you are a member.

    I recall Luther’s final words on his deathbed: “The devil taught me Reformation.” Now that, my friend, is something your pastor does not want told, if he himself knows of that last testimony.

    You and I today, have a chance to know the Real Truth of the Living God in His Holy Word without any doubt, if pride doesn’t get in our way. It goes back to Prophecy. Here’s a quote from St. Peter for us on the subject of the Value of Prophecy:
    “So we have confirmation of the words of the prophets: and you will be right to pay attention to it, as to a lamp for lighting a way through the dark, until the dawn comes and the morning star rises in your minds.

    So that we’re not caught with our pants down, – who does – we must take a step out of the comfort zone we’re in, and if we truly love Jesus as we say we do, we will KNOW the Prophetic Messages of Maria Divine Mercy are the Words of God. Why now?

    Because very shortly, your congregation, whether it be Lutheran, Methodist, or Baptist, etc.. will embrace the False Prophet Francis’ outreach via Ecumenical Movements, of which there are many to choose from. And YOU must be able to recognize that, as a vehicle to embrace the Antichrist who is about to announce himself to the world!

    The Crusade Prayers are not only for Catholics. All denominations are welcome to pray these God given prayers to save souls from eternal hell.
    That victory cannot and must not be Satan’s victory – IT IS THE VICTORY OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST!
    Love to you in the Heart of Jesus, Anne

  • Who ruled over the kings of the earth? Who is drunken with the blood of the saints and the martyrs? Who burned a believer ( Joan of Arc) and made her a saint? Who returns with ten thousand times ten thousand of his saints? Does the catholic church have that many saints? Who only knows the will of one man? Which Bible is the best selling book in the world? “The smoke of satan has entered the sanctuary,” a quote from your past pope. And I will leave you with the words written by one of the greatest preachers who ever lived, “you cannot have unity without forsaking the truth, and to forsake the truth for the sake of unity, is to betray Jesus Christ,” Charles Haddon Spurgeon. Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate.

    • Why then do you call Joan of Arc a believer?. The true answer to that question (after carefully studying her life) should provide an answer to all your questions. I hope you understand me.

  • Number one, I will not be embracing any man on earth. The true church resides in the hearts of the believers. Not in a building here. Or in Rome. Who shepherds his flock among many tribulations? The only one who has so completely, bastardized the truth of God, is the one and only catholic church. “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I will be.” May I suggest you read a real Bible, the Tyndale.

  • Anne, I am confused that you appear to be a catholic, yet you say your pope is the false prophet? You catholics speak in generalizations regarding Protestants and their false heresies, yet I speak in specific, Biblical references regarding your church. We are accused of throwing out 7 books, but you throw out the book of Revelation from Jesus Christ, which contains the strongest admonition in the Bible! Wow! I am amazed that with your supposed education, if you have any at all, you could ever buy that garbage you expouse. And you believe that my God in Heaven would ever choose a mortal man on earth to be the substitute for Christ on earth? And give him the air of infallibility? Are you kidding me? Are you educated at all? “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” You all would do well to get that knowledge! Now you are claiming to be the author of the King James Bible! Wow! Wow! Wow! I am witnessing to you to save your very soul, and all of you lost catholic souls! You should test the spirits, not blindly follow them. And Jesus said, “don’t pray those repetitive prayers like others do, instead pray a prayer like this one (the Lords Prayer).” …and deliver us from evil. for thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever, amen. Oh, you don’t recognize that last line. Do you? Only satan and your satanic church would fail to give God the credit! Be careful, God is listening to the true heretics of this world.

  • Don’t be too hard on you catholics? It’ only your soul that is in jeopardy here! Paul said, “Apparently I’m not a people pleaser!” Anne, my name is Mr. Carroll Cromer. I am not, never have been, and will never be a people pleaser! Paul wasn’t. And Jesus wasn’t. Anne, you shouldn’t be either! I am not angry. I am saddened. And I am just baffled that seemingly educated people could fall for such an obvious pack of lies!!!

  • You need to read God’s plan for man by Finnish Dake. He points out clearly when all of the inventions of your church came into being. You are all so brainwashed that you could never see the truth. But by God’s grace I am trying to open your blinded eyes and your seared conscience.

  • And by the way, my God would be angry if I ever entertained the very thought of reading the garage you have set your eyes and mind upon!

  • I guess I scared Anne away.The truth has a way of silencing those who can only spew lies and deceit from their lips. Apparently she isn’t the greatest witness you have. Your church should at least train you to argue your pack of lies a little better than that.

  • And for the record I am not of any denomination whatsoever. I don’t believe in any current institutional church on earth. I believe the truth. I search for the truth. I live for nothing but the truth. The Holy Spirit guides me to all truth. You are not guided that way! What a shame!

  • Would Jesus have kissed the Koran? It was your John Paul “The Great” who did. Now didn’t he? The only great that man ever was, was a “Great Deceiver.” What a shame! That man couldn’t even tell the truth! Even at his time of death, could he even bring himself to recant the pack of lies he had continued to perpetrate until his last dying breath!

    • Hey CC man, you really hate Catholics do you? The way you express yourself is not like that of a genuine Christian but someone out to settle a score by thinking that what you as a protestant say is all truth and can bring to light Catholics who are marching the road to perdition. Let me tell you that the Protestantism that you give your oath to is a half truth form of believe. To be in It is like choosing to travel the wide road to heaven by adhering to the only standard and that is believing the bible(represents the wide road that any fool can interpret for himself) even if half of it cannot be lived out fully because they are insignificant to their form of believe. Mind you the road to Heaven is narrow and winds through thorny bushes which your likes are too lazy to follow because you don’t wont to get hurt along the way. Why don’t you convert to Catholicism and really carry some pain through the thorny narrow road to earn Heaven. To think that you can go to Heaven in the way you speak above is travelling along the wrong road mate. Get off BL PP11 because during his life he knew more about theology than you. Your baseless points are simply to deceive Catholics but you wont succeed. You cut yourselves off the mystical body of Christ on earth and Catholics need to pray for your poor lost soul that you may be saved. Amen

  • To my brother CC I wish to further advise him to read the messages in The
    Book of Truth by MDM because these messages are truly Divine messages from Heaven. Ignore those critics of MDM and give serious time in the Spirit to these messages and you will be enlightened. Why I say these messages are true is because the Holy Spirit has shown me to see what Angel Gabriel had to say in Dan 10:20-21 “Do you know why I came to you? It is to reveal to you what is written in the Book of Truth”. The Angel Gabriel goes on to say in Dan 12:4 “And now Daniel close the Book and put a seal on it until the end of the world. Many people will waste their efforts trying to understand what is happening”. Then the Angel Gabriel goes on to answer Daniels lack of understanding in Daniel 12:9 “You must go now Daniel because these words are to be kept SECRET and hidden until the end comes’. What MDM is revealing had been some 2,700 years ago revealed to Daniel but ordered to be kept secret until now because only Jesus at this time can give a complete and profound interpretation of the Apocalyptic messages of the Book of Revelation when humanity needs it most away from the distorted versions of man’s interpretation. For these messages not to have been kept secret and hidden as ordered by Angel Gabriel, Jesus’s full and accurate explanation today through His Prophet on the accounts of these times would be shunned and laughed at over the last 1790 years by those so called biblical experts much in the same way the experts over the last 500 years have interpreted the Bible and caused confusion and split. I bet with no secret around to bring in the Divine balance needed everyone would over the last 1790 years be expert interpreters of the end times secrets of God but staring down the wrong pipe to the abysses of hell instead of Heaven where He intends us to be. But wait on, God loves us all doesn’t He? Of course He does. That is why He ordered the Book to be hidden so that when the proudest of his children decide not to believe His Secret when He reveals it, He knows that through the Church as His mystical body teaching the Truth in Scripture over the last 1790 years the believer had been grounded in truth and nothing would shake him from it to the end. To shun these messages therefore with narrow arguments that the Bible is the only Book of Truth goes only to ignore the relevance of the true interpretations of Daniels visions. And in so doing, is one not falling into the category of what Angel Gabriel in Dan 12:4 warns of “that many people will waste their efforts trying to understand what is happening”? The Bible certainly was never meant to be kept secret because the Catholic Church which put together the cannon of Scripture never had intended to keep it secret as some people wrongly accuse her. I say “Catholic” and not “Christian” is because what God intended for his children in the fist place was that Him being Holy He desired that His children become Holy in His One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church with One Faith, One Believe and One practice until the wolves came and tore it apart to their own peril. So what we don’t need here is to leave with bruised egos because of personal exchanges that has nothing to do with the realities of what Francis is doing to destroy the Catholic faith and all of Christianity. God bless