The Refuge of My Immaculate Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem

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  • The Refuge of My Immaculate Heart is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem

June 28, 2014
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

“Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, I invite you to see how much the Father cares for you. He is nourishing you spiritually with these Messages, just as He nourished His children physically in the desert with manna.”

“The Father offers you through Me, His Handmaid, the Refuge of My Heart – this Refuge of Holy Love. This is the portal of peace. This is the Gateway to the New Jerusalem. Dear children, be renewed as you enter herein. Breathe in the grace that I, your Mother, long to give you. Do not let others obstruct your way to My Heart. The Flame of My Heart is your beacon of Truth which calls you to a renewed conscience and hope in a holy future.”

“I cannot choose for you, but through these Messages, I can guide your footsteps showing you always the Light of Truth. Holy Love will help you to decide good over evil. Evil bears its own consequences in hearts, in the world and in eternity.”*

“I come to you to lead you in holiness, so that we can share eternity together. My Motherly embrace awaits you.”

“Dear children, I come tonight to gather you into My Immaculate Heart, Refuge of Holy Love. This Holy Refuge is the Remedy for the ills of the world today. The present-day evil does not want you to know this. Solutions are sought in modern technology, peace talks which are not grounded on peace with God first, and man’s attempts at climate control – climates which are only governed by the Will of God.”

“Tonight, I ask you to treasure only that which is eternal and to pursue your own salvation through Holy Love. Ask me tonight for the grace to recognize evil and to choose good.

“I will bless you in this effort.”

* Please read (pray) the Second Meditation of the United Hearts Chaplet – in Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

“Immaculate Heart of Mary, You are the purest vessel of grace, the definition of holiness, and a sign of the apocalypse. Mary, Your Heart is a Refuge of Holy Love – a counter sign in an evil age.”

“Dear Heart of Mary, it has been ordained that the conversion and peace of the world be entrusted to you. Only through Holy Love can the battle be won. As you, Heart of Mary, have been pierced by many swords, impale our hearts with the flaming arrow of Holy Love.”

“Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.”

Holy Love