Pray for the Church – Tears and Lamentations will be seen in the House of God

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  • Pray for the Church – Tears and Lamentations will be seen in the House of God

From Pedro Regis

3916 – Our Lady’s Message, broadcast on 21/12/2013

“Dear children , I am your Mother I ask you to be men and women of prayer . Do not stray from the truth . Humanity has contaminated itself with sin and the time of your return to the Lord has come. Tell your yes to His call and in everything imitate My Son Jesus . You are important for the realization of My plans . Do not cross your arms . God is in a hurry . Be docile to My call. Open your hearts and accept the will of my Lord for your lives. Accept My appeals to love and live the Gospel of My Jesus. Now is the time of sorrows for mankind. Pray. Only by the power of prayer can you find the strength to bear with the weight of the trials to come. Pray for the Church. Tears and lamentations will be seen in the house of God . Seek strength in the Eucharist. In the hands, the sacred scripture and the holy rosary. Forward without fear. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity . Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father , the Son and the Holy Spirit . Be at peace.”

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