
“I am imploring you: be vigilant and open for truth”

The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March.  It has been this way through the years. Several thousand pilgrims gathered in prayer of the Rosary. The apparition lasted from 13:47 to 13:53 on March 18, 2015:

“Dear children! With a full heart I am asking you, I am imploring you children: cleanse your hearts of sin and lift them up to God and to eternal life. I am imploring you: be vigilant and open for truth. Do not permit for all that is of this earth to distance you from the true cognition of the contentment in the communion with my Son. I am leading you on the way of true wisdom, because only with true wisdom can you come to know true peace and the true good. Do not waste time asking for signs of the Heavenly Father, because He has already given you the greatest sign, which is my Son. Therefore, my children, pray so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into truth, can help you to come to know it, and through that knowledge of the truth that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and with my Son. That is the cognition which gives happiness on earth and opens the door of eternal life and infinite love. Thank you.”


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  • One can almost feel the sense of urgency in this beautiful message, at this critical time, from Our Lady Queen of Peace.

    You see, it is my heartfelt opinion that those who have not yet consecrated themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are leaving themselves vulnerable to a most sinister deception at this time.

    Therefore, let us pray to Jesus, through Mary, for the grace of humility and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray in particular for the gift of wisdom, so that we may be able to discern between right and wrong, between good and evil, between virtue and sin, and especially between truth and deceit!!

    And let us thank Almighty God for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary (for where would we be without them?), and let’s resolve to keep Pope Benedict, God bless him, in our prayers.

  • Dear Gerrad, many thanks for your post. It is the perfect letter that I can give to my family and friends to pass on, and to pray for. In the 2 Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

  • Everyone, I do not mean to be an alarmist, but The Warning Second Coming site has a message that states, “This site is no longer in operation.” If true, then we need some serious prayers for MDM and those who support her, no matter what the reason may be.

  • Everyone, I do not mean to be an alarmist, but The Warning Second Coming site has a message that states, “This site is no longer in operation.” If true, then we need some serious prayers for MDM and those who support her, no matter what the reason may be.

  • Simeon, Amen. Thank the Lord I sent her a wee thank-you poem last week for St Patrick’s Day

  • Simeon, Amen. Thank the Lord I sent her a wee thank-you poem last week for St Patrick’s Day

  • Medj mar 25

    “pray and fight against … all the evil plans which the devil offers you through modernism.”

    As far as I can remember,
    mother has never spoken before like this in medj.

    Methinks the missions are converging.

  • Medj mar 25

    “pray and fight against … all the evil plans which the devil offers you through modernism.”

    As far as I can remember,
    mother has never spoken before like this in medj.

    Methinks the missions are converging.

  • Excellent, John6. We all need to go over this encyclical again – been more than several years. It’s what we need- NOW! Thanks for posting John.

  • Excellent, John6. We all need to go over this encyclical again – been more than several years. It’s what we need- NOW! Thanks for posting John.