Maria Divine Mercy Persecution

Humanism will become the substitute for Christianity where no mention of God will be uttered

Mother of Salvation: Humanism will become the substitute for Christianity where no mention of God will be uttered

[You can see the total omission of God and salvation with Francis’ 10 tips for happiness]

My child, as Christians the world over continue to be persecuted, mocked and sneered, be aware also that they will divide amongst themselves. Each one to his own; each to his own desire and each to his own interpretation as to what it really means to serve my beloved Son. [that is the essence of Protestantism – personal interpretation (opinion) proposed as “truth”]

While people are frightened by the terror by which Christians have to live their daily lives at the hands of wicked men [such as in Iraq], they must know that this is but just one form of scourging, which those who proclaim the Word of Jesus have to endure. Every attempt to undermine Christianity is being made by governments, human rights organisations and other powers that claim to promote the welfare of humanity. Humanism will become the substitute for Christianity where no mention of God will be uttered.

Humanism, the rationalism used by the evil one to encourage people to use science to undermine the Divinity of my Eternal Father, will devour the world. On the outside its smooth tones will convince any man, who does not have love in his heart for God, that it is more desirable than the Truth. To convince man that humanism is superior to the Word of God is the ultimate goal of my Son’s enemies. Humanism provides a cunning cover for the traitors within my Son’s Church who desire to be seen to be loving, caring and vocal about the needs of others. They will preach humanism and all its empty promises from the pulpits in Christian Churches until, virtually, no mention will be made of the importance of salvaging your souls. Sin will be dismissed as being a way to avoid conflict in the world but not recognised as being a real thing.

The greatest deception of all time has descended and soon all of you will find it difficult to remain loyal to the Truth. The Truth brings understanding and a realisation of what it takes to achieve true peace and love in your soul. It means that you will know the Love, as well as the Justice of God. It also means that you will be aware of God’s Mercy.

When all mention of sin is eradicated and when my Son’s Church no longer refers to the importance of salving your soul, you will know then that the times are upon you and that my Son’s Time is close.

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation


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  • A Meditation on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Original Version)

    via McTube for YouTube.
    Daily rosary , frequent confession, latin mass (eucharist) , adoration , brown scapular , read scripture, Fasting , prayer life, know the traditional teachings on catholic morality. The truth yesterday is the truth today is the tommorow god is truth and god does not change !. GOD BLESS ALL


    They didn’t want the one true Church, so they’re going to get Islam –
    cruelty to women, and all the fatal charm
    of male legalism and a God not of the Trinity
    (whose merciful holiness sets the sinner free).

    They didn’t want the Eucharist and joy as Mary’s daughters,
    the fire of the Holy Spirit, and Lourdes’ healing waters,
    confessional cleansing, Rosary release,
    liturgical splendor, the reign of inner peace.

    No, the sureness of dogma’s swapped for Modernist knavery;
    the cross of liberation swamped in red-crescent slavery;
    ecumenical hogwash instead of return to the Catholic faith;
    chains of pagan darkness, not yokes turned on a Nazarene lathe.

    Men have ignored wave upon wave of warning,
    blind to what apostasy and unbelief were spawning –
    Russia’s resilient errors, resurgence of the occult,
    gay and masonic inroads, direct anti-Christian assault.

    But while the second coming draws ever nearer,
    truth stays accessible to every hearer
    who tunes into the word of the Lord put out on the internet
    as laid down in the Bible. But the modern mind-set

    is hostile to God and susceptible to the devil,
    seeking a heaven in the newly pagan revel
    revived from the ancients, or in the quasi-Christian mystique
    of a concern for the poor that is Marxism on the oblique,

    or in the subtle climactic amalgam of elements
    from the history of religion deemed of latter-day relevance
    in the revamp of the choicest ploys from the great marauder
    mythologised for Modern man as “the new world order”.

    Satan’s pouring his hatred all over the stubborn earth.
    He doesn’t need to do a thing. Mankind’s obliging for all it’s worth –
    invaders of cities, gangs in the street, killers
    in the living room – sowers of sin turned its tillers

    in the rapidly brewing horror of the triumph of the beast,
    replacing all that was intended for the wedding feast
    of the Lamb. From the festering east, the renascent north,
    bearing down on the ultra-decadent west come forth

    the barbarian hordes, with the Church too compromised
    to resist as it did when the Turks metathesised
    the ever-ambitious strains of militant Islam.
    But few will pray the Mary-mode when doom shatters this fools’ calm.

    You didn’t want the one true Church? Then choke on the gall of
    Satan’s balm.