You are heading towards a future of great spiritual confusion

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  • You are heading towards a future of great spiritual confusion

3927 – Our Lady’s Message, broadcast on 14/01/2014

Dear children, open your hearts to the Lord’s grace. The grace of God in you, welcomed with love, generates grace for your lives and the lives of your brothers. Sin enslaves, destroys and blinds. Sin creates sin and leads to destruction. Stay with Jesus. He is your Way, Truth and Life. In Him is your deliverance and salvation. Do not let the things of the world contaminate you. You belong to the Lord. He only should you follow and serve. Courage. Bear witness that you belong only to Christ. I am your Mom and you well know how much a mother loves her children. I know each of you by name and will speak to My Jesus for you. Hearken. God wants to speak to you. Shut your ears to the easy seductions of the world and hear the Gospel of My Son Jesus. You are heading towards a future of great spiritual confusion. Great tribulations approachWhatever happens do not stray from the truth. The victory is the Lord’s. Do not stray from Him. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite with you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be at peace.

Prophet Pedro Regis