Akita False Prophet Fatima Pedro Regis Persecution

Some Pedro Regis Messages on Papal Problems and Schism

Excerpts of Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace  given to Pedro Regis

(Note: these prophecies were noticed and collected originally by Dr. Kelly Bowring at Two Heart Press here.)

Pedro Regis Website: www.PedroRegis.com

Pedro Regis from Brazil has been receiving messages from Heaven since 1987. His bishop has provided a positive statement. There have been many miracles in his ministry and several of his prophecies have been fulfilled.

Here are some excerpts from his messages speaking of the schism in the Church and troubles of the papacy, beginning with the most recent:

June 11, 2013

A successor of Peter [Angelic Pope] is going to prepare the Church for the great victory. The Church will live moments of pain. It will be persecuted and many of the consecrated will suffer death. The Church will be purified by the suffering. The smoke of the devil has spread within it, [recall Pope Paul VI said this on June 29, 1972] causing the spiritual blindness of many of the consecrated.”

June 9, 2013

“The Church of my Jesus will carry a heavy cross. Betrayal will touch the throne of Peter. [Francis] The Holy Father will experience Calvary [Benedict XVI]. Pray, pray, pray.”

June 8, 2013

“Before Jesus, pray for the Church. Pray for Pope Francis. The Church is going toward a sorrowful future. Decisions will antagonize many, and the way of Calvary will be sorrowful.”

June 4, 2013

A decision will be made and there will be great confusion in the palace (the Vatican). I am your Sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming for you. Remain firm in the faith. Stay with Jesus. Love and defend the Church. Whatever happens, do not forget: God above all. You still have long years of difficult trials. Courage.”

May 13, 2013

“You are living in the time of a great spiritual battle. The Eucharist, the Rosary, the Holy Scripture, and Confession are the weapons which I offer you for this great battle.”

May 4, 2013

“The future will be marked by divisions and scandals in the Church of my Jesus. The just will be persecuted and shoved aside, but the Lord will come to help His own. Pray. Only through the power of prayer can you withstand the weight of the trials that are coming. Courage.”

April 14, 2013

Treachery will touch the throne of Peter [Francis] and the pain will be great for men and women of faith.”

March 23, 2013

“The future will be marked by a serious conflict between the true Church and the false one [anti-pope False Prophet]. The Church of my Jesus will carry a heavy cross, suffering as it has never experienced before.”

3.790 – March 16, 2013

Dear children, St. Peter will direct his barque amidst great tempests.

3.785 – March 5, 2013

The Barque of St. Peter is going to flounder, and there is going to be great confusion. Peter is the secret: there is your answer. Courage. Do not hold back. I love you and I will pray to my Jesus for you. Go forward with joy.

3.783 – March 2, 2013

… Difficult days are coming for humanity. Now is a time of great and painful tribulations. Pray. Do not stop praying. The great ship (the Church) will face tempests never seen before. She will be encircled by enemies and many will leave her.

3.780 – February 23, 2013

Dear children, do not be afraid. I am your Mother and I came from Heaven to lead you to the truth. Open your hearts and heed me. Now the times which I predicted have arrived. You are going toward a future of great trials. Now is a time of great spiritual confusion.

Message 3276, June 2, 2010

The day will come when an apparently good and just man will appear. He will deceive many people, for he will realize great prodigies. He will come from the southern hemisphere and many people will consider him as a savior. Pay attention and don’t be deceived.

Message 3098, December 23, 2008

…The Church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. The day will come when there will be two thrones [“Pope” Francis and “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI], but only on one will be the true successor of Peter [Benedict XVI]. It will be a time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth. Listen to what I say and remain firm in the faith.

Message 3148, April 17, 2009

Dear Sons and Daughters, an arrogant Pope [Francis] will divide the Church. His orders will be obeyed and what is precious will be thrown out. A great spiritual confusion is on the way. Pray. You can only defeat the devil by the power of prayer. Stay with the truth and accept the Gospel of My Son Jesus. Those who remain faithful to the end will be saved.

Message 3093, December 9, 2008

The smoke of satan has spread everywhere and My poor children have become spiritually blind. Very few will remain faithful to God. Pray. Pray. Pray. The Church of My Jesus will drink the bitter cup of pain. The throne of Peter will be shaken and there will be confusion everywhere. Through the merciful Grace of The Lord, a man will contribute to the return of My poor fleeing children, and truth will reign in the house of God. The day will come when he who is seated on the throne of Peter will change the path of the Church forever [anti-pope False Prophet Francis]. Don´t flee from the truth.

The day will come when the Pope will be taken from his throne [Benedict XVI]. The kingdom will be divided, with great spiritual confusion everywhere. Don´t lose heart. Stay with the truth and you will be victorious…

…The smoke of the devil will spread everywhere and people will be contaminated with false doctrines. They will abandon the Gospel and embrace false ideologies. Don’t forget, the truth is fully maintained only in the Catholic Church. If you want to remain on the way to salvation that I have pointed out during these years, listen to the true magisterium of the Church and flee from the lies of the devil…

Message 3119, February 7, 2009

… You live in the time of the great spiritual tribulations I have announced to you. Pray for the church. The great suffering of the church will come from the political powers. Laws will be passed to impede the action of the church. Churches will be destroyed in many places and Christians will weep and lament. I suffer because of what awaits you….

 Message 3129, March 3, 2009

There will be a great profanation and the throne of Peter will be overturned [now in place with Francis]. Be strong in the faith. Don’t back away. Trust in Jesus. After all the persecutions, the victory of The Lord will come. I am your Mom. Open your hearts to My call and bring My appeals to everyone. Courage….

The action of the devil will cause great spiritual confusion in the house of God. The day will come when the fierce bear will unite with the devouring Lion. The fury of these animals will fall upon the Church and My consecrated people will carry a heavy cross. I suffer because of what awaits you. Listen to Me….

Message 3073, October 26, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, love the truth and seek to be as Jesus in everything. Be faithful to Jesus. Be faithful to the Church. When all the persecutions are over, the Church of My Jesus will experience a great victory. Only the Church founded by Christ will deliver men and women faithful to Christ. You can attain salvation only through the one true Church. You can encounter the necessary means for salvation only in the Church of My Jesus. Enemies will try to destroy the Church. They will manage great things, but cannot prevail against those who truly love the truth. In the great and last persecution of the Church, the enemies will be surprised. Christ will come to defend His Church. Don’t stray from the way I have pointed out. Be just. Pray. You can comprehend My appeals only by prayer. Forward without fear.

Message 2502, March 29, 2005

Dear Sons and Daughters, friends of the king unite against him, but God will severely punish them for their betrayal and because they opened the door for the assassins to enter. The city of the seven hills will fall. The day will come when the king will leave his home to dwell in another country.

Message 2939, January 5, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, a war will explode on Rome and there will be few survivors. He who is against Christ will bring suffering and sorrow to all Europe. The throne of Peter will be empty [after Benedict XVI is martyred as the 3rd secret of Fatima says]. Tears of pain and weeping of lamentations will be seen in the Church.

Message 2996, May 13, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, … Now is the time I foretold to you in the past. …A man clothed in white will be persecuted and killed. The faithful will have to weep and lament on the feast of a great martyr. …

Message 3000, May 22, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, … The day will come when men will be obliged to deny the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. The faithful will be threatened and taken to court. There will be a great persecution against the church. It will be a time of great pain for the faithful. Many of the consecrated will back out from fear. The enemy will conquer in many places, but the final victory belongs to The Lord….

Message 3014, June 24, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, the revolt of many consecrated persons will cause great suffering for the Church. The heart of the Church will be wounded by a great schism [also prophesied at Akita Japan]. The work of the devil will cause many consecrated souls to go away from the truth….

Message 3046, August 29, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, bend your knees in prayer for the Church of My Jesus. The one who could have been Peter will become Judas [Francis]. He will open the doors for the enemy and will make men and women of faith suffer….

Message 3051, September 9, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, pray for the Church of My Jesus. Europe will rise up against the Church [European Union]. It will reject the truth and cause great suffering to a successor of Peter….

Message 3096, December 19, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, the day will come when there will be few men and women of faith. The church will be without Peter [After Benedict XVI is martyred as shown in the 3rd Fatima secret], and many will follow their own thoughts….

Message 3098, December 23, 2008

Dear Sons and Daughters, … The Church of My Jesus will carry a heavy cross. The day will come when there will be two thrones [False Prophet Francis], but only on one will be the true successor of Peter [Benedict XVI]. It will be a time of great spiritual confusion for the Church. Stay with the truth. Listen to what I say and remain firm in the faith….


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  • Thank you very much for that! Could you also present here the prophecy of pope Pius X, where he states that the pope-martyr will have his name… Giuseppe = Joseph, meaning of course Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI:

    ” In 1909, during an audience for the general chapter of the Franciscan Order, Pope Pius X suddenly fell into a trance. The audience waited in reverent silence. When he awoke, the Pope cried out:

    “What I see is terrifying! Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the Pope will quit Rome, and in leaving the Vatican he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests.

    “Do not tell anyone this while I am alive.”

    Just prior to his death (August 20, 1914), Pope Pius X had another vision:

    “I have seen one of my successors, of the same name, who was fleeing over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place; but after a brief respite he will die a cruel death.

    “Respect for God has disappeared from human hearts. They wish to efface even God’s memory. This perversity is nothing less than the beginning of the last days of the world.”

  • Praise God and a million thanks for this website, this truth, and also to Our Lady and Mother! Now I understand this man “Francis” so much better, with real clarity, thanks to you. One thought I want to add: I am certain that you have one detail wrong: It will not be Benedict 16th who is forced to leave Rome and will be gunned down on a hill with a cross… It will be Francis himself! It will be his own sad end, the betrayer betrayed! The idealist who wanted to be friends with everyone, destroyed by his own false friends! I am certain of it for many reasons. For one thing, only he is truly just a “Bishop in white”…while Benedict is truly the Pope (in hiding). For another thing, Francis despite all his heresy would never renounce the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. His purpose and goal is to open up the doorways and soften the mind of the church and to loosen the authority of Peter in general. Because he is deluded that this is what Christ wants! But he would not deny Christ in the Eucharist altogether…for that they will have to get rid of him, kill him and sack Rome itself. Then someone like Tarcisio (Iscariot) Bertone will take over, not as Pope but as “general secretary” or something like that, over the loose federation of churches mess which Francis will leave behind. But then the chastisement will come and then the new True and Holy Pope of prophesy will be annointed and together with the Holy Monarch they will restore the church and the world etc….and THEN Russia and China and England will convert…Amen!! Does anyone out there know what I’m talking about…??

    • Oh – ooops – I realise I could be wrong about that… It says, “the Holy Father will experience Calvary.” That seems to indicate Benedict, obviously… Oh dear, what times… Lord have mercy!

        • Oh – but now I see something else again: message 2939: “the throne of Peter will be empty” (that is, after Rome is destroyed and the “man in white” must flee amidst persecution etc). Thus, if true Pope Benedict is that man in white, how come the throne will be empty?? The false prophet is cast into the lake of fire right after many years of the last days tribulations, Rev 19. If Francis will be literally that man, how can the throne of Peter be empty so soon?? Something does not yet fit together here in this prophetic timeline, do you see? To have a false Pope on the throne is not the same as having no one there, surely? The clear indication is that the Catholic church will be leaderless for a while, until the holy Pope arrives, is it not? This is a conundrum I know….I raise it not to be troublesome but for seeking clarity about what to expect. Anyone have any answers?

          • I’m tentatively going to suggest an answer to my own question here, as I pray over it seeking the truth: The whole prophetic timeline only makes any sense and fits together completely if POPE FRANCIS HIMSELF RESIGNS AS POPE!! …in order to become a kind of Universal Gnostic guru (false prophet) to the world… And poor Benedict is martyred. These prophecies only fit together with Benedict as the man in white if that is what will take place. Nothing else fits, unless Francis turns out to be not THE false prophet but rather only A false prophet…

          • Pope Benedict XVI will be martyred, then the throne is empty. Easy. Whenever there is a real pope, any other is an anti-pope. After Benedict XVI the real pope on earth will be Peter the Roman (St. Malachy prophecy), who will fight against the false prophet. Note: some MDMers say that St. Peter rules from heaven, which is their incorrect interpretation that goes against dogma. The MDM prophecy doesn’t say that, only some MDMers. Don’t confuse a personal interpretation of a prophecy with the prophecy itself.

          • Thanks Remnant Clergy, for that explanation. I get what you’re saying but I’m still not sure if that feels correct to me in my spirit, or not… So I’ll just sit with it a while and pray. Thanks. As for the other stuff about MDMers and Pedro Romanus – I’m not even in the ballpark! I don’t believe in MDM and I don’t believe that the Pedro Romanus prophecy was even in the original Malachi one, but wad added later. I don’t know, but it feels false and misleading to me. But no matter. What will be will be…regardless of our opinions etc. Much love and gratitude to you for this precious website. God bless

          • Oh yes, I know that he is brimming over with heresies…no question about it. Don’t misunderstand me, I have no positive illusions in him. He is definitely A false prophet and probably THE false prophet, but I’m not quite sure how to put every detail in these genuine prophecies into a fully consistent time sequence of events yet. Your explanation could be correct, or it could go slightly differently. I’ve learned to become more cautious with exact interpretations, because events can often confound us. That’s all. I got a shock from Pedro Regis’ message from 2014 Divine Mercy sunday – or was it Holy Love?? – Anyway, right at the end it said, “John XXIII and John Paul II are here with me now in heaven”… And I am amazed, flabbergasted and humbled by that, from a prophetic source that I do totally believe in. I always thought John XXIII to be a totally evil antipope, now in hell. There are no miracles from him, so how could he be canonised?? But here I am confounded by a message from heaven which I do believe in! As for MDM, I’ve said it already…the Christian (not Masonic) sites that I’ve seen have shown me ample objective evidence about both her and her messages that I want nothing to do with any of it. Actually the errors in some of the messsges are really howling, huge, obvious signs of not being authentic from God…and it just uses the things like the Warning etc which have already been spoken by other genuine prophetic apparitions like at Garabandal etc. So her, MDM, and also the other outstanding heretical false seers I’ve mentioned, I actively promote a Sharp discernment and rejection of them now, because I don’t want God’s people to be fooled by clever counterfeits. i myself was for a while taken in by each of them…. But they truly fail every real test of integrity… But these from Pedro Regis and Holy Love, I do sense strongly that they are the real deal.

          • Actually, I’d like to draw some attention to this extraordinary final detail in Jesus’ message to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle of April 27th 2014 – Divine Mercy feast sunday and the day that Popes John Paul II and John XXIII were canonised by Pope Francis as Saints – an event which I was deeply suspicious of. I would like to ask for your reflections, dear Remnant Clergy, about this truly shocking revelation from our Lord Himself. Scroll down to the end of the message and there it is: He says finally that BOTH John Paul II AND John XXIII are there with him in heaven now…! I mean, for me, despite his kissing the Quran and other unacceptable compromises with false religión etc and also denying the existence of hell, I could just about imagine that he got to heaven after some time in purgatory…okay. But John XXIII himself as well?? A Rosicruxian Freemason, unspiritual, friend of Communists, who suppressed the messages of Fátima, who called Vatican II Council and took so many good and holy things away from the Mass… Surely, I thought, this man was evil, an obvious antipope, and cannot be a Saint, has NO miracles associated with him, and surely went to hell and not heaven or even purgatory…so I thought. But now here it is from the Lord’s own lips…he was forgiven and is in heaven now!! This is incredible… I suppose in his inmost being he must have repented before he left this earth, and the prayers of many faithful and righteous souls for him, including of Pope John Paul II, must have sufficed to save his soul from condemnation! How amazing, no?? How absolutely amazing the depths and wonders of the Lord’s divine mercy…
            I just wonder if you or anyone else has anything to add on this subject…

          • Oh dear, now I’m getting it – the full picture. It is not merely that they will destroy Rome and kill Pope Benedict XVI. But BEFORE that, false pope Francis will cause a great SCHISM in the church, one that causes the total división and implosion of the Catholic church. And this schism, the new regulation which causes it – will be none other than the RENUNCIATION OF JESUS’ REAL PRESENCE IN THE EUCHARIST!! I never had imagined that he would be capable of going so far…but clearly I was wrong… And therefore the Catholic church will literally break away from it’s roots and start trying to rebuild itself anew, without Jesus in the true sense, and THIS will be antipope Francis’ great revolution from within! That is why the true church will be leaderless and have to go underground for a while… But most shocking to me as well is the realisation now of how SOON this is all going to happen! By the end of NEXT YEAR! Yes, who ever would expect or imagine it…but it must have to do with the big SYNOD which Francis has called for the Bishops. October this year then completed in October 2015. THAT is surely where this great new decision and schism is going to manifest. Perhaps they will start with analysing how to change the guidance for divorcees etc…but then it will evolve unexpectedly into something much more radical..even to the denial of Jesus literally in the Eucharist! Amazing as it seems, THAT is what is clearly prophesied… And in response to THAT greatest of destructive heresies, God will bring Russia against Europe and the USA in war, and to crush the Vatican, in little over a year’s time! Oh my goodness, my Lord… Who would ever imagine that Francis would go so far, so quickly!? No one…I think none of us would imagine it seriously happening like that, so soon. This Bishop’s conference appears to be about some important smaller details of church policy and practise…significant changes from tradition but nothing so cataclysmic as this! I’m in shock….

  • Beloved Brothers and Sisters: I´ve followed this post since a long time ago. I have noticed not all people are covinced about what Francis is: The Biblical False Prophet, this few Word encircles a deep meaning we must reflect about it.
    If we are living at the begining of the False Prophet times, this means that the time disposable for us is a very short one, what is next is cism o0n the church and after appeareance of the Antichrist. Walketh while thou have light says the Lord, meanwhile we can have acces to means of salvation and we still can have light we ought to look for the means of salvation, those means as graces from God we´ll enlighten us in the darkest ours. These means are The Greates Devotions, remeber my brethren a time shall come whe we´ll not have light at all, we will search for light but we´ll not find it. The time is now, now begin to recite the poerful prayers of the greates devotions, they are sources of helps for this apostasy era. It is good to know what is happening everytime we acces this blogg, but surely one day we won´t be able to enter, it will be censured. So one way or anoter we´ll heer news about the situation on the chucrh, with our eyes we will see the desolation of abomination happens. The most important matter now we know the Truth about Francis, what have we done to be prepared to resisist and survive on this difficult times? If we only get aware, we do something good but not enough, it is neccesary, one thing is neccesary, the salvation of our souls, devotions teach us show how to pray and obatain graces necesaries in this tribulation era, if we do not acquire and take advantages of these meanings of salvation right now we will be in great danger to persevere on true Faith.
    One of the devotions we need to pray is Holy Face Devotion:
    To those who recite it among many promises our Lord made is this one:
    I will defend them, I will preserve them and I assure them of Final Perseverance. As a summry here is all that is needed to face this difficult era of apostasy. All the graces, all the protection, The Lord himself assure to acomplish what He promises.
    A biblical background:

    Psalms 83:10
    Behold, O God our protector: and look on the face of thy Christ.
    Here the psalmist make us know the intercessional power of the Face of Christ.

    Psalms 79:20
    O Lord God of hosts, convert us: and shew thy face, and we shall be saved.
    The Holy face of the Lord is a fountain of salvation.
    Psalms 30:21

    Thou shalt hide them in the secret of thy face, from the disturbance of men.
    Th Holy Face of our Lord is a secure refuge in this apostasy times.

    Reparation basis is here:

    Ecclesiasticus 17:22
    Make thy prayer before the face of the Lord, and offend less.
    We must repair and help with our reparation to appease the wrath of God.

    Matthew 17:2
    And he was transfigured before them. And his face did shine as the sun: and his garments became white as snow
    he Lord´s face shines en enlights men undesrtandings, we are living in a time of confusion, where can we get the light to discern what is right or evil? At the sight of the Lord´s Face.
    So many versicles on bible an Fathers of the Church commented about The Face of The Lord.
    Finally to those who are intrested to know about this great devotion a link:

    God and our Lady, Mother of the Holy Face bless all o f you.

    Rmember is time to pray, to pray wihth the words tha God himself command us to do.