Each soul must have a sincere sense of his own sinfulness

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  • Each soul must have a sincere sense of his own sinfulness

May 30, 2014

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today, I tell you that each soul must have a sincere sense of his own sinfulness. Without this self-knowledge, he cannot progress in holiness. This is why the First Chamber of Our United Hearts lays the foundation for the rest of the spiritual journey. In the First Chamber, the soul is illuminated through the Flame of My Mother’s Heart to see his soul as it stands before Me. His most glaring faults are brought to light in this Flame and he is given the grace of wanting to change.”

“If the soul accepts this challenge, he is propelled along the way of personal holiness. Every conversion of heart begins with the acceptance of the Truth of his own faults.”

Holy Love