Holy Love

I wish each and every one a Holy Christmas that will last in their hearts throughout the year

December 25, 2013
Christmas Day

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“My children, realize that the importance of My Son’s Birth in Bethlehem was not known or understood by much of the world’s population at that time. Even in His Public Ministry, the ones whom He came to save did not accept Him.”

“These days, the Messages and the Mission here receive no worldly acclaim nor approvals either. But this Mission remains a gift to humanity in many ways – just as My Son’s Birth was the most wondrous of gifts that has ever or will ever be given.”

“Today, I wish each and every one a Holy Christmas that will last in their hearts throughout the year.”


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  • Thank you so very much my beautiful and most holy Lady of Roses. Most blessed are you Mary Mother of God and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus who came and redeemed the world through the blood of His sacrifice upon the cross. The eternal symbol of our salvation and God’s victory over the devil for his people, who would also pick up their crosses and follow after our Heavenly Father. Thank you for giving us this day that we can spend each year remembering the sacrifice God made for us, as well as the sacrifices you had to make to help bring him to us on this most special day. The only day that everyone should really take the time to remember.

    Merry Christmas to you my Lady and please do your best to have a great day today though I know it’s hard right now up there in these troubling times. I know for sure that there is a great sadness felt all throughout heaven right now that has been going on for some time. It bring so many different things to mind. Things like how sadness does exist in a place like Heaven and that there is a whole lot of it. That the world down here is so full of great and terrible things, it’s enough to make all of Heaven dwell in this sadness because of all the souls that will be lost to sin which is death. How everyone in Heaven seems to be so very sad that I can feel it from down here in return all the time. It also makes me wonder if our Father is crying all the time for us up there. Every time he pays a visit to someone, those people always say how Jesus is always crying a lot wherever they go. We treat our savior so terribly that we have even taken his birthday and turned it into some kind of cheap international product consumers holiday. It’s turned into a day that the people of the world focus more on what they can get instead of what was already given by the Lord which I myself even find highly offensive. For these things I am sorry my Lady and I am most sorry to your Son, our savior Jesus Christ as well as all of Heaven. I’m sorry that I also cause some of that sadness as well. So please forgive me my Lady and please pray to Our Father to have mercy on us all that down here for the grievous sins we commit against God. That he will give forgiveness to his children that seek after him and repent for their sins. I thank you for this and I am sure this is something you do on our behalf most the time anyways.

    Hopefully you can see this message from where you are my Lady. Wherever you are which I’m sure you can if you are who I think you are. I wish I had the chance to tell all of you up there these things face to face and I pray to God that I will one day. Even if it’s just a chance. Everyone should do as Maria says and enjoy this Christmas day. Let the memory of it remain in your hearts for as long as it can last which can be up to a lifetime if you choose. We will be lucky if we are able to see even one last Christmas after this without all of human society being in total ruin. With what is going on in the world today, the great persecution of God’s true people will begin soon as the forces of satan continue to advance their armies against us. I fear that by the time we reach the Christmas after next, we would already be living out what John the Divine had written towards the end of the Book of Revelations. We should all make the preparations that the Lord has instructed us to because it will be here before you know it. Prepare yourselves spiritually and even physically for what is soon to come and pray forgiveness from our Father for our sins especially as well as to have mercy on us all.

    Since today is such a special day, I want to finish out something I started a couple years back. Something that has to do with this very day, Christmas day which holds so much significance to God’s people and will again in the near future if what I think God had shown me a few years back turns out to be true. If it is true, then we do not have much time left is all I can say concerning this. It’s about this picture my mom showed me years ago. Yes it was mom again who showed me this God bless her soul. I love mom, she is a more dedicated and obedient person to God then I can ever hope to be I’m afraid. It puts a smile on my face that things are that way though. The picture is titled Jacinta 1972. You can read about it at this link. http://www.tldm.org/misc/1972.htm

    When I first saw this picture and heard what my mom said about the nature of it when it was shown to me years ago, I told her that it was impossible to know what this picture is claimed to reveal. I told her that even God had stated it in the bible that only He knows when the final day is to happen. When I say final I mean the very last day that this world will continue to be as it is in this current era. The end of the world. I stared at a print out of this picture my mom gave me for some time and kept thinking the same thing to myself. That the picture can’t possibly reveal anything having to do with the date of when the world will come to an end because God said it himself. I kept turning the picture to different angles to see if I could make out anything that would resemble some kind of date. Not just any date but one that would make sense and match up with the current times and state of the world. A date that could possibly mark the beginning of the last three days that we’ll have here in this world or the day Jesus may come back. It could be one and the same for all I really know concerning that. Anyhow I stopped and in my mind, I prayed to God silently as my mom kept talking on about this pictures and other things she wanted to bring to light. I asked God that if this really did contain some kind of message which even you yourself said that you only know, to please let me be able to see it through the power of your Holy Spirit. After that, I felt a sudden change either around me of in me or whatever I dunno honestly. It was weird needless to say but I then started looking at the picture again. It came to my mind that for some reason, I should look at the name Jacinta itself to find something if anything at all. I kept turning the angle of the picture as I looked at the name and I began to be able to make out these numbers in the name that I couldn’t see before.

    Though there was many numbers I could see in the way the name Jacinta was written now, the ones that actually looked like they made any sense concerning a possible date were the ones that stood out to me. Well I kinda freaked out a little bit there but I chewed it back. I then asked my mom where she found this picture and she directed me to the web address you see above in the link. After reading through that, I found that the website also had suggested to only look at the name Jacinta and to hold it at the same angle in which I saw the date that stood out to me. I found that pretty strange but again I started thinking that only God knows this and that I am just tripping myself out or something. I ended up writing down the down I saw later on as I examined the picture again. After that my mom came to visit me again and showed me something that was written in the book of Daniel. It’s something that God had said to Daniel when He showed Daniel the end of the world and told Daniel that this knowledge had to be sealed away until the appointed time or the end times as we call it. Realizing to myself that the end times was already upon us at the time, I decided to look further into this to see if I could find anything that would back up the date I saw in the picture.

    I prayed a lot about all of it and asked God to help me with this if he really wanted me to learn something from the picture. So along comes mom again… Good old mom, and she shows me something that became a clue into unlocking the truth behind this puzzle in the picture. You can read about it on this link here. http://www.tldm.org/Bayside/Messages/BM771101.htm
    If you read through this link you will see how it says that satan walks upon the earth in human form now and that his beginning was earth year 1940 according to the source of this information. Before all the major changes to the Roman Catholic Church started happening and the Vatican council II taking power. Here is a link that talks about when satan made his way into the U.S. and what year he started walking the earth. http://ladyofroses.org/fatima.htm
    Later on mom again 8], comes and shows me this certain prophecy that Pope Leo XIII had during his time. A vision he saw where satan was granted by God, the power and a certain amount of time in order to try to destroy God’s church here on earth as well as God’s children. The allotted time was 75-100 years it says. You can read about it this prophecy in this link. http://www.michaeljournal.org/visionleo.asp
    Being that satan is the the source of all sin and is full of nothing but evil, he possesses no virtues therefore no patience I would think. This leads me to believe that he will attempt to do what he thinks he can in the shortest amount of time possible, which is 75 years as supposed to waiting 100 years.

    If satan’s starting date was 1940, 75 years from then would land us in 2015 which is part of the date I saw in the Jacinta picture that I will later on show you. I actually made up a diagram showing the date in which I saw in the picture years ago that I sent to The Last Days Ministry back then when I first started all this. Nothing seemed to come of it though and In 2011 I attempted to put this out over the internet. Conveniently during this time, my life took a turn for the worst and everything seemed to be working against me in my life including people around me. Along with my internet ceasing to work before I was able to finish on top of other problems, I ended up homeless and was never able to finish the task I set out to do then. Now, weeks ago in attempts to hopefully put the information up on this website in order to somehow finally finish what I stared years ago, I was revising and updating the diagram I made so that I can put it up here. Just as I was almost done doing this, all of a sudden the program I was using crashed before I was able to even save it. How convenient and what timing right?… Anyhow I decided to try to fix the diagram again soon to finally get all this out of the way once and for all. Since today is our Lord’s birthday and because this day has a great deal to do with the date I saw in the Jacinta 1972 photo, I want to finish my work soon so everyone can check it out to let me know how crazy I am or what not. That will be fun hehehe XD. I call it Final Stage! So stay tuned folks, if you think I’m a lunatic now then you ain’t seen nothing yet XD!

    Merry Christmas everyone and especially to you my dear lady Maria. God bless you and I hope everyone had a nice day this Christmas that they will remember through the times to come. Mostly because we were able to celebrate it with out Lord still during these last days before the end. Tell the Big Guy up there happy birthday for me too please and thank you both. Today was a great day for you and your son who is The Son of God. It was, is still and will always be a great day for all the true followers of God as well. Take care.

  • I had left a very long comment on here last night and I find it disappointing to say the least, that it was removed for some reason or other. I would like to know why it was removed if anyone could care to answer that. I wish I would have copied what I posted because it took some time to do. Concerning the Jacinta 1972 photo, would you guys rather not have me post what I found here on this website? Please reply if possible whoever moderates this website. I would hate to do all that work for you guys just to up and remove it like the last comment I had put up in this post. Thanks.

    • Never mind, for some reason it wasn’t showing what I posted on here earlier even after reloading the page several times and reopening my web browser a few times too. I thought It was removed because maybe it sounds too crazy which it kind of does I admit. I guess I got scared for a moment and though that I may be being thwarted from finishing all this out once again. I still want to ask though if it is alright for me to go ahead and put up what I call Final Stage here on this website once I am done working on it. I don’t want to rub anyone the wrong way so I figure I should ask first.

      • I mean I thought I might be getting thwarted again before I could finish, sorry about the mistype. Hopefully I do get to finish at any rate. They say that the third time is a charm right? Lets hope that is the case this time around for me. 8]

      • Little brother if you are a lunatic, we all are too! I read your whole story. It was posted there afterall. It’s beautiful. Please post the rest. Our signs are to be shared, to encourage us all. Never let doubt stop you- only your angel at times! He he. I haven’t clicked on the links yet- but I will. I gotta also figure out how to pass it on to others – at prayer group. Thank you DSN! Never change- you are raw and real -and have humility somehow too!

      • I’ve read the links. In all seriousness, it’s time. Please tell me how it ended when you prayed to see. It may just provide confirmation for me. And by the way, I know too much now; In all earnestness, its time to wear sackcloth.

      • Alright sis, I will post it up as soon as I am done revising the diagram thingy I made years ago. I mentioned before that weeks ago or actually over a couple months ago now that I think of it, I was almost done updating the diagram when the program crashed. Funny thing is that just the program I was using to update the diagram crashed while everything else that was running still continued to work at the time. I couldn’t save the work I had done so that got me pretty mad to say the least and I put it off again till now. The demons have been pulling that kind of crap on me all my life so I was angry but not surprised.

        One other thing I should let you all know about demons is that our technology is based on theirs, so they can interface with any electronic device we have today. It was a trick of the devil to plant his technology here in the form of a crashed UFO awhile back, which is why civilization has seen such a quick advance in technology during the last century. The devil and his minions did this because they knew that they could better corrupt and control humanity in introducing this technology to us. It was part of the power that God allowed him to exact upon humanity that was spoken about in Pope Leo XIII’s vision of God and the devil. God said you have the power and you will have the time, meaning satan already possessed this power. I am lead to believe that all the fallen angels all possessed the knowledge of this kind of technology, which actually may have been even far more advanced then what we see today. During the time of Enoch and Noah, where the nephalim giants walked all over the earth and there was so much evil that God had to destroy everything with a giant flood.

        Think about the internet and telecommunications for a moment. It is an infinite world that is full of evil in an endless ever spanning space. It’s something, yet it is nothing at the same time and it is able to control the entire world today as it ceaselessly grows. If its physical body which they say is some kind of super computer critically failed and shut down, the entire world would be in ruin almost instantly if that were really the case. The internet is able to breed all sorts of new evils on an infinite level and it is used to corrupt countless people effectively on a massive scale including the youth. It is even used to commit crimes and ruin peoples lives in many cases as well violate peoples rights. People are able to hurt each other and act like fools without consequence in a place that is really nowhere at all. Cyber space is really nothing if you think about it yet it controls everything today. Isn’t that a strange thought? Make no mistake that this is the power of the devil and it is nowhere close to what the demons really possess or what man may have even possessed in the past. The devil knows that he and his followers can’t attack people outside of their free will so to destroy man, he found a way where we will destroy ourselves through his technology with our own free will.

        Anyhow sis, thanks for your kind words of encouragement and I will do my best to make our family proud. That probably sounds pretty funny coming from such a lowly worm like me that deserves hell no doubt doesn’t it? I feel though that if I could serve Father in any small way, or even be the lowliest servant in his house for all of eternity, I would see it as the greatest honor He could ever give a useless lump like me. I hope to have everything done and posted up here before the weekend is out so I will get to it after I take care of a few worldly duties like paying the rent. I have always seen this as some kind of big final super special secret attack against satan and the false white pope who sits on his decrepit throne in the broken house of The Lord. I guess it wasn’t the right time back then when I first tried this because Pope Benedict was still the real Pope and really still is in my opinion. He is just a dethroned Pope and the false anti-pope in white has taken his place, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Popes do not stop being popes till they die really isn’t that right? They say everything happens for a reason also don’t they? So I guess this is why I now feel so driven to finally finish this once and for all. The time is right and I have sat idle for far too long. It’s time for Final Stage! Hold on to your undergarments people, because this one might possibly knock your nutts into the dirt! HAHA, YES XD!!!…

  • Just wanted to check in and give a progress report on this. Sorry I didn’t get this done when I was hoping to over the last weekend and that it is being delayed a bit. I started working on it again but got caught up with all the holiday stuff and bothersome worldly errands so didn’t get around to finishing it. Also I am a lazy lump of uselessness a lot of the time so that didn’t help either. I need to get myself in the right state of mind to go at it again but once I do, it should only take a few hours to revise and update. The original diagram I made was years ago so I have to update it for it to make more sense for the present time. Otherwise, I would have already posted it here.

    Anyhow, happy new year everyone. Make it a good one because there aren’t many left for us to enjoy the things of this world as it is today. You all already know that though. If you haven’t yet, I would spend this next year making proper preparations for you and your families so that you can try to survive during the hard times to come soon. Be ready to be on the move or bunker down depending on your situation and location because the persecution of the Christians may take place this year as we draw closer to what I cal Final Stage. I don’t know for a fact if the date I found in the Jacinta 1972 photo is right honestly. I can only say that in my heart, God tells me that it’s true. So when I do post it up here, take it in whatever way you want to. Either way, I know for sure that we have very little time left no matter how you look at it. Everyone that knows what I am talking about can feel it in their very souls don’t you? That time is running out and a great evil looms overhead and is drawing ever closer. That is the Holy spirit telling you to prepare yourselves. Everyone should stock a considerable amount of food and water in their homes or enough to make it to another area if you need to flee from heavily populated cities that are under attack by the globalist. Also make sure you have lighting with a portable or independent power source, candles, cookware, a means of creating fire, firearms for protection and other things you might need to survive depending on your situation. Seeds are always good to have so you can grow your own food if needed. Other possible things you may want to have are Bibles, Crucifixes and Holy Water because I am sure they will make those things illegal to have and you won’t be able to get the real genuine article in the near future.

    To give you all an idea of what the new world order has in store for us, take a look at this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fSDWjyp6PY
    That is just in southern California north of where I live on the west coast. Think of all the other places they are doing this now. You can also look up FEMA coffins on Youtube to also see what is store for us. Anyone who sees all the things going on in the world today, could you say that we are not in the Biblical end times now? Anyhow, good luck to you all and I hope to see you on the other side. The good side 8].