
Signs – When My Church denies the existence of the beast or the eternal abyss

Satan is the greatest scourge of the human race and his contamination is lethal

My dearly beloved daughter, the man who does not believe in evil does not believe in sin. He who declares that evil is in the mind of the beholder is capable of accepting evil in every guise and will, eventually, become immune to it.

When evil is ignored, Satan has won a great victory, for the king of lies goes to great lengths to disguise evil and he usually does this by presenting the argument to promote tolerance in society. When human intelligence is used to argue all the rational reasons for excusing evil, these souls, guilty of spreading such untruths, become prime targets of the evil one.

Once a soul allows him in, the great deceiver will convince his prey that they are acting in good faith and for the good of the world, when they justify wicked acts, which are against God. The evil one has created such deceit that many people, who no longer believe in Satan or the evil which he has spread throughout the world, will become incapable of distinguishing the difference between what is right and what is wrong. These people will argue and present every rational viewpoint to promote immorality in all aspects. Then the man who dares to defend morality will be demonized by them. Such is the way of humanity in the world today. When the existence of evil is rejected, then the existence of Satan is denied. This is when the king of lies and every enemy of Mine gains strength and his willing victims, who will act as his mouthpieces, become immune to Divine Graces.

When Satan is rejected by My Church on Earth, then very little can be done for those who are truly infested by the evil one. When My Church denies the existence of the beast or the eternal abyss [hell] into which he and all the fallen angels have been thrown, then you will know that the Truth is not being revealed to God’s children. [Expect this after the October 2014 Synod]

If people do not know of the dangers that Satan inflicts upon souls, then they will not be able to arm themselves against evil. When this happens, the True Teachings of God are no longer accepted for what they are.

Time does not change in My Kingdom. Satan is the greatest scourge of the human race and his contamination is lethal. So careful to hide himself, he is a master of deceit because he will always present good as evil and evil as good. Only those whose eyes are truly opened to God will understand the threat he poses in the salvation of the world.

Your Jesus


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  • Well then good thing this good Christian man the pope is speaking out about Satan. Maybe you should read a little about what the pope has actually said instead of creating a stupid useless website that ironically propagates the lies of Satan about his enemy the Catholic Church

    • How do you know he is a good christian man? Do you know him personally? Have you read his heretical comments? Seen him kissing the hand of a sexual reprobate? Why don’t you wake up and see the signs before you instead of retreating into your papal cavern of false loyalty? Afraid? Put your faith in Jesus, and not a Italian cum Argentinian modernist-socialist cleric.

  • Through friends I was led to Maria Divine Mercy because I had sent them a long poem based on my researches into Catholic end-times prophecy including the Marian Movement of Priests and some intimations I had of “cells of wholesomeness” that were to spring up in the world. Maria Divine Mercy seemed perfectly in consonance with Father Gobbi, and “cells of wholesomeness” seemed exemplified in such things as the Jesus to Mankind prayer groups.
    I have no doubt that Maria Divine Mercy is genuine. it is of very great importance to the Remnant Church, and such messages from Jesus as the one on Satan above rings so very very true. Such messages I have been sending for months to a variety of Catholic and secular media and devotional websites
    and from none have I elicited the slightest response, not even to the point of calling me a nut case who was cluttering their in-boxes. But I box on. The occasional penny may soon drop. We truly face an appalling time the next few years, but the true prophets of the heavenly court are providing us with such encouragement even though the future seems to hold the promise of persecution making the horrors of the second world war minor in comparison,
    Woman Clothed With the Sun thank you. We love you. Continue to convince more of us of your reality.