Holy Love New Era Weather

The more the soul forgets himself and lives to please God and others, the holier he is – it is a difficult moment to moment task

April 6, 2014

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Contemplate for a moment the heart of holiness. In nature, the heart is the organ which pumps life through the body. In regards to personal holiness, the heart of such [holiness] gives life to every virtue. This spiritual heart is of course Holy Love – but is reflected in selflessness.”

“The more the soul forgets himself and lives to please God and others, the holier he is. This sounds simplistic and easy. In reality, it is a difficult moment to moment task. It is very easy to view everything as to how it affects self. It is difficult to view everything in the ways it affects others. Ask for the grace to forget self and to focus on God and others. I will assist you. This is the mentality I had throughout My Life. I gave up any physical well-being, reputation and even the presence of My Mother, for the sake of humanity in God’s Eyes.”

April 7, 2014

St. Joseph says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“You are right in thinking Satan opposes my prayer nights every first Sunday of the month. I am, after all, the Terror of Demons. If it’s not the weather, it’s your health. However, I am here now in this present moment to speak as I would have last night.”

“The family unit has been the basis of society since the earliest times. The stronger the family, the stronger their influence in the community, the nation and the world. The family can have either a positive or negative influence in the world. This is why I tell you, the family that is united in Holy Love is a particular treasure in God’s Eyes. Holy Love is the ‘glue’ which binds the family together spiritually.”

“This seems simplistic enough, but it is a Truth Satan did not want stated.

April 7, 2014

Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“In St. Joseph’s Vestibule, the soul is washed in humility making it possible to gain entrance to the First Chamber of Our United Hearts, which is My Immaculate Heart. Within this First Chamber, the soul, now humbled, opens his heart to purification. The Flame of My Heart burns away the soul’s most glaring iniquities and gives him the desire to move forward into the subsequent chambers.”

“Therefore, understand that My Heart, which is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, is also the doorway to personal holiness. God has deemed it so.”

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