Signs to Watch For – God Accepts Man as He is as a Victim of Sin

Excerpts from Maria Divine Mercy

When My followers, who fall for the deceit to come, deny Me, this does not mean they will say: “I do not believe in Jesus.” No, it will mean this

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014 @ 23:15
They will have to witness the public proclamation, which will glorify sin, when it is declared that humanity is weak – God knows that man, weakened by sin, is but just a victim. [Note: therefore no need for repentance. You will notice that Francis already does this by convenient omission, and saying that no one needs to convert to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic faith.] Instead of having to witness sin in all its ugliness, they will be forced to nod their agreement and accept the new laws, which will be introduced into the Church. They will be expected to pay homage to and respect the new laws, which will call all of you to respect man’s individuality and your right to be what you desire and do what you choose.When My followers, who fall for the deceit to come, deny Me, this does not mean they will say: “I do not believe in Jesus.” No, it will mean this. They will choose what part of My Teachings they want to believe in. Then they will decide what parts they do not agree with. Then they will say that Jesus would agree with this new interpretation, were He to walk the Earth today. [Note: this is simply the heresy of Modernism] …

Your Jesus

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