Abomination of Desolation Riots / Revolution Signs Warning



JULY 01, 2014 – 8:25 a.m.


Peace to you, My children.

Do not neglect prayer, for spiritual warfare has begun. My flock, receive as much as possible My Body and Blood so that you remain clothed with power from God and that you may be able to repel the attacks of My adversary and his hosts of evil.

All those who keep My commandments and are united in prayer to Me, My Mother and the Heavenly Hosts, are part of the earthly militia and therefore should receive the daily spiritual food of My Body and My Blood, and also as spiritual communion when they can not receive Me in special cases. All My army here on earth must be in communion with My Spirit, Who is the giver of life and the wonderful Counselor Who will guide you along with My Mother to the final victory.

My children, soon some of my cardinals will rise in revolt [like Kasper]. Their rebellion and pride will bring schism to My Church. They betray Me like Judas. The Pope [anti-pope Francis] will flee from Rome and establish his headquarters in Jerusalem [Russia will invade Italy]. That is the start time of the abomination and the son of perdition controls the chair of Peter. My Church will be divided for a time, at which time I will separate the wheat from the chaff. Days of crisis in My church and the world crisis are approaching. And through this tribulation My Father will send the Warning, a small trial that will wake you up and show you the truth, for you to be aware of the existence of God and of eternity, and so returning to this world, you will fight to achieve your salvation. After the Warning and Miracle will begin the final battle between the sons of light and sons of darkness.

Celestial phenomena are intensifying [see sign for the Synod], My faithful children know that they are signs of heaven. More unbelievers and men of little faith say they are only atmospheric phenomena. Again I say, everything is planned by the kings of this world to destabilize world peace and this is very close to happening.

My children, you are approaching the time when I will no more be with you in the silence of each Sanctuary [after the abomination of desolation]. Everything has to be fulfilled as it is written, but fear not; for a short time I will not be there but I’ll be with you again once more. You will see My New Heavens and New Earth where no one will take away your joy. My peace I leave with you, My peace I give you. Repent, for the kingdom of God is near.

Your Master, the Blessed Sacrament.

Make known My message to all mankind.


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  • I believe that ”the Pope will flee from Rome” is a reference to Pope Benedict XVI. Jesus never refers to the false prophet as ”Pope” in all his end-times prophecies. Meanwhile ”the son of perdition” is a reference to anti-pope Francis who will ”control the Chair of Peter”.

    • Yes, the Fatima 3rd secret definitely refers to Pope Benedict XVI. The wording “we thought he was the Holy Father” for a bishop in white is much clearer now given the situation.

  • CATACLYSM coming in the Catholic Church?
    I’m sticking with the CATECHISM of the Catholic Church
    (pre-synod version)

  • Today I read that the UN has recognized gay marriages. Will the Church withdraw its’ representation in protest ? Not holding my breath. Now that the abomination of United Nations has acted, and since the apostate church now follows instead of leads on moral issues, should expect the same in October from the synod?