Stay at my side, for I desire to lead you to victory with the great triumph of My Immaculate Heart

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  • Stay at my side, for I desire to lead you to victory with the great triumph of My Immaculate Heart

3954-Our Lady’s Message, broadcast on Creek Fund I / DF. transmitted in 03/17/2014

Dear children, do not grieve. Tomorrow will be better. Trust fully in Jesus and everything will succeed in your lives. Pray. Do not get away from prayer. I am your Mom and I am tireless. Come to call you to conversion. Do not cross your arms. What you have to do not put off until tomorrow. Stand firm on the path I have pointed out. When you feel the weight of the cross, call for Jesus. He is your Way, Truth and Life. In Him is your happiness. You live in a time of great spiritual battles. Stay at my side, for I desire to lead you to victory with the great triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Rejoice in the Lord. There will be no loss to My devotees in the definitive triumph of My Immaculate Heart, which will bring peace to mankindIt is for God’s elect a time of joyYou shall see the new heavens and new earth . Courage. Forward without fear. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be at peace.

Prophet Pedro Regis