Maria Divine Mercy Signs

Signs – Crosses Banished, Unlawful to Follow Jesus Christ

Mother of Salvation: It will soon become unlawful to declare that you follow Jesus Christ

Dear children, if humanity were to witness the Majesty of my Son, Who sits on the Heavenly Throne, at the right hand side of the Eternal Father, they would hang their heads in shame and remorse.

My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, is adored, honoured and lavished with great love by the angels and saints in Heaven. On Earth there is very little respect shown to He Who suffered a terrible death to salvage the human race from sin. How the Heavens weep at this time in history, as every attempt to rid the Earth of every sign that represents my Son is being made everywhere. Not content with banishing public displays of the Most Holy Crosses, it will soon become unlawful to declare that you follow Jesus Christ.

Very little tolerance will be shown to Christians who remain true to the Word and who follow the path to God. Even those holy servants who profess to serve Jesus Christ will be too weak to defend Christianity and they will allow themselves to be forced into accepting these laws. In many cases the traitors amongst them will facilitate the abolition of the Cross and the Truth of Christianity. In time, they will all adore a false doctrine, along with other faiths which will not come from God. Because they will choose the path of error, by their own free will, this means that they will refuse to accept God’s Mercy and they will condemn themselves to the darkness.

You must never betray my Son for any reason, for He is the Way of the Truth and only He can bring you Eternal Salvation.

Your beloved Mother

The Mother of Salvation

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  • Let’s forward this to bishops galore. Some will only throw it in the trash can.
    But some might even get off their seats and get in behind, as sheep musterers in my neck of the woods tell their dogs. After all, a bishop in the next diocese to mine told an inquirer: “You are allowed to criticize the Pope, you know.” The very one who a few months ago publicly proclaimed: “You can’t be more Catholic than the Pope”!