


APRIL 23, 2014 – 8:15 a.m.


My peace be with you, Beloved Sons.

How sad and sorry it is to see that many of my favorites are denying Me the company of My faithful people! Many of My anointed ones (clergy) seem to serve my opponent more than Me. Some do not obey my Vicar (Benedict XVI) and taking this attitude are defaulting (on their vows).

My house is a house of prayer and I must be in the presence of My children to comfort My people. Pastors of My flock, open the doors of My house and do not deny My children My company! I wish to be permanently exhibited in the Tabernacle. Remember that I came to serve and give My life for My sheep. I want all My houses open for My children because My people thirst for Me. Many of you shepherds of my sheep are denying My people the Living Water that I am. Many of my sheep lose faith because you do that.

O My hierarchy of the Church, give the order to your pastors that I, your Blessed Sacrament, remain exposed in My Tabernacles! I do not conceal Myself from My people. I am the Life and Light of the World, so then let that illuminate the way of My people. Let My faithful people come to Me to praise and worship. I want to be with My children because for this I have come into this world, not to condemn, but to save them. Remember what my word says: I am with you until the end of time (Mt 28:20).

Pastors of my flock, do not forget that you provide the space for the tabernacles of heaven here on earth where I live and, as the Real Sacrificial Lamb, give Me My birth. There is repentance and conversion of souls if they see; therefore, I ask that My favorite sons who have custody of Me show Me in front of My people.

I will, therefore, to be exposed in the Tabernacle of all My houses. I do not want to see My houses closed. I do not want to be hidden from My children, for I am the God of the living and not the dead. Accept as beloved these recommendations and do not deny My company My birth.

Your Master, the Blessed Sacrament, Beloved, Who is not beloved.

Make known My message to all mankind.



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  • “From Pastor Enoc’s website:

    I have given Pope Francis the character of my Paul, so he can guide the destinies of my Church in these times of confusion and apostasy; I have placed it him as the cornerstone, for him to be way and salvation for many, and slips and falls for others.” 7-24-13

    “The discrediting campaign is underway, many of my purple’s ones are in default with my vicar, for they expected a pope who allow them to implement in my church the doctrine of liberation. O what a surprise has been received by catholic world and many of my purple’s ones with the election of Pope Francis! They expected a pope with weak character and easy to manipulate, but they have encountered a barrier, an obstacle, which will not allow them to carry out their plans against my church.” 10-18-13

    “The decisions Pope Francis is taking are unsettling many in the Vatican. Ignore the whole smear campaign now taking place against him. This is the vicar of the church disposed by God for these the end times; support him with your prayers and cease judging him, who are you to question God’s plan?” 11-20-13

    You should look into this, Remnant Clergy. This is in direct contradiction to Maria Divine Mercy and the premise of your website.

  • Lisette. Francis has clearly indicated his heretical ways in his actions and his words. His statements on atheists gaining access to salvation without repentance, homosexual priests, Jesus’ divinity, his elevation of socio-economic concerns above the praise and worship of the Trinity and his intent to soften the rules pertaining to divorced catholics receiving Communion. His actions related to celebrating Mass in inappropriate locations, washing and kissing feet of certain individuals, use of Communion hosts made by incarcerated atheists, and diminishing the dignity of the Papal Office. These behaviors go directly to the heart of who this man is, and what his agenda entails. And they negate whatever “message” you are attempting to promote. Maria Divine Mercy has demonstrated accurate and prophetic gifts, and the fact that you are struggling with their implications in know way negate their efficacy.

  • Oh my goodness you have completely misunderstood me. My “message” is to promote Maria Divine Mercy! Enoc’s past messages are in contradiction, as I have related for Remnant Clergy’s sake, so that he may correct this if he agrees this to be the case. I believe Francis to be the False Prophet, his actions horrify me, and Maria Divine Mercy seems to be the only messenger relaying this in full. Anyone new here who is digging deeper into Enoc’s messages will likely be confused. No struggles on my part, I am crystal clear on this.

    • Ooops, Sorry. It wasn’t clear to me – apologies. You are right about other “messages” contradicting MDM. I think we will see more of that, frankly. Especially as we get close to Francis’ great unveiling of his “reforms”. October seems to be a pivotal month for issues related to family and sexuality. After that we will probably begin to see the Liturgy, Doctrine and Sacraments under attack. Francis has a definite time-table as he prepares the way for the Antichrist.

    • Enoc is having the same fault as St. peter in denying Our Lord (through some messages). His earlier messages talked about problems of Francis, and because of pressure he put a personal (not prophetic) notice on his website about how he is not against Francis. He caved into pressure. He will wake up at the Warning. Therefore ignore all messages of his which promote Francis. If you read the older ones shortly after Francis election, you will see the warnings in the prophecies.

  • If I may, there is a great suspicion that somebody had altered the Messages of Enoch, once it became obvious that he is speaking about Francis as a False Prophet (initially). Then, suddenly everything has changed, the Messages took a sharp turn, and out of blue, name Francis come up and praises for him as well as guarantees that he is a true pope… It was suddenly so fake… that I stopped reading him.

  • How absolutely wonderful to see your discernment R C of Enoc! Errors in messages of those proporting to convey what they believe is from Heaven which are not made in malice or to deliberately mislead into error or danger is no evidence of one being a “false prophet. Neither is a prediction not happening evidence of a false prophecy as the Book of Jonah reveals. Even caving in out of fear but out of perhaps temporarily believing you had been previously wrong does not mean one is a “false prophet”.

    Real False Prophets, who under the Old Covenant were to be stoned to death, were those who spoke out of malice to justify their rebellion and apostasy from the faith. Since true prophets are sent of God in times of crisis they will always carry warnings or at least messages of some needed “spiritual austerity” to rectify the situation. False prophets conversely always convey a message of “peace, peace, when there is no peace” or “peace and safety.” They will put peoples lives in danger by downplaying the crisis and the sin that created it while covering their deceit by all sorts of religious vocabulary.

    When a message comes wanting you to do something out of the ordinary from a prophet, like what Juan Diago asked of the bishop of Mexico city, Heaven would always want you to ask for a sign before blindly acting! In the end times of tribulation there will be false prophets in an attempt to lure you out of hiding who will say that the Messiah has returned and he is over here or over there. Again when a risk is involved you must always ask for a sign, though our Lord has already told us this message will be of Satan. A true prophet will NEVER ask you to do or believe something risky without expecting you to receive a personal confirming sign directly from Heaven! So many have made condemning judgments on God’s prophets from the children of LaSalette all the way to Maria Divine Mercy without any regard to these solid spiritual principles. See Jeremiah 28:5-9; Deuteronomy 13:1-5