Pedro Regis

Humanity will find peace and you will see the Mighty Hand of God act

4124-Message of Our Lady, transmitted in the Parish of Saint Marcellin / RJ transmitted in 04/07/2015

Dear children, you are of the Lord and only He should follow and serve. Put your confidence and hope in the Lord. He is your all and only in Him is your victory. I know each one of you by name and I come from heaven to call you to be all similar to My Son Jesus. Do not lose heart. Whatever happens, stay with Jesus. Do not be discouraged by your difficulties. There is no victory without the cross. When you happen to fall, call Jesus. He is your only and great friend. Open your hearts to Him and all will be well for you. Don’t get away from prayer. When you turn away, you become the target of the enemy. Seek strength in prayer and Eucharist. Days of joy will come to the Lord’s elect. Humanity will find peace and you will see the Mighty Hand of God act. Forward with joy. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.


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  • unbelievably, no mention AT ALL at the mass I attended today about the feast of divine mercy, nothing in the parish bulletin either.
    jesus said: “Souls perish in spite of My bitter Passion. I am giving them the last hope of salvation; that is, the Feast of My Mercy. If they will not adore My mercy, they will perish for all eternity… tell souls about this great mercy of Mine, because the awful day, the day of My justice, is near.” (Diary 965)
    Are the priests telling the people about this great mercy in your parish?

  • At the mass I attended, the image of the divine mercy was present and was mentioned after communion. A three o’clock service was held today.
    At times I have, at weekday mass, sneaked in prayers pertinent to the messages from the Book of Truth. And the dear souls present utterly ignorant of my ulterior motives all say: Lord hear our prayer. Maybe tomorrow a prayer could be said in honour of the omitted feast.

  • Going to Mass in an hour so I’ll report back regarding the observance of the Divine Mercy in my patch.

    • If your attending the TLM then there most likley wont be a mention of divine mercy sunday as in the 1962 missal it is low sunday. Most traditional catholics ie st pius x , resistence , sedes etc dont beleive fully in the divine mercy chaplet and diary. iv listened to their arguments and can understand why they have the opinions they have but i pray the chaplet daily at 3pm if possible. But i attend the TLM so basically if its the new mass then you should most defiantly have a sermon or mention of divine mercy sunday hope this has helped someone

  • At 2:00pm we had a Holy Hour followed by singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The Divine Mercy image was front and centre. The priest was in the confessional busy the entire time ( until 3:30 ). One of the parishioners told me a few months ago that this priest believes the messages of Maria Divine Mercy but cannot speak about it.

    • Sounds like your lucky to have a priest like that at your local parish keep praying for him.this is only a personal opinion stephen but if there is a TLM mass in your area i do think it will strengthen your faith in most areas. Im not saying you need too only that it did so for me my wife & daughter GOD BLESS

  • “Cannot speak about it”.Priest muzzled by hierarchical ban?
    But people do know about it – by word of mouth, by pamphlets, by stumbling upon it on the internet. May more get to
    know about the messages. Anyway, after the Warning, priests will be busy day and night in the confessional. Nobody can muzzle those signs in the sky, that fifteen minutes with Jesus on the state of one’s soul