Look around and see how many children have departed from the truth

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  • Look around and see how many children have departed from the truth

4001-Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 07/01/2014

Dear children, God is in a hurry. Do not cross your arms. Look around and see how many children have departed from the truth. With your examples and words give these children opportunities to know the truth. Preach to them the Gospel of My Jesus. I come from heaven to lead you to truth. Stay with Jesus. Do not let the things of the world take you away from God. You belong to the Lord and He loves you. You live in a time in which the creature is more valued than the Creator. Turn back to God. Be meek and humble of heart. I need you. At Santa Cruz the Earth will experience great difficulties. The action of my enemies will cause great suffering to My poor children. Pray. Jesus is your true liberation and salvation. Courage. This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite with you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Be at peace.

Pedro Regis