Mother of Salvation: The false church of darkness will be lifeless
My dear children, the false church – the one that will replace my Son’s Church on earth – has been prepared and all the heresies will be cleverly concealed between the paragraphs of the new missal, which will replace the old.
The false church of darkness will be built to replace the old after the great inferno. All that was present in my Son’s Church will be replaced with all that will be new. But, one thing will never change. The foundations, upon which my Son’s Church was built, will not move as they are firmly planted in the ground. No man will, nor can, move them because God will not permit this.
The church of darkness will be lifeless. No fruit will it yield as it will be built on rotten soil. Every kind of heresy will spring from the mouths of those who will preach from its pulpits. It will become a den of iniquity and nothing that will be proclaimed by the voices, which will boast of its greatness, will make any sense.
Those will be the days when many Christians, too frightened, too tired and lacking in any real faith, will worship within its walls. It will not be my Son they will worship, but the Antichrist, for it will be he who will sit on the throne, which they will erect within its walls.
The Antichrist will rule close by to where my Son built His Church and many people will believe it to be of Him but that would be the biggest error. Anyone who objects to this church, or who finds fault with it, will be ridiculed and accused of heresy by those traitors of my Son, who will, themselves, be the great heretics ever to infiltrate the Church of God, since the day of its inception.
Pray, pray, pray that there will remain a strong army of my Son’s priests who will never give into the pressures, which lie ahead.
Your beloved Mother
Mother of Salvation
What exactly do you understand by the term ANTICHRIST??? 😮
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The Catholic understanding, which is an individual who will ultimately (not initially) claim to be the Christ and want to be worshiped. He will lead the one world government and establish the New World Order (NWO).
He is the “man of sin” or the “lawless one” or “son of perdition” mentioned by St. Paul – 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
He is the little horn in Daniel – Dan 7:8, 7:21.
He is the one Jesus referred to as “one who comes in his own name” – John 5:43.
He is the first beast in Revelation 13.
Note the antichrist verses in John’s Epistles can refer to anyone meeting the conditions described there, but in the “spirit of antichrist”.
Check also under our keyword Antichrist.
RC, it should be pointed out however that the seven headed BEAST first mentioned in Rev. 13:1-3 speaks of a political power (the West, the “Anglo-American Empire”) out of which will eventually come the AntiChrist. The AntiChrist arrives only in the healing of the 7th head of this BEAST that was wounded to death (13:3b-8). Rev. 17 describes this same Western BEAST that appears again after having been non existent (since the fall of the Old Roman Empire) but as John says, seeing the end times, “now is.” Rev.17:9 clearly identifies this Empire with Rome as the Old and now the revived Roman Empire. 17:11 further says that the 7th head that was wounded to death after its healing becomes “the eighth” and goes into perdition. That is the AntiChrist and his kingdom.
Back in the last part of Ch 13 you have another BEAST, a Ram that speaks a a dragon. This is the False Prophet who comes prior to AntiChrist as a forerunner, but NOT before the BEAST in 13:1-3, the Western Revived Roman Empire.
This “terrible” Roman BEAST (both the Old and the modern Revived Roman Empire) was pictured in the 4th Beast in Daniel 7 and by the legs and feet of the Great Image in Daniel 2.
The revived Roman Empire is the European Union. The first beast in Rev 13 can, in part, refer to an empire, but the “him” – singular – verses refer to the specific man who is antichrist. He will be “wounded” by the Warning since there will be so many conversions, but will come back with a vengeance for the final persecution of the Church before the Second Coming.
It is most interesting that you mention the Warning as the wounding of the Beast- an important point indeed. We do not want to leave out however the political and economic aspect of this wound which is even now and soon in a much greater way will affect the Anglo-American / European Union “federation.” When St. John tells us of that Warning in Revelation 14:6-10, it first mentions the spiritual aspect that will reveal the state of every man’s soul before God. The second angel in the Warning however announces the judgment upon Babylon, the financial, economic and commercial system of the world. That would certainly be the economic and political wound to the BEAST. The third angel brings the warning not to worship the Anti-Christ. It seems to me then that this Warning would have to come either just before or at the revelation of this Man of Sin or the Warning would be too late for some. So I think the wound fits more with the Anglo/American New World Order, of which the EU is merely a subservient part. But perhaps you have a point since the AntiChrist is certainly operating behind the scenes at this moment and so the wound may apply also to him as a person, perhaps even literally to mime the Christ in a false resurrection. I mention the Anglo-American Empire as the dominant element in the New World Order because the EU is clearly being dominated by “US foreign policy” and elements of CIA and British MI6. That the CIA could promise Bergoglio the papacy shows who is dominating and controlling element of the Beast of Rev. 13:1-3a.
It is my strong feeling that the antichrist will be revealed this year of 2015
He will start his public mission at age 33 in reverse to Jesus the true messiah who ended his public mission at that age
Adonai Yeshua, once said, a kingdom that is divided in itself cannot stand.
Thank you John6. Good to hear the Truth instead of modernist drivel and denials that we live in the last days.
Thanks stephen just hope it helps some people who arnt sure about things whats coming our way very soon.
MDM mesagge 16.10.2013
and he (antichrist) presents himself to his elect chosen few as a CHARMING, BEAUTIFUL PRINCE.
Google ‘prince William antichrist’ . 2015 summer prince William will be 33 years old.
Sorry, this opinion is wrong. Maitreya is the real Antichrist.
The brand new Mormon temple is a few km from the Vatican
Will he rule from there?
Maybe there will be not two, but three or four persons – unholy or false trinity and antichrist’s John the Baptist
MDM October 16th, 2013
My dearly beloved daughter, the most unholy trinity, consisting of My three enemies, the false prophet, the antichrist and the dragon, that is Satan, will rise now in defiance against the Most Holy Trinity.
MDM October 21st, 2013
The number of those who will follow the unholy trinity, comprised of the false prophet, the antichrist and Satan…
MDM August 23rd, 2013
Under the hypnotic direction of the false trinity – the trinity created by Satan – they will crave every kind of sin as a means to sustain their newfound appetite.
MDM October 22nd, 2013
All those who wear the triangle, the sign of the most unholy trinity…
1.False prophet (Pope Francis)
2. Antichrist (Maitreaya, or prince from east, etc.)
Antichrist now is prince and later He will become King of the world.
(MDM August 12th, 2012 They will declare, subtly at first, that the antichrist will be Christ the King)
3. Dragon…???
In Revelation 13 there are also three – beast out of the sea, dragon, beast out of the earth.
4. Antichrist’s John the Baptist