
Signs – Sin Deemed only a Metaphor, Insignificant and Inoffensive to God

The time for sin to be declared no more is drawing nearer

My dearly beloved daughter, the times are close now, when the sins of man will be deemed, by My Church, to be insignificant and inoffensive in My Eyes. [Opinion: the likely time for this is a consequence of the coming Synod on the Family in October 2014]

Sin is not something which is deemed by Me to be a weakness or a fault. Sin is created because of these two traits, but comes about because of the existence of Satan. My Church will soon soothe My followers by misleading them into accepting the lie that sin is merely a metaphor that it is used as a symbol to God’s children to urge them to stay on a path, which is pleasing to God. Sin should not make you feel separate from others, they will say. Sin, they will say, does not really matter, because God is All-Forgiving. Yes, I Am All-Forgiving and forgive every sin – except for eternal sin – once remorse is shown by the sinner and efforts are made by him to remove all temptation to avoid repeating that sin. You cannot ask Me to forgive sin when you live by that sin. A murderer, who murders, maims and kills, cannot ask Me to forgive him, while he continues to murder and has no intention of stopping his crimes [Note: forgiveness of sin requires a purpose of amendment]. What is the use of asking Me to redeem you from sin, if you do not accept that you sin in the first place?

Sin is caused by weakness and I forgive the sinner, who truly repents. When the sinner no longer believes that he is guilty of sin, it becomes ingrained in the soul. The time for sin to be declared no more is drawing nearer. When that time comes, there will be great relief and celebration, because what was once deemed to be a sin in My Eyes will no longer be considered to be the case.

Sin will be seen as a natural thing and one which you all should accept. You will not be told to merely love the sinner, as I do. No. You will be encouraged to accept that sin does not exist. All this will lead to the ultimate betrayal of My Divinity, when the world will idolize itself, its talents, its intelligence, until it declares its greatness, in direct defiance of God, the Eternal Father.

Oh how many will be led into error, despair and wrongdoing. My Church will be used to declare heresy in My Holy Name [by Francis]. Those misguided, will turn it upside down and inside out and not one part of these changes will be directed by Me, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will not preside over the abomination and there will be great confusion, great sorrow and a sense of helplessness, on the part of those who will remain true to the Teachings of My Church. The traditional teachings will no longer be tolerated. Then, when all that is held sacred collapses, the time will be ready for the man of perdition to take up his seat in My Church. 

Your Jesus


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  • That sin is merely a metaphor is certainly no new doctrine. It has been a long standing doctrine of the “Progressive” element in the Church for over century. It is new only in the sense it has become the pervasive doctrine among Bishops and priests today and is now being presented under Francis as official Catholic faith! That is why for decades our priests can speak of “sin” but never attach any serious eternal consequences to it. “Metamorphizing” the truth has been the way they have literally deceived multitudes of good Catholics who could not see through the magnitude of their deceptions. But “sin” is not the only truth these antiChrists have deceitfully negated. Essentially the entire Christian faith has been metaphorphized by these apostates and that bastardized “faith” has been taught in most of the Catholic Seminaries for decades without censure. There is little in the Christian faith that is literally true to these agents of Hell, as literal truth is no longer important to them. That goes for the Immaculate Conception of Mary to the Virgin Birth of Christ to the necessity of the Sacrificial Death of Christ for man to enter Heaven to Our Lord’s literal Bodily Resurrection. While the reality of Heaven is usually preserved at least in some mystical fashion nothing has been more metaphorphized than Hell –to the point of complete uselessness. The average Catholic has little idea of how completely destroyed the Catholic faith has become among the Catholic clergy.

    Now, it’s not that we have not been warned because God has warned the saints in the Church throughout its history of this coming apostasy. St Paul, himself warned that preceding the coming of Christ would first come “the falling away” or an unprecedented apostasy and the revealing of “the Man of Sin” who would come to sit in the very “temple of God” which of course is St. Peter’s in Rome. (2 Thess 2:2-4). But how many Catholics have ever heard that passage read or mentioned in any homily?? Of course, the divine inspiration of Holy Scripture has also been metaphorphized by these architects of anarchy into their own nebulous moldable instrument to promote whatever they choose from this the Church’s Holy divinely inspired canon of Scripture! Just look what they have done to the NAB Catholic Study Bible. It replaces the Jehovah’s Witness New World Translation as the most corrupt blasphemous Bible on the planet. What needs to replace the NAB? See: GOD SAVE US FROM THIS APOSTASY!