In Russia, the leader is showing his true colors. He is an aggressor, not to be trusted

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  • In Russia, the leader is showing his true colors. He is an aggressor, not to be trusted
March 5, 2014

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Today, I have come to discuss the current state of the world. My Son’s Heart mourns for the abuse of power, such as it is. Currently, in Russia, the leader is showing his true colors. He is an aggressor, not to be trusted, not to be pandered to, as your president has tried. He is using his power to overtake peoples and territories which are not his to take – clearly an abuse of authority.”

“Your president reminds Me of a fine race car at the starting line. It looks powerful and opposing, but when the gun goes off, it is discovered there is no engine inside. All the other cars take off and leave the ’empty’ car in the dust. Your president holds a powerful office, but he abuses his authority, as well, by not fulfilling the office he was given – not functioning as a leader.”

“Words, agreements and sanctions will not remedy the situation in the Ukraine. The enemy has weakened your country by political division and over-commitment to other nations in the world. He has cleverly used moral issues as a method of dividing this nation politically and of confusing your goals. While you are attempting to bring social justice to all, whole nations are losing their freedom!”

“The aggressor in Russia does not seek unity and peace. He will seek more territories unless he is stopped. Your nation has always been the peacekeeper, with its ‘no- nonsense’ approach to aggression. These days the world has peeked under the hood of the ‘race car’ – your president – and discovered there is nothing inside.”

“Pray, pray, pray.”

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