Holy Love New Era

The fulfillment of the law rests upon discerning the difference between good and evil

August 14, 2014

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“The fulfillment of the law rests upon discerning the difference between good and evil. These days, what has made this discernment most difficult is the convolution of Truth. When Truth is twisted so that evil is presented as good, words and actions follow a compromised path.”

I send My Mother into the world in many places today, not for Her own self-aggrandizement, but to build up the Kingdom of God with the Truth – thus drawing souls back onto the path of salvation. She does not come to lead souls away from the Way, the Truth and the Life, but to Me – towards righteousness. Just as everything I taught when I was with you came from My Father, everything My Mother tells you comes from Me.”

“If discovering good and uncovering evil were not so vital to your salvation, I would not come to you, nor send My Mother to you to defend the Truth. As it is, a murky fog has been placed over basic Truths and faith in the Truth is suffering as never before.”

“Therefore, I take you by the hand, this generation of confusion, and lead you carefully into the New Jerusalem through the gateway of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart.”

Read 2 Timothy 1:13-14
Follow the pattern of the sound words which you have heard from me, in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus; guard the Truth that has been entrusted to you by the Holy Spirit who dwells within us.

Holy Love

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  • To a degree I was affected by the “confusion” that characterised the “generation” I belonged to. I was aware that something was rotten in the state of Denmark, the “den-marks”, the Satanic “den-marks” on the “marks of the Church (one, holy, Catholic, apostolic)”, but I was naive about the extent and deliberateness of the confusion.
    I thought I was taking on board the warnings about “the smoke of Satan” or the overflowing “cup of iniquity”, but I thought that though there were some cevious heretics, most of those in error were excusable as ignorant and misled.
    But in due course I realised that nothing was getting better. For all the prophetic outpourings and the growth in holiness among the few faithful that were sticking with the truth, the leaders at the top were definitely not getting the message or, having got it by hook or by crook, not passing it on,
    Garabandal was soon, in my prophetic consciousness, followed by
    Medjugorje, and then (after a visit to Vancouver) followed by the Marian Movement of Priests, But the local hierarchy was remarkably silent about the decline, and I was compiling a verse epic that was my way of dealing with the material coming my way after a visit to New York, where I had an intuition (what if one of those impressive skyscrapers fell?) about this supposedly earthquake-impregnable city built upon rock.
    Bam! 9/11, Then ten years later, bam! Maria Divine Mercy, and then two years later bam! – on-line for the first time, with all the resources if the Internet at my disposal where not a syllable of all this was hitting the local hard-copy Catholic scene nor emanating from the sermons from our churches, And now bam! Our Lady announcing that she was taking to her “electronic pulpit” to tell it like it is because only a tiny few of her sacred servants were telling it like it is themselves.
    Praise God for the internet. Of course it is full of ropery and chicanery.
    But it is also full of information unavailable any other way, and it is such a shame that so few senior citizens see the need for becoming “computer-savvy”. I was one of these net-shy golden-oldies till i was given a computer for peanuts. And now what wealth of knowledge, what a spiritual resource,
    what a treasury of prayers and liturgies virtually extinct in the local ecclesiasitcal buildings.
    The old have work to do. After all, we were born before confusion descended upon our generation. We have the faith of our fathers to preserve and promote.