APRIL 3, 2014 – 2:30 PM
Little children, may God’s peace and the love of this Mother always stay with you.
The emissaries of evil are here on earth and will very soon unleash Armageddon. The war will begin the great spiritual battle and God’s people will be purified; the purification during which my Father will send the Warning so that you can withstand the three and a half years of the reign of the Antichrist [Maitreya]. Fear not, little children, I, your Mother, take care of the flock of my Son so that no sheep get lost. My children will grieve during the days of testing but if you accept my maternal protection, nothing will happen because I will protect you and intercede before my Father so that those days will be more bearable.
Put on your Spiritual Armor. Take cover under the power of the Precious Blood of My Son so that you can cope with the days of purification and may be able to face the forces of evil that seek your destruction. Little children, my opponent is dividing and confusing you with their lies, creating doubts in the minds of my children to stray from the path of salvation. He is attacking the devotion to the Precious Blood of My Son, which is your spiritual armor, so that my little children think that these devotions do not come from God. [Litany is here, Some details and history are here. July is the month of the Precious Blood] Little children, take care that you are not fooled! Remember what God’s Word says: false Christs and False Prophets will arise and shall show great signs and wonders and deceive many, even many of the elect. (Matthew 24:24).
Pay no attention to these lies, do not let yourselves be confused, because this is part of the plan of my opponent and his earthly agents, to divide the people of God and capture those sheep whose faith is not firm. My opponent hates Spiritual Armor because he knows that It is the protective armor of God’s people and attacks the Devotion to the Precious Blood of My Son, for the Blood of my Son will again defeat him in these times, and give you freedom.
Take this very Present and have no reason to doubt the power that God gives you through the Armor of the Precious Blood of my Son. Read Matthew chapter 24, where my Son is speaking to His disciples about the end of time. Heed the Word of God to remain steadfast in faith so that my opponent can not inject the poison dart of doubt that causes confusion and much damage in the flock of my Son. Do not judge or condemn your brothers, because you well know that you are also subject to my opponent’s attacks. He is attacking all those instruments to which the Lord has entrusted missions. Be humble and do not attack each other because that’s what my opponent wants. Behave as true children of God and join hands with your brothers who have been attacked in the faith so they can get back up and continue the mission entrusted to him.
Cheer up, my children, because you well know that my opponent is clever and knows your weaknesses, so you must be alert and vigilant, praying every moment so that the incendiary darts of the evil one cannot harm you. Remember what the Holy Word of God says, the last shall be first, and many first shall be last (Matthew 19:30). Remain in God’s love and conform to the instructions we are sending through our messengers. Compare the messages with the Word of God and so you will know what is from Heaven and what is from my opponent.
Children, be very careful because the New Age is the sheepskin of my adversary which is his cover to deceive. All messages that talk about energy or cosmic forces are not from Heaven [which is what Maitreya promotes, including his “Masters of Wisdom”]. Pay attention to the Angelology, because many are destroyed by opening the door to spirits who are not from Heaven! There are myriads of Archangels and Angels in heaven, but note that they are only known as the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Therefore do not invoke other Archangels and “Angels of Light,” for they are New Age in the service of my adversary [the devil]. Awaken my children, so that the children of darkness do not remain smarter than the children of light!
Your mother loves you, Holy Mary.
Make known my message to all mankind.
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