Fatima Garabandal Guadalupe La Salette Lourdes Maria Divine Mercy Signs

Signs – “Re-Apparitions” at Church Approved Marian Sites

Mother of Salvation: These apparitions will begin this Spring, as my Son has instructed

Friday, January 24th, 2014 @ 20:05

My dear child, let it be known that I will make one more appearance at all the Marian grottos, which were approved by my Son’s Church, over the centuries.

I will make myself known in Sacred sites, which will include Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and Guadalupe. I will also appear at Garabandal. These apparitions will begin this Spring [2014], just as my Son has instructed.

I will be seen, by chosen souls [seers], with the sun behind my head. There will be twelve stars encircled [just like Revelation 12:1] and woven around the crown of thorns, which was worn by my Son during His Crucifixion, placed upon my head, as a sign for all to follow my example. My role is to lead all of God’s children along the Path of Truth and take them to my Son.

When these apparitions take place, there will be no doubt, especially amongst those who pay homage to me, that I speak the Truth when I say that soon the final Path, which will bring you to my Son, in these the end times, will be through the Book of Truth.

When you follow me, your Mother, I will take you and guide you towards my Son. My Son has promised many miracles, so that He can open your eyes to the prophecies He gave the world, through my own Mission. Many do not accept that I appeared at these special apparition sites and dismiss their importance in the salvation of souls.

When I appear one last time at these sites and present myself as the Mother of Salvation, you will know then that this Mission is my last and that all apparitions lead to this final one to bring the world the Salvation, which is the birthright of every single person.

Rejoice, for these days are close and when you hear of these things, then know that this prophecy, when fulfilled, could only have come from me, your beloved Mother, the Mother of Salvation, Mother of God.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation


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  • I dont belive this is true because how could our Lady appear at garabandal since its been condeamed by 5 bishops and the Holy see itself.unitypublishing.com for all the letters of the bishops.

    • Unity publishing is well known for its condemnations. Do you think Freemason and apostate bishops can rule rightly? How about the bishop who burned St. Joan of Arc? It took 25 years or so before the Pope corrected that.

      • …there is no parity between the case of joan of arc since this Bishop was acting outside his authority in a sinful capacity aiming to defame her”Bishop Pierre Cauchon had no difficulty in suppressing findings that were favorable to Joan of Arc. Nor did he have any difficulty in threatening and intimidating those who held contrary to his own views. He readily agreed to the twisting and manipulation of Joan’s own testimony to further his case. Finally he had no difficulty in replacing the form that Joan signed at the cemetery of Saint Owen with the one he had previously drawn up. According to the witnesses at the trial of Nullification the abjuration that Joan signed was no more than seven to eight lines and in it she promised never again to carry arms, wear men’s clothing or cut her hair like a soldier. The form that the Bishop put into the record was a page and a half long in which Joan denied she received revelations and apparitions from God and His angels and saint, confessed to having blasphemed God and His saints by attributing to them the wearing of a man’s dress, the cutting of her hair in the fashion of a soldier, the bearing of arms and the shedding of human blood. In Pierre Cauchon’s document she also confessed to idolatry, the conjuring of evil spirits and to being a schismatic”….the lost chronicles ,the story of john of arc…saying the office of Bishop is no to be trusted is a blind dialetheism…the office itself is deigned by God..one bad apple does not subordinate all others to the trangression…

        • You completely miss – or ignore – the point. Just because a bishop says something doesn’t make it true. Declaration by authority does not equal truth, right? I have been in a diocese where the bishop supported women priests by having that promoted in CCD classes. Should I agree with that because the bishop said so? I have heard women priests preached from the pulpit in the diocese where I grew up. Only 1 bishop in the whole country of England stayed with the truth at the time of King Henry VIII. Some major heresies were started by bishops (and most by clergy). How about the majority of prelates being wrong at the time of the Arian heresy? I could give a thousand examples. Corruption is nothing new within the ranks of prelates, and in these end times it is at an extreme. Wake up.

          • …I don’t think u know what is meant by a blind dialetheism..it means because some are bad doesn’t mean all are bad…again I don’t know why I bother…a good conscience based on wise counsel is. a necessity..i don’t need to wake up..i never said sin is justified u need to read what is written…instead of twisting what is said to suit your zealous harangues..

          • …I don’t think u know what is meant by a blind dialetheism..it means because some are bad doesn’t mean all are bad…again I don’t know why I bother…a good conscience based on wise counsel is. a necessity..i don’t need to wake up..i never said sin is justified u need to read what is written…instead of twisting what is said to suit your zealous harangues..

          • ..as well u have an an illicit major fallacy..declaration by authority does constitute truth…however u need to qualify your prediction of the subject…which u leave dangling obversly…God speaks with authority..and this constitutes all truth..whose authority are we speaking of since the bishops are charismed by Christ to teach and govern…yet we must qualify and discern against the deposit of faith..and how such precepts are presented..u just obfuscate the point by saying since some are b ad then all are bad..

          • ..as well u have an an illicit major fallacy..declaration by authority does constitute truth…however u need to qualify your prediction of the subject…which u leave dangling obversly…God speaks with authority..and this constitutes all truth..whose authority are we speaking of since the bishops are charismed by Christ to teach and govern…yet we must qualify and discern against the deposit of faith..and how such precepts are presented..u just obfuscate the point by saying since some are b ad then all are bad..

          • The first sign of any true apparistion is obediance to the church and that means the bishop all genuine apparistions that is.

          • The first sign of any true apparistion is obediance to the church and that means the bishop all genuine apparistions that is.

        • You completely miss – or ignore – the point. Just because a bishop says something doesn’t make it true. Declaration by authority does not equal truth, right? I have been in a diocese where the bishop supported women priests by having that promoted in CCD classes. Should I agree with that because the bishop said so? I have heard women priests preached from the pulpit in the diocese where I grew up. Only 1 bishop in the whole country of England stayed with the truth at the time of King Henry VIII. Some major heresies were started by bishops (and most by clergy). How about the majority of prelates being wrong at the time of the Arian heresy? I could give a thousand examples. Corruption is nothing new within the ranks of prelates, and in these end times it is at an extreme. Wake up.

    • Apparitions of Garabandal are TRUE and confirmed by another prophet of today Vassula Ryden. Also nobody is speaking about this, but two bishops sent by Vatican for the research on the site around the time of Apparitions and who immediately condemned Garabandal without thorough investigation, had never made back to Vatican, they lost their lives in car accident on their way back… to Rome.

    • Apparitions of Garabandal are TRUE and confirmed by another prophet of today Vassula Ryden. Also nobody is speaking about this, but two bishops sent by Vatican for the research on the site around the time of Apparitions and who immediately condemned Garabandal without thorough investigation, had never made back to Vatican, they lost their lives in car accident on their way back… to Rome.

    • I believe that it was not condemned outright at all, but a decision withheld. Only the pope has the authority to declare a ruling on a particular apparition. Bishops can only give their opinion and despite those you have listed, many support it as being authentic too. Did you know that both Mother Teresa and Padre Pio (who had their own private revelations) said that Garabandal was true: in comments to others. Have you been to Garabandal? It is an amazing, simple, holy place where many conversions and miracles occur. It is a very isolated poor village. Please pray for discernment. God shall provide.

      • Donna, I have never been in Garabandal… But, I wish that one day this will happen! However, I know a person who miraculously has converted on the Pine Hill – just like that. Suddenly there, without anything particular, she started to believe in God with such power, which has no explanation. She still is a believer… by pure GRACE!

        • Thank you so much for sharing that! My sisters healing began at Garabandal ( sexual abuse) and I, myself, was most inspired by the stories and videos. I love that story! Thank you for making my day!

        • Dear all,
          My mum would like me to add the following testimony:
          Donna, remember this is also where your sister came back to her Faith after 8 years of trouble and turmoil.
          It is such a holy place!!!The village had a spiritual atmosphere – no materialism.
          There were no shops for food, clothing etc – only 2 piety shops and one small “hotel” where pilgrims could stay.
          That was in 1998 – maybe it is changed now, but I have no doubt that it is a miraculous place.

  • Remnant Clergy, apparently some –all to many– Catholics are either very ignorant or educated beyond their intelligence. Must pray for them.

  • Remnant Clergy, apparently some –all to many– Catholics are either very ignorant or educated beyond their intelligence. Must pray for them.

  • One has to wonder if the re-apparitions promised for this Spring might coincide with or at least be the precursor to the promised WARNING at Garabandal and described by others as “the Enlightenment” and well described in Revelation 14:6-9 as a universal proclamation of “the Gospel” just prior to the revealing of the Anti-Christ, and a warning about worshiping the Anti-Christ. If all this takes place (with Benedict fleeing Rome) by July 1st then the 1290 day (3 1/2 year) CESSATION OF THE HOLY SACRIFICE will have commenced as promised in Daniel 12:11, AND the promised 3 year end times play out of the Desecration of the “Holy Temple” inflicted by Antiochus Epiphanes on the Temple in Jerusalem will take place in Rome (Dan. 11:27,35-45) 6 months later.

    I find the revelation to MDM that there will be “no” Christmas this year, as it will be replaced by a new commemoration, to be most interesting in this regard. Will then December 25, 2014 or thereabouts mark the end times Desecration by Anti-Christ? If so, then “the Temple” (St. Peter’s?) would be cleansed and the Sacrifice restored in December on the Feast of Lights in 2017. Counting back 1290 days from the first day of the Feast of lights (Dec 13, 2017) brings one to July 1, 2014. So we need to watch for Mass liturgy change near July 1 of this year. If that takes place you will know all that will follow.

    One final thing is that if the WARNING takes place on or near July 1 then the MIRACLE will occur April 16 of 2015 on the Feast day of Benedict Joseph Labre, a devotee of the Eucharist who died at the age of 35 and this will coincide with a great ecclesiastical event in the

    • Ok—has Our Lady made any known appearances this spring? I follow this site everyday and many of MDM’s messages resonate with me.

      • Our Lady appeared to the public and the vision was photographed- in the Ukraine. It’s a miraculous silent apparition over a lake. She is instantly recognizable and it’s very clear. I can’t find the links now though. Also at Garabandal a blue stream of light appeared down from heaven (to a friend) and lit up the whole area. That was earlier this year. Photos were taken in which the ‘light’ shows.
        When the links or photos are sent or re-sent to me, I’ll post them. Remember Mary was to appear to ‘chosen souls’ at those sites, not necessarily everyone and it was ‘to start’ this Spring, I think.

  • One has to wonder if the re-apparitions promised for this Spring might coincide with or at least be the precursor to the promised WARNING at Garabandal and described by others as “the Enlightenment” and well described in Revelation 14:6-9 as a universal proclamation of “the Gospel” just prior to the revealing of the Anti-Christ, and a warning about worshiping the Anti-Christ. If all this takes place (with Benedict fleeing Rome) by July 1st then the 1290 day (3 1/2 year) CESSATION OF THE HOLY SACRIFICE will have commenced as promised in Daniel 12:11, AND the promised 3 year end times play out of the Desecration of the “Holy Temple” inflicted by Antiochus Epiphanes on the Temple in Jerusalem will take place in Rome (Dan. 11:27,35-45) 6 months later.

    I find the revelation to MDM that there will be “no” Christmas this year, as it will be replaced by a new commemoration, to be most interesting in this regard. Will then December 25, 2014 or thereabouts mark the end times Desecration by Anti-Christ? If so, then “the Temple” (St. Peter’s?) would be cleansed and the Sacrifice restored in December on the Feast of Lights in 2017. Counting back 1290 days from the first day of the Feast of lights (Dec 13, 2017) brings one to July 1, 2014. So we need to watch for Mass liturgy change near July 1 of this year. If that takes place you will know all that will follow.

    One final thing is that if the WARNING takes place on or near July 1 then the MIRACLE will occur April 16 of 2015 on the Feast day of Benedict Joseph Labre, a devotee of the Eucharist who died at the age of 35 and this will coincide with a great ecclesiastical event in the

  • The exact wording was that these appearances will start this Spring and be seen by “chosen souls.” That appears to mean not masses at one time as at Fatima. I have not heard any reports of such visitations or appearances to individuals.