Holy Love

Sin is sin, and is not to be aggrandized as acceptable

August 8, 2014

“I am your Jesus born Incarnate.”

“Leaders, in general, need to re-evaluate and discern what they support and what they do not support in the Light of God’s Truth. Take, for instance, the support of those who practice sodomy in the coming athletic events here in this city.” (Gay games)

“The city leaders have placed love of money and the condoning of this ‘special interest’ group ahead of love of the Truth: the Truth being, sin is sin, and is not to be aggrandized as acceptable.”

“Freedom to sin is nothing new and will always be as long as man exists with his free will. Acceptance of sin is a collapse of morals and a path to the collapse of a whole culture.”

“Recognize the path you are encouraging others to follow.”

Read 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4

For our appeal does not spring from error or uncleanness, nor is it made with guile; but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not to please men, but to please God who tests our hearts.

Holy Love


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  • Salvation of our souls although it can be hard at times to make the correct decisions it is still easily worked out how to do this (in my opinion it is but apparently opinions are like a part of the body and everybody has 1 haha ) anyway here goes the way to loose the chance of salvation (attaining heaven)is simple the church teaches infallibly that if you die in a state of mortal sin u cannot enter heaven. If you confess a mortal sin on your death bed just b4 you die then obviously your not in a state of mortal sin although st alphonsus liguori said “the confeesion of a sick person is indeed sick” meaning people who wait or put off confession deliberatley to the last possible moment its not through a contrite heart that they wish to confess (sacrilegious confession) GOD knows every single thought we have ever had thats why theres no point being scared of confessing sins he already knows but pride which just happens to be the greatest trate of satan can stop us from going to make confession. it must be noted anyone who thinks their priest isnt as holy has he should be or you believe him to be in mortal sin makes no difference to your confession the absolution is valid and that priest will have to answer to god for his own doing. So back to it
    1. We must not die in a state of mortal sin !
    2. We need to know what mortal sins are and do our best to avoid them.
    The best list of mortal sins is online (st thomas aquinas )read here http://www.saintaquinas.com/mortal_sin.html
    3. If we do fall into mortal sin we must as soon as possible seek out forgiveness from GOD through the sacrament of penance (confession) and receive absolution. Which brings our immortal souls back into the state of grace
    3. Its also best to know what we as catholics actually beleive sounds silly but its a serious point the easiest way to do this is the st pius x catechism (1908) free online to read personally i think its better to buy the book its in simple Q&A form bout 180 pages.
    4. The main thing to remember is the traditional doctrines of our catholic faith regarding moral behaviour. If we stick to them we will not loose our souls because they are infallible in other words they are the truth revealed by god to holy mother church so the question has to be if we reject the traditional teachings on catholic morality because we think we know better or a priest or pope thinks he knows better and then by following new doctrines which are trying to be introduced do we honeslty think that that is the way in which we will save our souls ??? it cannot be we only have to be honest with ourselfs. The truth yesterday is the truth today and the truth tomorrow it cant change because god cant change to say it can is to say GOD isnt infinitely perfect which of course he is Hope at least 1 soul gets something out of this post GOD BLESS ALL

        • I just felt the need to share this. The last few days i have left many comments and posted a few videos i just want to state that any1 reading or watching my posts that I AM FIRST AND FOR MOST A SINNER although as writing this and recently i am in state of grace. Im am NO theologian all my writtings may contain a degree of error although that most certainly is not my intention if anyone is not sure about anything i write i urge you to check with traditional catholic teaching on it regarding doctrine etc. if i haved erred in any way i am truly sorry more importantly the churches teachings contain the full truth not people like me. If anything contradicts the church’s teaching i am to be ignored. I only wish for the restoration of the true catholic faith founded by our lord and savior JESUS CHRIST TRUE GOD & TRUE MAN