Antichrist Apostasy

It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the Antichrist will enter My Church

It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely that the Antichrist will enter My Church

Saturday, March 15th, 2014 @ 20:10

My dearly beloved daughter, as the apostasy ripples through My Church, the greatest test of all, will be placed before all those who serve Me, from within it. The crises within My Church on Earth will mean that many priests will suffer from a terrible dilemma. The faith of many of them has already been shaken and they will have to choose whether or not they want to accept a new substitute doctrine, which will replace the Word, or remain loyal to the True Faith. Even the most devout amongst them will be overwhelmed by the loud voices of the imposters and they will begin to question the relevance of My Teachings in the world today, where sin will no longer be declared to be of any significance.

The way is being prepared for the seeds to be sown and the son of Satan will soon be ready to embrace the new false church. My Church will suffer a period of terrible darkness and My Crucifixion will be endured by every soul who remains loyal to Me. My enemies will make sweeping and radical statements, demanding that everything, which is insulting to My Holy Name, be declared acceptable in the eyes of My Church. Very few of the clergy will fight against the desecration because of the sin of cowardice, but know this. If they partake in false sacrifices, false sacraments and false teachings, which they will then try to foist upon My loyal followers, I will declare them to be no longer fit to stand before Me.

Much of the damage, which will be inflicted on the ordinary people, will be by the hands of those who have entered My Church by false means. When they tell you that My Body means something other than My physical Body, know then that the holy communion, which you will receive, will not be of Me. You must never allow them to change the meaning of the Holy Eucharist. It will only be when the Holy Eucharist is abolished completely [abomination of desolation] that the Antichrist will enter My Church and take over it. This is the day when you will know that the world of politics will merge with Christian churches everywhere and that I will no longer be Present within them. My Church, however, can never die and so it will be My Remnant who will keep My Light shining and My Presence alive and many will have to seek out hidden Churches and those sacred servants of Mine who, by the Grace of God, manage to keep My Church intact.

Never assume that the son of Satan, the Antichrist, will appear aggressively or as an evil dictator, for that will not be his style. Instead, he will have many friends. He will be loved by many governments, as well as the enemies within My Church, who will applaud his every move, vocally, until he is given an honorary position within My Church. Cardinals, bishops and other members of My Church will speak of him constantly and praise him in their homilies. His power of seduction will be so great that it will be hypnotic. He will, through the supernatural power of Satan, attract all those who make decisions within My Church, until in time, they will bow before him as if he is Me.

It will be through ambitious members of the clergy, who will have fallen in their faith, but who still, nevertheless, have been blessed with the Gift of Holy Orders, that the Antichrist will gain extra power. He will draw from these poor misguided traitors of Mine, the last segment of power from within My Church, until it is ready for him to enter it as its new leader. All during this period of darkness, My enemies will, with a soothing and charming manner, have an extraordinary ability to present lies as being the Truth. Only those who continue to pray for protection and who denounce Satan in every way they have been taught will be able to slip away from the clutches of the Antichrist.

Your Jesus


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  • They have no reason to abolish the eucharist. 1 Corinthians 10:21 is the more obvious track here. The last few antichrists, including JPII all observed the eucharist, but also drank from a fully-pagan chalice prepared by half-naked medicine-men. The more obvious thing for them to do in the ecumania is to bring in pagan rituals to supplement the eucharist.

    2 Thessalonians 2:4 “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped” — meaning he proclaims himself to be the supreme God, not necessarily that he bans the worship of the minor gods.

    We see already in the ecumania that they are trying to merge all religions together. Do they proclaim Christ as the chief god of their new pantheon? Not really. They make him equal to Buddha and Khrisna and Vishnu and so on. Who then is the chief god of the Vatican II pantheon? It is the pope himself. He sets himself above everything that is called a god of worshipped. He even demotes Christ down to a lowercase g god. He makes himself the captial G God who judges all the gods. He allows you to worship them, so long as you kiss his ring and that remember he’s the Supreme God of this new system. He doesn’t even really have to take transubstantiation away from you. If you want to believe that that wafer becomes the body of your little god, why should he care, so long as you recognize him as a higher God than the one present in the wafer?

    • You seem not one bit worried that you may be calling the Lord Jesus Christ Himself “clueless?” That is quite amazing. Or for that matter condemning as “antichrist” a number of those He may have ordained (despite their faults and misjudgments) to represent Him on earth in His Church as “antichrist” only because you could not resist making yourself what you have accused them of doing – making yourself God – in claiming to know so certainly the real motives of these popes in these failing ecumenical endeavors.
      I could give you plenty to show you how that, from the most naive of all, John XXIII, to the most astute, Benedict XVI (after his rejection of liberalism), these were all sincere adherence to the faith and were in great distress over the consequences of Vatican II and that you have falsely misjudged in the most egregious way the intentions and motives of these men. My experience with you on other posts however does not give me much hope you would benefit from it. Jesus warned us not to judge lest we be judged. Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.

      • You seem not one bit worried that you may be calling the Lord Jesus Christ Himself “clueless?”

        I don’t know where this site gets these little prophecies from, but just because somebody signs them “Yours, Jesus” at the end don’t make it so.

        Its rather telling that there are no attributions. I mean, I guess we’re supposed to believe that some modern prophet is seeing visions or receiving oral revelation from Jesus. Yet we aren’t told who this is, or where, or when, it took place.

      • You seem not one bit worried that you may be calling the Lord Jesus Christ Himself “clueless?”

        I don’t know where this site gets these little prophecies from, but just because somebody signs them “Yours, Jesus” at the end don’t make it so.

        Its rather telling that there are no attributions. I mean, I guess we’re supposed to believe that some modern prophet is seeing visions or receiving oral revelation from Jesus. Yet we aren’t told who this is, or where, or when, it took place.

  • What you are saying is only a partial truth, but the bigger picture is, that Holy Eucharist is the BIGGEST and the STRONGEST EXORCISM on planet Earth against the powers of the Satan. The oldest battle for souls of humans is still raging and in order to gain maximum power, Satan – who will bring his son, Antichrist on the throne of the False Church – must remove this strongest exorcism, THE HOLY EUCHARIST – from his way. That is the reason for that. Also, we have to remember all the time that everything is happening by the WILL OF GOD.

    P.S. You are very wrong about JP II… You have no idea about his inner spirituality and faithfulness to God and Bible!

    • There are two things that JPII will always be remembered for, and there’s video to keep it firm in our minds what he really was:

      (1) His participating in voodoo witch-doctor ceremonies, and drinking from a cup of devils in plain sight of the whole world.

      (2) His sitting in the chair with the antichrist upsidedown cross in Jerusalem on the site believed to be the one where Jesus gave the sermon on the mount.

    • There are two things that JPII will always be remembered for, and there’s video to keep it firm in our minds what he really was:

      (1) His participating in voodoo witch-doctor ceremonies, and drinking from a cup of devils in plain sight of the whole world.

      (2) His sitting in the chair with the antichrist upsidedown cross in Jerusalem on the site believed to be the one where Jesus gave the sermon on the mount.

    • Just take a look at JPII sitting on the antichrist chair with the upsidedown cross in Jeruslam, and how demon-possessed he looks there, and tell me the eucharist worked as an exorcism for him.

      And isn’t it funny how Paul in 1 Cor 11 doesn’t tell us that the eucharist is an excorcism at all. Rather, he tells us that if you eat and drink it in a unworthy manner, you eat and drink judgement to yourself. As undoubtedly JPII did.

      • Once again db I must point out to you that you lack the discernment to discern a faltering failing Peter, who actually verbally denied the Lord and a Judas. My question to you now is do you really care to make an honest discernment or do you have a weakness towards condemnation? You apparently know little or nothing of the massive pressures under which all the heads of the Church have always been under but increasingly so since 1917 when Heaven allowed them to suffer a “diabolical disorientation,” a taste, as Vicars of Christ, of what Christ Himself suffered in His Passion -which by the way they have been called to endure in silence as Our Lord did! Are you really not aware that enemies of the Church had such control in the Vatican in 1958 that they overthrew the duly elected pope Cardinal Siri and forced a second election to get a man they though they could. Are you really not aware of the COMPLETE take over of the Vatican in 1969 under the evil Secretary of State Villot which evil domination continued from that date to the present under Casaroli, Sodano, Bertone and now Parolin? Under these Judas’ in the Church a pope was poisoned, one was drugged and secluded while an impostor was trotted out in his place to say what the enemies of the faith wanted him to say. Another was nearly assassinated, the one you call antichrist. Did you ever ask yourself how could he have ever been considered such a threat if he were an antichrist and one of them? Then there was the seclusion and isolation of Lucia of Fatima for many years, and finally her murder, after she was replaced by an imposter who changed the Fatima account to support the lies of these Enemies of the Church. You think all men who fall to certain errors are all antichrist? You apparently think you are above all this. Perhaps you feel you could have done better than these men who all have publically indicated great distress over their failure to accomplish what they had attempted to accomplish in their reaching out in good faith to leaders of these other religions? I suggest you pursue that line of research and read the post “Benedict Prays and Formulates an Opposing position”, wherein he presents well the true to the faith position of JP II. You might think of the warning Our Lord gave to the self confident Peter who was so confident he would never fail the Lord. In case you care to know a bit more before you make your condemning judgments just search impostor Paul VI, impostor Lucia, murder of pope John Paul I, “assassins witness to John Paul II attempted

        • Dear David, may God bless you for writing this very informative message to someone not in the least bit deserving of such attention. But WE can thank you regardless. If this “big fish” makes it through The Warning, that’s when the tide will turn for him. Keep praying for him.

        • Many who are more traditionalist traditionalists than you have indicated a belief that the canonization of JPII is what revelation means by worshiping the image of the beast. So, once again, it is just your slowness to become a Sedavanticist. They were since Vatican II and you only since Francis. Surely this is because they have more discernment than you.

          • No db, these sedevacantist “traditionalists” have too much of the same spiritually blinding self- righteousness that you possess. It’s the same problem that the “Traditionalists” of the Temple in Jesus day had. The first reaction the Pharisees had to anyone who did not follow their religious form to the “T” was condemnation. They would have reacted to an atheist with disdain as you did on another post. Little concern was given to one’s motives and they subordinated and ignored the priority of mercy and justice. They were “orthodox” in most things but often made up their formulations for holy living to suit them selves like all who have rejected the Catholic Church and its teachings in our day. Their judgmentalism toward others sprung from their own insecurities and inner fears created by this well hidden infidelity to God by much pious, religious or spiritual or theological talk.
            But Jesus did made clear distinctions even among this class, plagued by this infidelity. He saw Pharisees like Joseph of Arimathea and Gamaliel, who really did live personally moral lives as mostly victims of the misguided system in which they had grown up, and with too much fear of leaving it. But these Pharisees were drawn to the Lord and His teaching, though mostly secretly, and in the end found the courage to openly break from the bondage of their self righteousness they lived under. But you db, have you ever asked a question on this site seeking some insight? Have you ever admitted you have learned anything of value from anyone who has responded to you? You have been challenged on numerous matters which you have ignored. You seem to be beyond learning at this point. Your Pelagian spirituality is showing through. “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up.”

          • If those sedavanticists are just a bunch of Pharisees and Pelagians, as you allege, then maybe you are too. After all, Pope Francis says you are. Maybe he’s right. Maybe he’s a legitimate pope, right? Your argument against the more mature sedavanticists works just as well against your young sedavanticism. And one of the reasons why is that your argument is nothing but name calling. My oh my how easy it is to go around calling others Pharisees, Legalists, and Pelagians. But these terms prove nothing but the ignorance of the those who toss them about, and that they don’t have a real argument and can’t win the debate so they stoop to name calling.

            Their judgmentalism toward others sprung from their own insecurities and inner fears created by this well hidden infidelity to God by much pious, religious or spiritual or theological talk.

            And then we have the psychoanalysis which is more than likely transference.

            JPIIs actions show he was as heretical as Francis, and there is no getting around this other than sticking your fingers in your ears and setting an arbitrary timeline and saying “Before this date no pope could possibly have been a heretic, even if they put 666 on their forehead.”

    • Just take a look at JPII sitting on the antichrist chair with the upsidedown cross in Jeruslam, and how demon-possessed he looks there, and tell me the eucharist worked as an exorcism for him.

      And isn’t it funny how Paul in 1 Cor 11 doesn’t tell us that the eucharist is an excorcism at all. Rather, he tells us that if you eat and drink it in a unworthy manner, you eat and drink judgement to yourself. As undoubtedly JPII did.

      • Once again db I must point out to you that you lack the discernment to discern a faltering failing Peter, who actually verbally denied the Lord and a Judas. My question to you now is do you really care to make an honest discernment or do you have a weakness towards condemnation? You apparently know little or nothing of the massive pressures under which all the heads of the Church have always been under but increasingly so since 1917 when Heaven allowed them to suffer a “diabolical disorientation,” a taste, as Vicars of Christ, of what Christ Himself suffered in His Passion -which by the way they have been called to endure in silence as Our Lord did! Are you really not aware that enemies of the Church had such control in the Vatican in 1958 that they overthrew the duly elected pope Cardinal Siri and forced a second election to get a man they though they could. Are you really not aware of the COMPLETE take over of the Vatican in 1969 under the evil Secretary of State Villot which evil domination continued from that date to the present under Casaroli, Sodano, Bertone and now Parolin? Under these Judas’ in the Church a pope was poisoned, one was drugged and secluded while an impostor was trotted out in his place to say what the enemies of the faith wanted him to say. Another was nearly assassinated, the one you call antichrist. Did you ever ask yourself how could he have ever been considered such a threat if he were an antichrist and one of them? Then there was the seclusion and isolation of Lucia of Fatima for many years, and finally her murder, after she was replaced by an imposter who changed the Fatima account to support the lies of these Enemies of the Church. You think all men who fall to certain errors are all antichrist? You apparently think you are above all this. Perhaps you feel you could have done better than these men who all have publically indicated great distress over their failure to accomplish what they had attempted to accomplish in their reaching out in good faith to leaders of these other religions? I suggest you pursue that line of research and read the post “Benedict Prays and Formulates an Opposing position”, wherein he presents well the true to the faith position of JP II. You might think of the warning Our Lord gave to the self confident Peter who was so confident he would never fail the Lord. In case you care to know a bit more before you make your condemning judgments just search impostor Paul VI, impostor Lucia, murder of pope John Paul I, “assassins witness to John Paul II attempted

        • Dear David, may God bless you for writing this very informative message to someone not in the least bit deserving of such attention. But WE can thank you regardless. If this “big fish” makes it through The Warning, that’s when the tide will turn for him. Keep praying for him.

        • Many who are more traditionalist traditionalists than you have indicated a belief that the canonization of JPII is what revelation means by worshiping the image of the beast. So, once again, it is just your slowness to become a Sedavanticist. They were since Vatican II and you only since Francis. Surely this is because they have more discernment than you.

          • No db, these sedevacantist “traditionalists” have too much of the same spiritually blinding self- righteousness that you possess. It’s the same problem that the “Traditionalists” of the Temple in Jesus day had. The first reaction the Pharisees had to anyone who did not follow their religious form to the “T” was condemnation. They would have reacted to an atheist with disdain as you did on another post. Little concern was given to one’s motives and they subordinated and ignored the priority of mercy and justice. They were “orthodox” in most things but often made up their formulations for holy living to suit them selves like all who have rejected the Catholic Church and its teachings in our day. Their judgmentalism toward others sprung from their own insecurities and inner fears created by this well hidden infidelity to God by much pious, religious or spiritual or theological talk.
            But Jesus did made clear distinctions even among this class, plagued by this infidelity. He saw Pharisees like Joseph of Arimathea and Gamaliel, who really did live personally moral lives as mostly victims of the misguided system in which they had grown up, and with too much fear of leaving it. But these Pharisees were drawn to the Lord and His teaching, though mostly secretly, and in the end found the courage to openly break from the bondage of their self righteousness they lived under. But you db, have you ever asked a question on this site seeking some insight? Have you ever admitted you have learned anything of value from anyone who has responded to you? You have been challenged on numerous matters which you have ignored. You seem to be beyond learning at this point. Your Pelagian spirituality is showing through. “Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He shall lift you up.”

          • If those sedavanticists are just a bunch of Pharisees and Pelagians, as you allege, then maybe you are too. After all, Pope Francis says you are. Maybe he’s right. Maybe he’s a legitimate pope, right? Your argument against the more mature sedavanticists works just as well against your young sedavanticism. And one of the reasons why is that your argument is nothing but name calling. My oh my how easy it is to go around calling others Pharisees, Legalists, and Pelagians. But these terms prove nothing but the ignorance of the those who toss them about, and that they don’t have a real argument and can’t win the debate so they stoop to name calling.

            Their judgmentalism toward others sprung from their own insecurities and inner fears created by this well hidden infidelity to God by much pious, religious or spiritual or theological talk.

            And then we have the psychoanalysis which is more than likely transference.

            JPIIs actions show he was as heretical as Francis, and there is no getting around this other than sticking your fingers in your ears and setting an arbitrary timeline and saying “Before this date no pope could possibly have been a heretic, even if they put 666 on their forehead.”

  • Remember that if we are unable to receive the Holy Eucharist or Confession, we can make a Perfect Act of Contrition and a Spiritual Holy Communion.

  • David, I have never seen the pictures you are talking about. And your judgement about unworthy way of taking Body and Blood of Jesus by JP II is just your own personal opinion, because THIS IS A KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HIM WHICH ONLY GOD CAN HAVE and NONE OF THE MORTALS… So, you are going with that too far and also you are braking a commandment of God of defaming somebody’s good name.

    If Eucharist is not a strongest Exorcism, so why Antichrist will not come to the throne of Church until False Prophet will not destroy IT first?

    • “David, I have never seen the pictures you are talking about.”

      Do a google search. Or a quick search on youtube. Just seach “John Paul II” and then click images/pictures. We do live in the information age you know. There’s not really an excuse for ignorance on this stuff left.

    • “David, I have never seen the pictures you are talking about.”

      Do a google search. Or a quick search on youtube. Just seach “John Paul II” and then click images/pictures. We do live in the information age you know. There’s not really an excuse for ignorance on this stuff left.