
350-year old Warnings from Our Lady of Good Success

350-year old warnings from Our Lady of Good Success


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  • I I have been starting to bill myself as “an Apostle of the Last Days”. I adopted the phrase probably not from reading about Our Lady of Good Counsel, but that seems to be a phrase that you could derive from her prophecies, which are so astoundingly on the ball.
    After years of forwarding by email messages derived from this or other channels but receiving no acknowledgement whatsoever but from one party thus emailed, i will concentrate on alerting people to certain information only if in the course of conversation they are asking serious questions and willing to consider serious answers. I will tell such people that I believe the second coming will occur in my lifetime or the lifetime of the present generation, and that I have made certain decisions about the conduct of my life that derive from this apocalyptic belief.
    I do not care whether they think I am a nutter or trying to predict the day-and-the-hour. But if they are prepared to take seriously what I believe I will tell them a certain amount.
    My current impression is, however, that most persons are not asking such questions, and most Catholics simply would not hear of any talk of identifying the false prophet of revelation, so reluctantly I am curtailing for the time being any more information-sharing.
    Many persons in the world are probably similar apostles of the last days, but I have met none in my neck of the woods and heard of none in clerical ranks in the whole country that I live in. So I am giving my head a rest from brick walls.

  • I have experienced indications myself, of dark future days, albeit not necessarily apocalyptic.. But it isn’t something that anyone in the catholic world believes. Yes, signs are given to some of us for God’s reasons. But most other Catholics don’t believe our experiences. We are watchers on the wall perhaps for our loved ones? My family saw some of it themselves, so they know it is a genuine warning, but they are teenagers and start to cry and get upset at the implications of the experience they had. Other “devout Catholics” have just mocked what we experienced when we tried to describe it to them. The first indication was the night of President Obama’s first election win. There was a darkness and terrible foreboding in the atmosphere that I can’t explain well-except it seemed to be like, demonic exultation. I can’t explain what we saw and felt because it was a sort of preternatural experience of dark foreboding that was somehow visible and felt in the air. I don’t know how to put words to it, but my family experienced it and cried a lot, and it wasn’t a mere physical darkness of the air. It lasted till the weekend after the election win. This is when we started to be aware that things had changed in some fundamental way, and that the future was going to be difficult. Such as the terrorist horrors we are seeing now, the absence of moral understanding of most people, and numerous instances of clerical cooperation with the evils of society by compromises with the Faith, compromises which can’t be made. Such as Increases in homosexual lifestyle promotion as a good and the forcible export of that promotion by the US to other nations, epidemics and wars, the turning inside out of morality, and corresponding societal persecution of Christians. Such as mass numbers of people/children tortured and beheaded while the US media ignores it until it takes some American lives-yet mostly refuses to say “Christians tortured”. An American society completely awash in sin and completely unaware..as the darkness descends they do not perceive it.

  • In response to SUNNY; I would just like to confirm your experiences of 2008, the time when Obama was elected. Both myself and another Christian friend agreed that the spiritual tmosphere of the world had suddenly darkened and declined from that year – we truly sensed the downturn, like yourself. It was interesting that when Obama gave his inauguration speech he said, “We are ushering in a new era of peace!” At those words my spiritual antennae went “Alert! Alert!” Only Jesus Christ returned in glory can usher in a new era of peace, and before He comes there will be a false peace, therefore Obama must be in the “know”. And who is “we”?

    On 29 March 2009 the Irish visionary and stigmatist Christina Gallagher (who preceded Maria Divine Mercy) received her last public message, which was, quite simply, “The birth pangs are over!” I consulted Scripture and found this referred to Matthew 24:8, and the next verse spoke about Christian persecution. That very year, 2009, the first stirrings of violence toward Christians erupted in the Middle East with a rapid increase of Churches being destroyed, Christian communities being attacked, with the Grand Mufti of Islam commanding Muslims to eradicate every physical sign of Christianity from the Arabic peninsular.

    Satan is moving swiftly. In the last 5 years we have seen Western governments hasten to implement same-sex marriage laws, and one cannot help wondering why this sudden rush? Why have such laws become top priority? We are indeed rollercoastering toward the Climax of the Ages. With the more recent developments involving the Islamic State’s merciless march into Iraq and Syria , their routing of “infidels”, barbaric beheadings, and now the western nations uniting to combat this new and brutal threat to humanity, we can see how everything is gathering momentum top-speed toward global confrontation and a world war – and with the threat of terrorist acts on a worldwide scale, there’s a likelihood of global lockdown, paving the way for global government. Time is running out in the age-old battle for sovereignty of Planet Earth, but God will be the ultimate victor!

  • Thank you Chris Watkins, for the confirmation. Something else was shown to us-numerous repetitions of the book/theme “Gone With the Wind” such that it couldn’t be coincidence. We weren’t give the meaning except to guess its related to what you and your friend and our family experienced-a civilization “gone with the wind”?