Maria Divine Mercy Signs

Every Sin Justified

Excerpts from Maria Divine Mercy

The noise will be deafening as enemies of God take over His Body and desecrate It [the Catholic Church]. They will rejoice and shout great proclamations amid great applause for the imposters, who will be heard everywhere, for this will be an occasion that will win over many stubborn foes and former enemies of my Son’s Church. Every new type of declaration as to the meaning of my Son’s Holy Word will pour forth from its mouth. Every lie, cunningly camouflaged, so that it appears to make sense, will be used to entice God’s children into this new renovated church. Every sin justified, so that more outsiders will be welcomed into the temples of God, until eventually complete confusion will be witnessed within its walls.

I urge all of those who love my Son and who understand that these signs were foretold, that they must continue to serve my Son. Many priests, instead of fighting for their faith, and remaining true to my Son, will walk away. Others will not give in and they will provide the Food of Life to all those who seek out my Son’s True Presence [the Remnant Church in the virtual catacombs].

[Note that Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and Encyclical Lumen Fidei both conveniently omit to describe the need for repentance. This is the first step to justify any and all sin.]

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  • We are praying the Crusade Prayers for those underlined priests, whomever they will be, and are preparing safe places for those who remain faithful, where they can continue to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Tridentine) and Sacraments when the ‘fan get’s clogged’ so to speak.
    Time is short, so it’s time to think and plan about this, especially if you live in the countryside.
    In the U.S., we have families already opening their homes to traditional priests who travel many miles to feed their sheep.
    So do not fear! We are here for you, and angels will guide you to us.
    In Jesus and Mary, Anne