Pedro Regis

Many will be tempted to retreat but dwell with Jesus – Courage

4098Message of Our Lady, transmitted in 02/07/2015

Dear children, be honest based in your actions. God is the righteous Judge will give to each according to their deeds. Do not be evil slaves. You are with the Lord and the things of the world are not for you. Flee from sin and serve the Lord with gladness. If you happen to fall, call Jesus. He is your Lord and Friend. Seek him always and you will be happy already here on earth and later with Me in heaven. Be filled with hope. My Jesus is at your side. When all seems lost the Victory of God happen. Get away from all that departs from the Lord. Your noble mission is to follow and serve Him Who is your Way, Truth and Life. Bend your knees in prayer. Difficult days are coming for you but do not back out. Many will be tempted to retreat but dwell with Jesus. Courage. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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