Antichrist Comet / Meteor Signs

Signs – Man was Created by Science – Annunaki, Nibiru, Nephilim

Every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years

Saturday, March 29th, 2014 @ 14:30

My dearly beloved daughter, every effort will be made by men of science to disprove the Existence of God over the next two years. They will falsely claim that man can sustain life on other planets, apart from Earth. Earth is the only living part of the universe created by God for His children. But that is not the only reason that these claims will be made to prove that God does not Exist. They will proclaim man’s greatness; his intelligence and his advances in science, to dispel the notion that man was created by God. The greatest insult will be when they declare that man was created by a miracle of science.

[Note: there is a popular “scientific” alien fable which claims that an alien race called the Annunaki created mankind by using their advanced DNA science. Annunaki is an ancient Sumerian term, but is claimed to be the Nephilim (also “giants”) in the Bible book of Genesis chapter 6:2-4. They arrived here on the mother ship Nibiru. One brief explanation of this fable is here. Once we see “aliens” appear, who are really the devils from hell, then these “Ascended Masters” (as the Antichrist Maitreya calls them) will tell us such lies.]

They will go to great lengths to prove that man is invincible and, yet, they will have no answer as to what happens after physical death of the body takes place, which every man has to face. This part will be ignored by those who lie and who deny God.They will ridicule anyone [Note: this ridicule is the recommended process promoted by the effective pope of the religion of atheism, Richard Dawkins: “I don’t believe you until you tell me, do you really believe, for example, if they say they are Catholic, “Do you really believe that when a priest blesses a wafer, it turns into the body of Christ? Are you seriously telling me you believe that? Are you seriously saying that wine turns into blood?” Mock them. Ridicule them. In public. Don’t fall for the convention that we’re all too polite to talk about religion. Religion is not off the table. Religion is not off limits. Religion makes specific claims about the universe which need to be substantiated and need to be challenged and, if necessary, need to be ridiculed with contempt.“] who declares a belief in the Existence of Heaven or in their True Creator, God the Most High. And all during these public declarations, against the Truth, not one word will be uttered by those who claim to lead My Church. In the final days, religion will become a pagan concept, when adulation of the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars will become the substitutes, when they pay homage to God.

Most of the world will turn to paganism and bring death to their souls. Despite every Intervention by My Father, they will turn the other way. This is why My Father promised the world the Book of Truth, the unraveling of the Book of Revelation, to save your sorry souls. Man is stubborn. Man is proud, vain and the more advances he makes in science the less he knows and the more he removes himself from the Truth.

Heed now My Word, for soon all that I taught you will be gradually withdrawn, stage by stage, from My Churches on Earth. The Word will be taken away from you, but I will never desert you, for I will always remain with you, guiding you, teaching you and filling you with My Love. You will always be in My Heart and it will be because of your love for Me that I will be able to salvage those who are lost. You, My beloved followers, are My link to God’s children and through your prayers, I will strive to unite the world. This is why you must never despair, even when all seems hopeless.

Your Jesus


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  • Apparently we need a revelation to tell us that fake scientists will try and disprove God in the next two years…as if we didn’t already know this considering they’ve been doing it for the past 30 years. This fake revelation might have been more credible if it had come BEFORE the thing started. But since its been going on for decades, one has to wonder why “Your Jesus” decided to wait until now to give us a “revelation” about it.

  • “one has to wonder why “Your Jesus” decided to wait until now to give us a “revelation” about it.” ===> I am so sorry, I fell asleep counting sheep.