Antichrist Maria Divine Mercy Second Coming Signs

Signs to Watch For – Fake “Healing Miracles”

Excerpts From Maria Divine Mercy

Soon you will be shown great acts, which will be deemed to be great works in the preparation for My Second Coming. A number of carefully staged miraculous cures will be presented to the world by those enemies of God who will say that they are of Me. Many will be so taken aback that they will fall for this wicked deceit. So many wonders, great acts – all deemed to be by the Hand of God – will convince even the skeptics that divine miracles have occurred. Great accolades will be showered down on those false representatives, who say they lead My people. Soon the world will openly declare that these imposters are living saints and it won’t be long before they introduce the Antichrist.



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  • How easy for demons to exalt their preferred prophets to mislead the masses when demonicaly inflicted illnesses are suddenly cured when the demon willingly leaves the victim.

  • A number of carefully STAGED ‘miraculous cures’ will be presented to the world by the enemies of God…
    Where have we read this before? Hmmm…let’s see…
    Our Lady appeared on the mountain of La Salette in France for the first time on September 19, 1846 to Melanie and her young cousin Maximin who are the only witnesses of this Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Those of you who are familiar with the Messages of our Blessed Mother, given to the children, will want to refresh them after reading the latest MDM Message of Dec. 3, 2013. Here’s a sampling of those incredibly ACCURATE prophecies:
    “The earth will be struck by calamities of all kinds.”

    “There will be a series of wars until the last war, which will be fought by the 10 Kings of the Antichrist, all of whom will have the same plan and will be the only rulers of the world.”

    “Many convents are no longer houses of God, but the grazing-grounds of Asmodeas and his like. ”

    “It is during this time that the Antichrist will be born of a Hebrew nun, a false virgin who will ‘communicate’ with the old serpent – who is the master of impurity.”

    As Satan imitates everything concerning the lives of Jesus and Mary – of course a false Hebrew virgin has intercourse with a demon. “His name will be B…” Could the Antichrist actually be BEELZEBUB in human form?

    Of all the demons, (not counting Judas since he is a human devil) – of all the demons, Beelzebub is THE MOST arrogant, sarcastic, narcisstic, boasting, persecutor and seducer. He was present at the fall of the angels. He was the highest angel but for one – Lucifer.

    Beelzebub and Lucifer deliberated over the Woman whom they could not harm or weaken, not realizing who it really was. When they FINALLY guessed it was THAT WOMAN, it was Beelzebub and Lucifer who summoned the Council – they called ALL the best magicians and ordered them to harm THAT WOMAN in body and soul, so that SHE would no longer be so strong, that her prayers should no longer be so devastating, and that should SHE no longer exert so much power.

    The magicians wanted to do everything to harm HER to no avail. They could not harm this creature, because she was not subject to Original Sin. The confounded magicians and enchanters had no influence upon HER.

    Would anyone like to know more about this and what happened to the magicians and enchanters when they failed their orders? All was revealed in the exorcism in the 1970’s by the Order of the Queen of Heaven and earth of a young woman in Europe that is in book form – “WARNING FROM THE BEYOND FOR THE CATHOLIC CHURCH”.

    A must read for any skeptic or potential convert.

  • Sorry. I veered off course from Our Lady’s prophecy about the Antichrist and his miracle workers.
    “Let the Pope beware of miracle workers, for the time has come for the most astonishing wonders to take place on the earth and in the air.” [holograms – blue beam/ray]
    “The dead and the just will be made to rise.” Melanie: “That is to say, these dead will assume the prospect of righteous souls who once live on earth, in order to seduce men more easily; THESE SO-CALLED RESURRECTED DEAD, WHO WILL BE NOTHING OTHER THAN THE DEVIL UNDER THESE FACES…IF THESE BE NOT IN FACT THE SOULS OF THE DAMNED”. [black demons] “ALL THESE SOULS WILL APPEAR JOINED TO THEIR BODIES.” Satan knows how to use the elements of the earth to create these bodies to ‘appear to be’ resurrected.