Holy Love

Instead of supporting tolerance towards sin in the name of freedom, support tolerance towards present-day apparitions in the name of freedom

June 17, 2014

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to challenge all leaders – religious and secular. Instead of supporting tolerance towards sin in the name of freedom, support tolerance towards present-day apparitions in the name of freedom. Tolerate and encourage the right of the individual to decide for himself – to discern properly without the influence of rash judgment through the abuse of authority. Do not use your influence to promote the compromise of Truth. Souls are at stake.”

Holy Love


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  • In my own country, there are some very mean-minded people in politics and in the media. Dirty tricks are common, By and large, the politicians and the media folk have abandoned Christianity, I am reminded of what Paul said about the duties of civil authority, and our duty to pray for those in civil authority over us. The Leader of the Opposition here is being crucified, and I have leapt to his defence, because he is being treated unjustly. And I have leapt to his defence even though I cannot vote for his party. I have even exhorted him to turn to God in his ordeal! We must love one another even if we have different political views, and we must love our leaders even if some of what they believe in is not of God. We must show those who are behaving dishonourably how to behave honourably.

  • Why would Jesus point us to apparitions, when all that is required for salvation is found in God’s word? It has never changed. Repent of your sins, faith in Jesus that your sins are forgiven and bare fruit of love towards God and neighbours. Everything else is superfulous or worse, a scheme of the devil.

    • Don’t you believe in the infallible Word of God?

      “For the Lord God doth nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” – Amos 3:7

  • Hopeful Watcher. In browsing the internet yesterday to find sites and blogs that support Maria Divine Mercy instead of criticize her, I found , as was prophesied by Jesus to her, that nearly every one of them condemn, calumniate, ridicule, rant, and drag up the same old so-called “errors” found in her messages. These people are not interested in Truth, nor even in prophecy in general. You can quote St. Francis Prophecy over and over again and they mock it as well. Sadly, the very Bishops in many countries who should be taking these messages seriously have joined in the chorus of rash judgment and are attempting to stifle them. Because of their selling out to the diabolical disorientation infesting the Church, they have become blind and are playing into the hand of the False Prophet and the Antichrist. They have generally stopped preaching the true Catholic Religion and have bought into modernism. In the Old Testament, if this apostasy occurred in Israel, God sent Prophets like Jeremiah and Amos to wake them up and repent, or else! God does not change his ways in dealing with rebellious and stubborn hearts. The Church HAS the truth, but has lost its’ courage to articulate it in the last generation. If the Clergy had taken the message of Fatima seriously instead of playing politics they would have obeyed our Lady, consecrated Russia ( instead of lying and saying they did) and we would not be in the Hellish mess we are in. Like the ad warning us to change our oil filter frequently: ” You can pay me now, or you can pay me later”.
    So now is later.
    Thus, true prophets are sent to us ( by the mercy of God ) to warn and lead us back to the Truth. Sadly, a multitude of Catholics are not heeding this message.

  • Hopeful Watcher: Further, there’s clear New Testament Biblical authority for the continuing office for the prophet within the Church. St. Paul plainly, extensively and emphatically spoke of the importance of those called into that office when writing to the Corinthian church. Read 1 Cor 14:1-6, 22-26 where it is clear that “revelation” is involved and that of a nature that will convince an unbeliever God is with them. This would have to be some revelation from Heaven like Our Lord received about the Samaritan woman and her illicit life style.

    To the Ephesians St. Paul also is explicit in describing the make up of the “FOUNDATION of the Church,” which must be then considered permanent features. This foundation is three fold: “Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief cornerstone.” (Ephesians 7:20) It is also overlooked that most of the New Testament canon was not written by the Apostles and Paul as a Prophet received his vital revelation of the Church as a layman. Finally, John the Apostle records that there will be two specifically chosen witnesses in the Tribulation to occupy that office who will “prophecy” for some 3 1/2 years before their martyrdom and resurrection. The office of Prophet did not die out nor did the office of Apostle die out. There is nothing whatever in Scripture that says the New Testament record being written would replace the living Apostolic office and the living Prophetic Office. The New Testament bears clear witness to the very opposite in 1 Timothy 3:15 that it is “the House of God, the Church of the Living God” (Apostles, Prophets, Christ) that is the “pillar and ground of the Truth.” The canon of Scripture is a very vital part of that Prophetic Office but not the whole or completion of it!

    To strip this office of its continuing and contemporary reality and necessity is serious business; at best it’s spitting in the wind.