Holy Love

Forgiveness always opens the door to God’s Good – Pray for the grace to forgive

May 18, 2014

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“Blessed Mother says, “Praise be to Jesus”.

“Today, I invite you to open your hearts wider to God’s Grace. Dear children, you must not hold grudges against one another. Unforgiveness presents a barrier between your heart and the Heart of My Son. This barrier is a weapon Satan uses to block the most profound graces from entering your heart.”

“Pray for those you regard as enemies or those whom oppose you. God may not be happy with them either. They need to open their hearts to repentance, but, so too, do you if you are unforgiving.”

“When you forgive, the door opens His Heart to your every petition. He is free to consume your whole heart with Love. He is not restricted in the ways He inspires and uses you. Your will is not a barrier to His Divine Will.”

“Forgiveness always opens the door to God’s Good. Pray for the grace to forgive.”


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  • Forgive the pope of his heresies and forget about them. That’s the why to fix things. Puke. The problem with modern society is too much wamsypamsy forgiveness nonsense. What the hell ever happened to hell fire and brimstone preaching? The west has turned into a bunch of pansies who can’t even put rapists and murderers to death, who have to be so nice as to give these freaks conjugal visits so they can procreate from behind bars and breed a new race of criminals, etc. I don’t even have the energy to continue this rant. All I can say is its pure stupidity.