Fatima Floods Pedro Regis Second Coming

After all tribulation then mankind will experience the Lord

Computer translated From Pedro Regis

Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in Gamelleira / GO transmitted in 12/17/2013

Dear children, I know each of you by name and know what you need. Be filled with hope. Stay with Jesus. He is the only true Savior. Only in Him is your true liberation. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith. You live in a time worse than the time of the [Noah’s] flood and the time of your return to the Lord is come [Second Coming]. Remain not in sin. God is in a hurry. Show with your examples and words that you belong to the Lord. You are in the world but are not of the world. Meek and humble of heart. Let the grace of My Jesus transform your lives. Say no to sin and serve the Lord with gladness. Accept the Gospel of My Jesus and witness everywhere your faith. I am your Mom and I want to see you happy already here on earth and later with Me in heaven. Open your hearts. Difficult times will come for the men and women of faithSeek strength in prayer and in the EucharistAfter all tribulation then mankind will experience the Lord and He will wipe away your tears and peace will reign on earth [as prophesied at Fatima]. Courage. My Jesus walks with you. He will never forsake you. Pay attention and listen to me. Do not forget: There is no victory without the cross. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be at peace.

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