
And Now the Fake MDM Message of 6 May 2015

There is being posted around the internet a purportedly new message from MDM dated 6 May 2015, this being after MDM closed her website (temporarily to be sure) in March 2015 and has gone silent. The “message” is available here or here. However, there are some serious problems with it, one being a contradiction of previous – real and true – MDM messages as well as containing a doctrinal problem. Additional grammatical errors add to the problems list, although those are minor in comparison to the main invalidating problems.

To compound the problem, MDM has not publicly stated anything about her situation, so all we have is hearsay as to the source of the message.

This is certainly good timing for the devil to poison the MDM believers with his lies. Great consternation and debate is to be expected.

Stay tuned as a detailed analysis will be posted here shortly. UPDATE: see the analysis here.

And just to be perfectly clear to avoid erroneous inferences, this by no means invalidates the official (previous) MDM messages from 2010 through March 2105. Rather this particular “message” received only through third parties is the problem. God does not make His prophets as ghost-writers for third party publishing.


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  • I have info that this Message is a REAL ONE!!! PLS, be careful with your judgement… Jesus told MDM in one previous messages that she might go to hiding and stop even for some time with her Messages, but He will never abandon us.

    • Doesn’t church dogma matter to you? Doesn’t consistency with past message matter to you? What info do you have to verify this is a true message?

      Don’t you see the devil is doing with MDM followers the same things that he is doing with the Church in general. People accept what Francis says because he is considered pope, without regard to the Truths of the Church. MDM believers following this message believe that it is from MDM, regardless of the truth. Same process. But we don’t even have MDM in public, rather only hearsay.

    • Be at peace now. Discernment is important and must be sought. God will assist you in all your necessities. His Love is overwhelming! And you will also remember that He chastises those He loves. 🙂 Me included.
      I can’t relay all I (we) have learnt about discernment here, but you are invited to search our Crusade Prayer Group’s small site. Go beyond the home page. https://remnantdisciples.wordpress.com

  • I also really think that this message is real!!! I know the source. Please check carefully and do not make the same mistake as the enemies make.

    • What is your process to discern messages? Are you aware that all valid messages must be consistent with Church teachings? So you claim this is from MDM?

      • You’re clearly blind if you believe that Message is false. You’re the one who’s creating confusion. We who’ve been following the Book of Truth Messages from the beginning know when God is speaking to us through His Messages. If He has said something false then point out exactly what it was. Otherwise your point is invalid.

      • The Holy spirit is our source in discerning this messages something you seem to be missing.

    • yes, the message is real. There is a new official website being set up now, that will confirm this.
      God Bless.

  • Remnant Clergy – WHO ARE YOU? Do we have you pronounced publically? Do you remain anonymous? Do you tell us what your situation is?

    Are you authentic yourselves in Jesus’ Mission to mankind?

    What you are proposing is Blasphemy!

    To question one single Message is to question ALL MESSAGES IN THIS MISSION – do you question out of discernment or do you question out of doubt?

    You are sliding down a very slippery slope if you guide souls away from Christ’s Truth.

    We can now question what your motives might be to speak so publically, your OPINION on the latest TRUE MESSAGE from Christ!

    Are you who you purport yourselves to be or are you opposers to Christ’s Mission to mankind – it is curious that you refer to Maria, the final prophet as ‘MDM’ Are you not happy with her full name? You also say these ‘Messages are FROM MDM’ – does this mean you declare her to be the Author as well as the writer?

    Methinks you protest too much. Perhaps you need to define your position much more clearly so the TRUE REMNANT can discern the Spirit of Truth from the spirit of deception.

    • Louise, You say “To question one single Message is to question ALL MESSAGES IN THIS MISSION – do you question out of discernment or do you question out of doubt?”

      COMPLETELY WRONG!. That is not what the Church teaches, rather that is your deformed opinion. Show us in Church teaching where your opinion is corroborated. I follow God’s Truth, and His infallible Bible says to “Extinguish not the spirit. Despise not prophecies. But prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thess 5:19-21).

      So provide your point by point rebuttal to what I have written. Show us how this follows Church dogma and previous MDM messages.

      One great sign of devilish influence is that this “message” is causing division with those who believe in MDM. I never had a problem with any MDM message until this one, which is not from her publicly but only hearsay through third parties. I do oppose those messages who PURPORT to be from the mission of Jesus to Mankind, when they contradict Church teachings and previous MDM messages. Why doesn’t that matter to you?

      • Virgin Mary: The time for me to crush the serpent is drawing nearer

        Tuesday, April 10th, 2012 @ 20:45

        I am your beloved Mother, Queen of the Earth. I am the Immaculate Conception, the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus who came in the flesh.

        My child, the time for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is close.

        The time for me to crush the serpent is drawing nearer. But until the day when Satan and his demons are cast into the wilderness, much confusion will erupt on earth.

        For believers in my Son, it will be a time of torment. They will be pulled into two different directions by the Catholic Church.

        One half will believe, out of duty, the need to follow the False Prophet, the Pope who will follow Pope Benedict XVI

        He, the beast, is dressed like a lamb but is not from my Father, God the Most High, and will fool poor souls including priests, bishops and cardinals.

        Many will follow him and believe him to be sent by God to rule over His Church on earth.

        Sadly, many souls will follow his teachings which will be insulting to My Father.

        Others, filled with the Holy Spirit and given the graces of discernment because of their humble souls, will know instantly, that an imposter sits in the Church in Rome.

        The new false Pope is already scheming, even before he ascends to the throne of the Seat of Peter, to denounce the teachings of my Son. Then he will denounce me, the Blessed Mother of God, and ridicule my role as Co-Redemptrix..

        My child, your role is going to become even harder than before. For many of my children are very confused. The insults you face every day, the torments you endure on behalf of my Son, will increase.

        Never be afraid to tell the world the truth my child.

        You are being made stronger as a result of the physical and mental suffering you accept on behalf of my Son in order to save souls.

        Every effort, especially by one division in the Catholic Church, will be made to dismiss my messages given to you.

        Your obedience and loyalty to me and my beloved Son will be tested as never before. This may lead you to pull away but, should this happen, it will not last long.

        Pray, my child, for all of God’s children who, through no fault of their own, are being pulled into the final battle for souls.

        All of this must come to pass for it is contained in my Father’s Book.

        All the angels in Heaven protect you, my child, in this somewhat lonely mission.

        Always remember how important prayer is.

        Pray, pray, pray for without prayer, especially the recital of my Holy Rosary, Satan can pull you away from the Holy Word of my Precious Son.

        Remember also the importance of fasting for it keeps the deceiver at bay.

        Without regular prayer, my children, will find it hard to remain close to my Son.

        Never fear the future children for once you remain close to my Son you will be protected

        And given the necessary graces to prepare your souls and those of your families for the New Era of Peace foretold so long ago.

        Your beloved Mother

        Queen of the Earth

        Mother of Salvation

  • Although i have not as of yet read the message I naturally and supernaturally do agree with remnant clergy. I have a formation in theology and philosophy. I will risk to believe….walk in faith….What other choice do I have? I have known and do know false and true seers and mystics in very personal way. I have learned, after having followed this site for the last few years, to trust in his (remnant clergy’s ) discernment. We are at full war….even against the evil within ourselves. If we don’t walk in humility, truth, and quiet prayer….what will our worth be before Our Lord Jesus who has already suffered so much?

    • Hu hu hu .With all philosophy and theology and yet :You are as blind as a bat.Your pride and arrogance blinds you!

  • This message is true end of story .You may argue as much as you want but the fact remains that the message comes from Jesus Christ .

  • I have read the may 6, 2015 message. I do not know if it came from MDM. As far as doctrine, I do not see any thing wrong with it.

  • My priests, you must not offend Me by declaring Me to be a liar

    November 27, 2012 fatherofloveandmercy Latest Messages

    My dearly beloved daughter, I must explain that many of you who work hard to promote and spread My Holy Word will be attacked more than ever by self-appointed experts who will dismiss these Messages as being of no consequence.

    Others, who attack you, will say that you have no right to proclaim My Word or to declare it to be the Truth.

    Finally, you will be threatened by certain sacred servants from within My Church and told to stop what you are doing as they are offended by your work. They will say that these Messages are not from God.

    They suspect that they come from an evil force. They will say that these Messages are in opposition to My Church’s Teachings. I say this to them.

    What part of the Messages causes you such heartache? Why do you not speak the Truth when you criticise My Word?

    Why do you boast of your knowledge of spiritual matters which you say exceeds Mine?

    Do you speak on behalf of My Body on earth, My Church? If so, then I have not, through My Holy Vicar, authorised this.

    Is your campaign to reject these Messages so intensely based on your own views and personal opinions?

    You find fault and then threaten your flock that if they read My Word they will be misguided.

    My Holy Word you say must be rejected and then you tell My followers that it is their duty to do so.

    Why are you afraid of the King to Whom you have pledged your life?

    I am not to be feared yet, My Word, sits uncomfortably with you.

    There are many self-appointed prophets in the world who are not authentic and need the prayers of many. For those who are authentic, however, they are the ones you will always target the most. It is My genuine prophets who incur the wrath of priests, who are still unsure of the objective of this My Holy Mission.

    Be careful about whom you challenge, spread venom, untruths and create aspersions, for I have not given you or My Church the authority to do this. My priests, you must not offend Me by declaring Me to be a liar.

    When the day of the Truth is revealed to you, you will feel much shame.

    You must put down your weapons and eliminate all the hatred and anger which torments you right now. Then look at what has happened to you. Satan has deceived you in a way so that your verbal and written attacks on this Work goes way beyond that which is expected of you as a priest.

    Why has this happened? It is to delay this Mission and to take people away from My Prayers, which have been sent from Heaven to save souls. What you are doing is trying to stop Me, your Jesus, in My Plan for the salvation of humanity.

    This is a very serious offense against God.

    Here is a Crusade Prayer to help you to respond to My Call and to release you from the torment of doubt.

    Crusade Prayer (86) Release me from the torment of doubt

    I come before you confused, unsure and frustrated, dear Jesus, because I am worried about the Truth You proclaim within Your Messages.
    Forgive me if I have wronged You.
    Forgive me if I cannot hear You.
    Open my eyes so that I can be shown what it is You need me to understand.
    I implore You, to give me the Power of the Holy Spirit to show me the Truth.
    I love You, dear Jesus, and I beg You to release me from the torment of doubt.
    Help me to respond to Your call.
    Forgive me if I have offended You and bring me closer to Your Heart.
    Guide me to Your New Kingdom and grant me the favour, so that through my own prayers and suffering, that I can help You to salvage souls so precious to Your Sacred Heart.

    Your Jesus

  • Let them pray to Me, for discernment

    April 2, 2012 fatherofloveandmercy Latest Messagesjesus, pray, Second Coming

    My dearest beloved daughter, you must rest now, for the attacks by those who cannot accept My True Word, continue.

    You are not permitted to defend My Word, but now I Am instructing you not to engage with those who doubt My Word, for that is not your responsibility.

    My daughter, no matter how tempting it is to prove the authenticity of My Most Holy Word for humanity in these the times, you must not do this.

    I never responded to My executioners, during My Crucifixion. You must not try to respond to those who wish to persecute Me, through My Messages.

    It is not you, my daughter, they are angry with; it is I.

    I can only tell the world how to prepare for My Second Coming. I cannot force them.

    Ignore such taunts. Many are from genuine souls, who feel the need to ask questions. But, you are not permitted to do so. Let them pray to Me for discernment. Only I have responsibility for their souls. Even when you offer suffering to save souls, it is still not your responsibility.

    So go and tell those who are in doubt, like My apostle Thomas, it was I who faced him, after My Resurrection, when I stood before him. It was only when he touched MyWounds that he fully believed.

    Sadly, many souls in the world are not afforded this luxury.

    They must know time is short, in order to prepare their souls. It is their own free choice whether or not they respond to My Call.

    Your Jesus

  • “the living and the dead” – on this instance Jesus refers to the promise of those who remain faithful to him. Refer to Nov 29, 2013 message, excerpt as follows:

    “I will raise the living and the dead in glory and they will reign in great splendor in the new heaven and the new earth, when the two will become one in me.”

    The source of the May 6 message and any future messages will still be coming from one source, from MDM and spread to a number of people around the world who have direct contact with MDM. The closure of the official website was Jesus’ instructions. All we need to do is TRUST. Trust in His plan (even if we dont agree). We cannot divide ourselves at this time. We need to be together. Continue with the Crusade Prayers, LItanies, HOly Rosary and DM Chaplet…and fast.

    • You say: “The source of the May 6 message and any future messages will still be coming from one source, from MDM and spread to a number of people around the world who have direct contact with MDM.

      That’s what the debate is about. When MDM speaks officially, and not through hearsay, then we will know for sure. Hearsay is not acceptable.

      You say: “The closure of the official website was Jesus’ instructions

      No it wasn’t. That’s just part of the hearsay.

  • To: remnant clergy concerning May 6, 2015 message

    I believe this message is true and agrees with doctrine.

    In regards to the words “for”, “of”, and “Me”, I believe the paragraph is perfectly clear.

    In regards to the word “firstmost”, whether it is slang, or not, it is perfectly clear.

    To “destroy” Satan is clearly a figure of speech.

    If the “mercy” mentioned refers to the Warning, then that is not a contradiction, because that is what the Warning is: a show of mercy.

    The line about the “living and the dead” is correct.

    When Jesus returns, He will judge the living and the dead.

    I think you are confusing the Second Coming with the final judgment.

    The Second Coming of Jesus is not the final judgment.

    That is why people don’t believe in a 1000-year reign, because they think that Jesus’ return is the final judgment.

    The final judgment comes after the 1000-year reign.

    The final judgment is not to judge the living and the dead. It is only to judge the dead.

    To say to “listen to Me only through these messages” is not saying to ignore other previous prophets.

    It just implies that many people are not aware of any other messages.

    • Joe, do you believe that Jesus will judge only the living at the Second Coming (before 1000 Years) and then judge the dead at the end of the world (after 1000 Years)? Please explain how you understand that in more detail.

      • I am not a theologian, but isn’t saint Paul said that the dead in Christ will rise FIRST…(without mentioning the frames of time when the other will rise) and isn’t the Book of Apocalypse said that after thousand years Satan will be released for the short time and then when THE END will come?

        Look at this exact quotations from the Book of Revelation:

        “20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This [is] the first resurrection.”

        “20:6 Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.”

        “20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,…”

        LOOK NOW…”and I saw the dead” !!!:

        “20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

        “20:14-15 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

        Yes RC, it looks that the living in Christ will be judged first because of 1000 year Christ Kingdom promised to them, until the full End will come. The Book of Revelation seems to support that.

      • At the Second Coming, Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead. This means that he will judge everyone on the earth at that time.

        It also means that He will judge everyone who was saved, but who had already died before Jesus returns, to see who He wishes to place on the renewed earth, the new paradise, God’s kingdom on the earth. This is called the first resurrection.

        These will be such people as the martyrs, and anyone else favored to live during the era of peace.

        It is possible that all the saved, up until that point, who already had died before Jesus returns, could be raised in the first resurrection. But that’s for Jesus to say.

        After the 1000-year reign, some time after that, the final judgment will occur. This will be where all people will be judged in this general judgment.

        This means everyone who lived on the earth.

        They will be judged by if their name is written in the book of life.

        Hopefully, everyone will be given one last chance to be saved. But that is also up to God.

        The final judgment is to judge only the dead.

        That is a figure of speech.

        It means that everyone will be alive, but not in their human body. They will each be given an eternal, glorified, physical, body.

        • I presume what you call the “final judgment” that you mean the General Judgment or Last Judgment. Every single soul is Judged then, but that must be understood as that each soul’s activity and God’s Judgment on the soul is made manifest to all souls. Every soul will already have his or her Particular Judgment completed, which is the Judgment which determines if you go to Heaven or Hell or for now, Purgatory. No soul will enter Purgatory after the New Era (1000 Years). There will be people alive at the end of the New Era because there is no death in the New Era, and they will have their Particular Judgment immediately before the end of the world.

          • Reply to Remnant Clergy

            Yes, by final judgment, I mean general or last judgment.

            Yes, I agree that everyone will be judged at the final judgment on their actions, and such. Yes, by that time, everyone will have had their “particular” judgment already.

            When Jesus returns in His Second Coming, it is to give salvation to those on the earth, if they are judged worthy to be saved.

            This is what it means to judge the living.

            When Jesus returns, the people on the earth will have their “particular’ judgment then.

            When Jesus returns, He will also judge all of the people who were saved, but who had already died.

            He will judge them to see whom He wishes to place on the renewed earth, in the new paradise, in God’s kingdom on the earth. This is called the first resurrection.

            This is what it means to judge the “dead”.

            The final judgment is to judge only the dead.

            To judge the “dead” is a figure of speech.

            It means that they will all be alive, but they will not be in their human bodies.

            At the final judgment, everyone will stand before the judgment seat of God. They will all appear in their eternal, glorified, physical body.

            In other words, the Second Coming of Jesus is not the final judgment.

            In other words, at the Second Coming of Jesus, everyone is not judged.

            At the final judgment, then everyone is judged in a final and general judgment.

            The final judgment comes sometime after the 1000-year era of peace.

            In other words, the message of May 6, 2015 is a true message.

          • Please stop behaving like a Protestant and judging Church teachings based on your opinion of a prophetic message. If you think otherwise, please provide catechism or dogmatic quotes from encyclicals or other sources to substantiate your beliefs. How many comings of Jesus does the Church teach? Is it three? In other words, because you have your doctrine wrong, you cannot possibly correctly discern a prophetic message. The time for debate with you is ended and instead it’s time for prayer. Obstinate refusal to accept Church teachings makes one a heretic and automatically excommunicated. You will certainly understand at the Warning.

          • All right. I do not wish to debate. But let me say something.

            I think you are confused.

            The second coming is to judge the living and the dead.

            The final judgment is to judge only the dead.

            This means that every one is judged at the final judgment.

            The final judgment comes some time after the second coming.

            If everyone is judged at the final judgment, then what does it mean to judge the living and the dead at Jesus’ return?

            There is no sense in judging the dead at Jesus’ return, because they were already judged when they died.

            To judge the dead, all those who passed on up until that time, at Jesus’ return, means that He will not judge them to see if they are saved.

            He will judged them to see who He wishes to place on the renewed earth in the first resurrection.

            In other words, He will choose from among the dead, who were already saved, to see who He wishes to place on the renewed earth.

            This is what it means to judge the dead.

            In other words, when He returns, He will judge everyone alive on the earth at that time.

            And He will judge all those who died in His favor (all the saved up until that point).

            He will not judge them to see if they are saved. They are already saved.

            He will judge them to see who He wishes to place on the renewed earth.

            In other words, that message is correct.

            If you want to excommunicate me, go right ahead. That doesn’t bother me, at all.

            I will not answer people who are rude.

            It is you who cannot evaluate a “message”.

            There is only one second coming of Jesus.

            Jesus returns at the second coming, not at the final judgment.

            To believe that Jesus returns at the final judgment is a false belief.

            The church has other false beliefs also.

            In other words, Jesus returns before the era of peace. This is the 1000-year reign of Jesus on the earth.

            Everyone who inherits this era of peace will be saved.

            In other words, everyone who lives in the era of peace will have eternal life and are saved.

            To believe that you have a proper understanding of doctrine, or that you can evaluate a “message” is ridiculous.

          • That you cannot evaluate Francis properly shows how blind you are, and your “expert” claim is utterly worthless, like long fringes on your mantle (look it up). The doctors of the law at the First Coming acted exactly the same way. You will know more at the Warning, the 6th Seal, when you will experience the Intermediate Coming (look it up) of Jesus and see the state of your soul. I am sure you don’t believe that either, so time will tell. We don’t have too many years left before the Second Coming. Enough debate. God will have to show you personally, and He will. Just remember not to despair based on what you see.

  • RC said it correctly: the last line “Listen to Me only through these messages at this time.” is the set up for future lies and “is clearly part of the plan. So I will be the canary in the coal mine on this topic. Canaries are the first to detect problems.”

    It is very obvious to me that this message is a set up for future deception. The last line says it all.

    • lynn…the last prayer was that Jesus told us he was going to guide us through his good priests….at least this is how i have understood the prayer. 😉 Isn’t remnant clergy a priest?

      • Maybe you misunderstood my above post? I agree with RC.

  • Dear Remnant Clergy. I have read your post and the message. I’m not a clergy man. I believe this message to be authentic. Please provide proof that it’s not. You have failed to show proof. If you are referring to the last statement about “listen and follow these messages at this time”. Well,if you do just that,you will discover once again that through out all the messages God is begging us to, pray,repent,fast,read the bible,love,receive the Sacraments,offer suffering, etc.
    Do you remember in the Gospel when Christ got frustrated with the diciples and He cried out “HOW much longer must I be here?”. He was frustrated over how technical they had become. There was nothing new in this latest message that he hasn’t said before. For me,this message was simply a motivation for us to keep going forward and to keep up the good fight. There is nothing in this message that goes against the true word of God. Thank you for reading.

    • Proof was provided but you reject it. You can lead a horse away from poisoned water, but you can’t stop him from drinking it.

      • I am not a theologian, but isn’t saint Paul said that the dead in Christ will rise FIRST…(without mentioning the frames of time when the other will rise) and isn’t the Book of Apocalypse said that after thousand years Satan will be released for the short time and then when THE END will come?

        Look at this exact quotations from the Book of Revelation:

        “20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This [is] the first resurrection.”

        “20:6 Blessed and holy [is] he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.”

        “20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,…”

        LOOK NOW…”and I saw the dead” !!!:

        “20:12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

        “20:14-15 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.” “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

        Yes RC, it looks that the living in Christ will be judged first because of 1000 year Christ Kingdom promised to them, until the full End will come. The Book of Revelation seems to support that.

        • The teachings of the Church say that everyone is judged at the moment of death, or the Second Coming, whichever comes first. Anyone who is not a martyr is called to the latter in these days.

          For those who are born in the New Era – recall there is no death then – will not physically die and hence have a slightly different type of Judgment because Earth and Heaven are “merged”, e.g. the Paradise of Adam and Eve. In other words, those souls cannot be judged as we are now since they don’t die. The Scripture where Satan is let loose for a while is a temptation to all those souls born into the New Era who are living on Earth at that time, right before the end of the world, a test like Adam and Eve had. If you fail, you get thrown into hell bodily, and those who pass get their glorified body and sent to Heaven. Once that is all done, then the General Judgment occurs. No souls are judged again really, but what is meant is that the judgment of God for each soul is made manifest to all souls to vindicate the Judgment of God. That is what is meant in the Gospel where everything that everyone ever did did is made fully known. Every soul who died and is not living on Earth at the end of the New Era will be resurrected, either glorified for Heaven or ugly for hell, and then go there.

          Those of us who made it from this era into the New Era (1000 Years) don’t die either, but take Jacob’s Ladder to Heaven when our time is up, and recall that we are already Judged.

          You and I (if not martyred) will already be judged at the Second Coming to get into the New Era (1000 Years). Dead persons will not be re-judged at the Second Coming since there is only one Judgment which determines your destiny. Many people, particularly the martyrs of the latter days, will be resurrected to live in the New Era for a time. Recall that a person 100 years old will be considered a babe (somewhere in Isaiah I think). The saints who died young and the incorruptibles will also come back, like St. Bernadette. Yes, that is the first resurrection.

          You can consider the Second Coming, the 1000 Years, and the end of the world as one “timeless event” since there will be no aging and death as there is today, that is time will not be like now. Yes, children will be born and grow to the perfect age of 33, but of course no sickness or health problems either. Adults will stay at “33 years” even when they live as long a Methusala.

          • Remnant Clergy you are a heretic *** [vulgar expletives deleted]

  • All the messages of MDM are FAKE, and this last one is not from MDM but is the worst of all.

    There are not 3 comings of Christ, only 2, the first coming was for taking away the sins of many and the second and last coming is to judge us for our works (Hebrew 9:28).

    The Apostles’ Creed “From Thence He Shall Come to Judge the Living and the Dead”.

    “From Thence” is since Christ ascension to heaven.
    “He Shall Come to Judge the Living and the Dead” The judgment of the living and the death is on the last day (John 12:48), at the end of the world (Catholic Catechism #681)

    The 1000 years (Rev 20:4) is symbolic, and represents the spiritual reign of Jesus with the church since Pentecost.

    • No, the 1000 Years is real, although the 1000 length is symbolic. The CDF said that the Church has not ruled on a New Era. See the book The Splendor of Creation by Fr. Iannuzzi.

      • The Apostles’ Creed “From Thence He Shall Come to Judge the Living and the Dead”.(Catholic Catechism #681)

        The Final Judgment is on the LAST DAY (John 12:48), there are no more days after the last day. So there are no thousand years or whatever you think after Christ second and final coming.

        Jesus comes on the “Last Day” like thief at the end of the world (2 Peter 3:10-13)

        Fr. Iannuzzi tells a modified form of Premillennialism that enters in conflict with catholic theology. He is not the magisterium of the church. Even he believes in Vassula’s messages that were condemned.

        People like you who don’t know true catholic faith are deceived.

        • Wrong. Millennialism is when one says that Jesus comes back physically to rule on the earth for 1000 years. The 1000 Years is the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus, the Kingdom of the Divine Will as revealed to Luisa Picarretta. Jesus reigns in Spirit, the Age of the Holy Ghost so to speak. Even St. Augustine said there could be a spiritual reign of Jesus, but 99.99% of Catholics don’t know that.

          • Jesus physically reign on earth for 1000 years during his second coming is called millenarism or chiliasm that was condemned by Pope Pius XI in 1944. I said Premillennialism that could mean physically or spiritual reign of Jesus for 1000 years during his second coming.

            Dear friend stop speaking trash, we are already living a spiritual eucharistic reign of Jesus Christ. Christ is actually reigning with his Saints in heaven and with his Church on earth.(Catholic Catechism #1029).

          • Correct on Jesus physically reigning during the 1000 Years as being a heresy. I am NOT claiming that, and neither is the prophecy. Jesus will reign Eucharistically, that is in hearts. That is the Kingdom of the Divine Will. You make the same erroneous judgment as 99.99% of Catholics who automatically assume that any mention of 1000 years is heresy. You are wrong. The Kingdom of the Divine Will means there will not be any sin, which is certainly not the case today. What prevents you from recognizing the great apostasy in front of your eyes now? Don’t you recognize the heretics running the synod, all appointed by the heretic on the Throne of Peter? Jesus will come as a thief in the night. Stop your snoring.

          • The Kingdom of the Divine Will as revealed to Luisa Picarretta, is the eternal life after Jesus second and final coming when the world is transformed (1 Corinthians 7:31), that is what we call the “End of the World”

            The Our Father says “Thy Kingdom Come”, refers primarily to the final coming of the reign of God through Christ’s return (CCC #2818)

            And there is no death (Rev 21:4) and no sin (Rev 21:27) because it was destroyed with the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:52-54) on the LAST DAY (John 6:39-40; 6:44; 6:54-55)

            The Kingdom of the Divine Will is the glorious messianic kingdom promised to Israel (CCC #672), this is not the Age of Peace promised by Fatima neither the 1000 years of the book of Revelation.

            The 1000 years of the book of Revelation is the Age of the Church, is this present life, this is the Age of the Spirit and of witness (CCC #672).

            Mr Remnant Clergy be humble accepting first your errors and say “I want to learn”. Sin will remain until Jesus second and final coming, that is at the end of the world.

          • Sorry, your understanding of Luisa Picarretta is defective. The Kingdom of the Divine Will is not Heaven, but on earth. The New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven is literal also, where Heaven and Earth join for that 1000 Years. The 1000 Years is basically Paradise returned, that is like at the time of Adam and Eve. No sin and no death. The lion lays down with the lamb. Only after that Paradise is the end of the world, when Satan will be again allowed to tempt those souls on earth one last time, just like in Paradise.

            Perhaps neither do you understand that particularly the Book of Revelation has simultaneous literal and figurative interpretations. If you think God’s Word is limited to one sense only, then you don’t accept the Church’s teaching on multiple senses of Scriptures. Most Catholics don’t know that either.

            Don’t worry, I don’t believe in the pre-trib rapture fable, in case you decide to bring that up.

          • You got everything WRONG, I said the World will be transformed, You really don’t understand Bible Prophecy, you haven’t provide any biblical or catechism source to defend your heretical teachings.

            You don’t understand Revelation 20, because you don’t know who is the angel having the key of the bottomless pit, you don’t even know what means the first resurrection nither the battle of Gog and Magog.

            You are like the guy who goes to the battlefield without the sword.

          • My sword is the Rosary. Before continuing the debate, I am wondering if you are a preterist? Do you limit Rev 20 to a mere figurative interpretation? Do you believe in multiple interpretations for the same Divine Text or not?

            BTW, since you think Luisa Piccarretta is about Heaven, doesn’t the Bible say that eye has not seen nor ear heard what is Heaven? Why would Jesus reveal such things that aren’t realizable to our understanding? No, that is about the 1000 Year New Era. Remember faith AND reason.

          • One more point, if you haven’t read The Splendor of Creation, do so before you come back and comment here. It’s only $5 on Kindle. Here is one summary of that book. Notice the topics.

            In this must-have groundbreaking book, theologian Fr. Joseph L. Iannuzzi discusses a period of time in the not-to-distant future that many Christians eagerly await – the coming era of peace known as the Millennium. Written from a scholarly, theological perspective, the Splendor of Creation is readable, well documented, and highly informative. While the text itself is barely two hundred pages, it is accompanied by almost six hundred footnotes.

            The thousand-year era of peace that is the subject of this work is definitively foretold in the twentieth chapter of St. John’s book of Revelation. Satan, it is prophesied, will be cast into the abyss for a thousand years, and shall no longer deceive the nations until that time is finished. Those who bore witness to Christ with their blood will come to life and reign with him during this millennium, in the “first resurrection.” Fr. Iannuzzi’s book deals primarily with the interior, spiritual life and characteristics of the Christians who will live during this time. It will be an age of universal peace, holiness and justice, when Christ will reign in the souls of men throughout the figurative thousand-year period.

            Catholic writers and mystics during the last century have frequently referred to a future era of peace using a variety of expressions such as: the Second Pentecost, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus, and the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

          • You have to understand that the book of Revelation is sealed up. But that book can be opened by one who has learned the mysteries of Scripture and understands its hidden truths, and its words which seem dark because of the greatness of the secrets they contain.(St Jerome)

            I’m an expert on Catholic Eschatology, The Catholic Church holds an amillennialism view. This view was held by Saints Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose, John Chrysostom, Gregory of Nyssa, Rufinus, Venerable Bede, Justin Martyr, Eusebius, Theodoret and Thomas Aquinas.

            The 1000 years is not the Age of Peace, the 1000 years is the Age of the Church, The Age of the Church has 7 Ages, The Age of Peace is the 6th Age of the Church called Philadelphia and means Brotherly love, This age of Peace was prophesied by the Virgen of Fatima and La Salette. We are living in the 5th age of the Church that will end with the 3 days of Darkness. The 7th Age is the time of the Antichrist.

            Satan is already bound since Jesus death and resurrection, he hold the keys of death and of hell (Rev 1:18). Satan will be released for a short time, that is the time of the Antichrist.

            The reign of the Antichrist is the last Trial of the Church (CCC #675), the Antichrist is Gog and Magog is the army of the Antichrist Magog is also referred the land of the Antichrist (Ezekiel Chapter 38 & 39)

            So stop reading unapproved visionaries and stick to the true catholic faith, I believe this is enough. If you want to be humble and learn, fine, otherwise good luck.

          • Just like the “expert” scribes, pharisees and doctors of the law who didn’t recognize the Messiah standing right in front of them, neither do you recognize the Second Coming. The process repeats with the Chosen People – then Jews, now Catholics. The prophecies given to MDM unseal Daniel and Revelation, but of course you think that you know better, just like the pharisees did. And you ignore that even St. Augustine said there could be a spiritual reign of Christ, as well as ignoring the declaration that the Church has not ruled on whether their is a spiritual reign of peace (which I call the New Era). What prevents you from recognizing the imposter on the Throne of Peter now? Will you accept the truth when he “dogmatically” declares heresy during or after the synod? I wonder. Further debate with you is futile at present. Perhaps you will learn after the Warning (the 6th Seal). PS: I have studied thousands of prophesies over 45 years, so I am very familiar with that topic.

          • Padre Martino Penasa spoke to Msgr. S. Garofalo (Consultant to the Congregation for the Cause of Saints) on the scriptural foundation of an historic and universal era of peace, as opposed to millenarianism. Msgr. suggested that the matter be posed directly to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Fr. Martino thus posed the question: “È imminente una nuova era di vita cristiana?” (“Is a new era of Christian life imminent?”). The Prefect at that time, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger replied, “La questione è ancora aperta alla libera discussione, giacchè la Santa Sede non si è ancora pronunciata in modo definitivo”:

            The question is still open to free discussion, as the Holy See has not made any definitive pronouncement in this regard. —Il Segno del Soprannauturale, Udine, Italia, n. 30, p. 10, Ott. 1990; Fr. Martino Penasa presented this question of a “millenary reign” to Cardinal Ratzinger

          • You can’t compare this time with the time of the pharisees, your living a past that doesn’t exist anymore. We have the Magisterium of the Church, the only authority to give the correct interpretation of Scripture. You are still brainwashed with MDM crap doctrine.

            St. Augustine said that the 1000 years of the Book of Revelation is since Jesus first coming. You haven’t read anything.

          • To end this topic, people perish for lack of knowledge.

            The Apostles’ Creed “From Thence He Shall Come to Judge the Living and the Dead”.(Catholic Catechism #681)
            The Final Judgment is on the LAST DAY (John 12:48), there are no more days after the last day.

            And like I said before, you haven’t provide any biblical or catechism source to defend your heretical teachings.

          • The catechism has the barest minimum of doctrine, and it does not contain much of what you said either. The time of the Antichrist is just about upon us. The False Prophet, second beast in Rev 13, is already on the Throne of Peter, but you cannot even see that. No surprise. Jesus said that He would come like a thief in the night, and you are snoring very loudly. You can certainly look up the verse numbers, right? Your interpretation of the Bible disagrees with mine, so you claim no proof. You apparently don’t accept the principle of multiple fulfillment of Bible verses either. If you can’t see the fundamentals, like the heretic anti-pope Francis, you cannot possibly discern Biblical prophesies or private revelations. And that’s exactly like the pharisees and doctors of the law at Jesus’ First Coming. The process repeats for the Second Coming. You neo-pharisees with lots of thick paper hung in frames on your walls are more accountable since you do have grace to answer for.

            The bigger question is this: what will you do when – not if – Francis and his modernist Synod prelates declare sin as acceptable, such as giving Holy Communion to adulterers and valuing active sodomites and sodomite unions approved by secular governments?

          • So David, do you recognize the heretics appointed by Francis who are running the Synod? Do you recognize the heretic sitting on the Throne of Peter? If not, why?

          • Remnant Clergy, you are a heretic and a piece of ***. [vulgar expletives deleted]

          • Another fake name posting like Thomas Daly. Why do you like to curse? Have you been to confession and made a firm purpose of amendment?

          • You are a liar in all forms and a slave of satan .Read the books of St. Paul, Jeremiah and of course Revelation 17.How can you insult the messages that come from the Holy Trinity? shame on you!!!

    • To: Raymond,

      There are only two comings of Jesus. One, when He was physically born. And two, at His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

      The judgment of the living and the dead is on the last day. That is the second coming.

      But the second coming, to judge the living and the dead, is not the last judgment, or what is called the “end of the world”. That is a false belief.

      To judge the living means to judge people in their human bodies on the earth.

      To judge the dead means to judge from among the dead who Jesus wishes to raise up in the first resurrection.

      At the last judgment, no one will be in their human body. They will be in their eternal one.

      In other words, the last judgment is not the second coming.

      The last day doesn’t mean the last judgment.

      The church just assumed it meant that.

      So they just assumed that the second coming was at the last judgment.

      The last day means the last day for the present earth, not the last judgment.

      When Christ returns, it will be the last day for the present earth.

      Jesus will return physically at the second coming. That is what the second coming means: to return physically to the earth.

      He will then judge the living and the dead.

      He will then renew the earth into a similar, but probably better, paradise as was given to Adam and Eve.

      And He will reign physically for 1000 years.

      The reason the church doesn’t believe in a 1000 year physical reign of Jesus on the earth before the last judgment, is because they believe that Jesus can only return physically at the last judgment, and not before that.

      That is why they believe that the 1000 year reign is symbolic of the reign of the church until Jesus returns.

      But that is an incorrect belief.

      The second coming is not the last judgment. They are two separate and different things.

      Jesus returns at the second coming, not at the last judgment.

      The final judgment comes way after the second coming of Christ to the earth.

      The Catechism is wrong. The church mistakenly interpreted the Bible.

      The reason why some Catholics do not believe in the MDM messages is because they base their reasoning on false beliefs.

  • Warning to everyone.Jesus will never ever walk the earth .at the time of His arrival He will be seen by everyone in the clouds followed by 144 thousand virgin saints and the Holy Angels but will be only in spirit as God the Father does not permit it .So be aware that any man that claims to be Jesus is the Ant-Christ .

  • Raymond Yerks is correct. Satan was bound up after the crucifixion. Several saints have written about a supernatural chastisement by fire and then the restoration of the Church. After this short period of peace the Antichrist will rise. By what I have read we are living in the fifth age of the Church, an age full of heresy with people making sly arguments to ignore canon law and where discipline is lax.

    • Satan is not bound now as he will be in the New Era (1000 Years). There will be no temptation in the New Era, until the final bit at the end of the world.

      Do you deny the multiple fulfillment of Scripture? Example: Matthew 24 talks about both the destruction of Jerusalem and the coming destruction of Rome, both due to apostate clerical leadership. Another example: the New Jerusalem coming down from Heaven, a symbolic interpretation for this age and then a literal interpretation for the 1000 Years. (I suspect you don’t agree)

  • Raymond and others: This is a quote from Jesus to Luisa Piccarreta, Book of Heaven, Vol.12, January 29, 1919 titled THE THREE ERAS OF THE WORLD AND THE THREE RENOVATIONS. WHAT LIVING IN THE DIVINE WILL IS. THE VOCATION OF LUISA.
    Beginning with paragraph 4 ( the relevant part of this message):

    “My beloved daughter, I want to make known to you the order of my Providence. In the course of every two thousand years I have renewed the world. In the first two thousand years I renewed it with the Deluge[Adam to Noah]. In the second two thousand[Noah to Christ] I renewed it with the coming on the earth in which I manifested my Humanity, from which, as from so many cracks, my Divinity shown forth. Moreover, the good and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have experienced the fruit of my Humanity, and by licking this fruit, have enjoyed some of my Divinity”

    “Now we are close to the end of the third thousand years[Christ to the present], and there will be a third renewal . This is the reason for the general confusion; it is nothing other than the preparation of the third renewal…after the earth has been purged and a great part of this generation destroyed [the Apocalypse], I will be even more magnanimous with creatures[1000 years of the Kingdom of the Divine Will].

    This may help as your template to untie the theological knots.

  • Oh how WONDERFUL it will be to live in the New Era! We should all pray that we be so blessed as to live there, to see our children grow up there, to see the realization of “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Let’s pray for that incredible gift for ourselves and for every single soul on earth!

  • RC, The response of Catholics like Mr. Yerks reminds me of those “Scripture scholars” in Jesus’ day who He had to rebuke, who claiming to know the Scripture could not see the Christ within them! “You hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky, but cannot discern the signs of the times!”

    The Church is being destroyed by “progressive” Saduseeism as well as the blindness of (a false) “orthodox” Phariseeism. In fact they feed off each others errors just as they did in Jesus’ day and in the end, though better rivals in theology, they turned on the Lord just as they both today have the many contemporary prophets of Heaven like Maria Divine Mercy. Both are without the Holy Spirit and are clouds without water — Laodicean Christians puffed up in their pride who have no need of anything more from Heaven because they know it all — the blight within the true Church.

  • I following the messages since from december of 2011 and it is been mentioned, even the messages willbe under attack and going to be pieces are taking. And I’m not even talking about all of those saints whose has ben taken to iterrogation, judged and persecuted for the truth. Even we are MDM belivers will go thrugh similar or even worst things because this world is against the truth. We have to focus on Jesus now and we have to shut the windows which was open earlier on the world. Anyway there are other truth and honest servents of the Lord whos also says, we are living in the Last days, and we just need to look around. The signs are clearley here and the judgement is upon humanity.
    All the best everyone

  • The message of May 6, 2015 said: ‘Listen to Me through these messages’.

    Then it said: ‘Listen to Me only through these messages at this time’.

    The RC took that to mean to only listen to this prophet and to these messages and not to listen to any other prophet and their messages.

    The RC said that that didn’t agree with previous messages.

    They said that previous messages didn’t say to only follow one prophet and to avoid all other prophets.

    They said that the messages said that there were other prophets.

    I believe whoever wrote this line down forgot to put a comma in it.

    I believe it should read: ‘Listen to Me only, through these messages at this time’.

    It seems here that Jesus is emphasizing His previous statement.

    This does not mean to only listen to one prophet.

    It means to only listen to Jesus.

    Jesus had said in the message that when He returns, that He will judge those alive on the earth, and those who died in His favor.

    The RC said that that doesn’t agree with church teaching.

    The church believes that when Jesus returns, that that is the last judgment, and that everyone is then judged, not just some people.

    But that is a wrong belief.

    The second coming is not the last judgment.

    Jesus returns at the second coming, not at the last judgment.

    He returns to judge the living and the dead.

    To judge the living means to judge the people on the earth to see who is saved.

    To judge the dead means to judge those who died in His favor, (everyone saved up until that point who had already died), to see who He wishes to raise up in the first resurrection.

    At the last judgment, then everyone is judged.

    But they will not be in their human body. They will all be in their eternal one.

    • But there is also said in the Messages that these ones (Book of Truth) will be the very last ones. Mary is the last prophet. So all the other messages given to other prophetes will stop. Only the false messages will go on. So for me it would be clear if God didn’t want to read (false) messages from other (false) prophets.

      • Your personal interpretation (inference) illustrates the error of many MDM believers, and hence they cannot discern the fake message. Being the last prophet does NOT mean that other prophets go silent. Never is that said. If so, show us the text saying other prophets are silenced. Rather your inference makes such an erroneous conclusion. It simply means that MDM started the latest in time (late 2010), after other prophets have already been going for various lengths of time. There will be many prophets throughout these last days, even as explained in MDM messages. Do you think genuine MDM messages contradict themselves? MDM’s particular topics will be to explain Daniel and Revelation in detail, while other prophets have other roles in delivering God’s Word. Example: you can see references to the Antichrist in Luz de Maria’s messages before MDM got started, and some references also during the time of MDM’s prophetic words. There will be others as well.

        • Thanks RC. That clarifies an important idea : that any prophet after 2010 can be assumed to be false.

          • Any NEW prophet, that is one who started after late 2010. There is an MDM message about “pre-existing” prophets (my paraphrase). That is existing ones can continue in parallel with MDM.

          • Virgin Mary:

            My child soon many of the world prophets, visionaries and seers will no longer receive messages
            Monday, August 13th, 2012 @ 19:45

            My child soon many of the world prophets, visionaries and seers will no longer receive messages in order to make way for these
            most important messages.

            Much of my work, through visionaries, will stop soon to leave room for the Voice of the Holy Spirit given to you the end
            time prophet.

            Many false prophets, who have come forward, will still shout at the top of their voices and those will be the only other voices
            competing for attention with these true final messages from Heaven.
            Do not be fearful my child for you and this mission are protected.
            It is not just you who works for this mission. The entire Heavens and all the angels and saints are working with you. This is why
            you must never feel alone even when you suffer.
            You are being blocked every day by the enemies of God.
            Plans have been underway to block the publication of the Book of Truth but this persecution is almost at an end.
            Keep close to me, your Mother, at all times so that I can place my Holy Mantle around you to protect you from the evil one.
            You are getting stronger and braver yet you feel tired. This will pass and the world will welcome the Book of Truth promised to
            them for so long.
            Go now and thank God for this great mission.
            All of the Heavens bless you.
            We hold your hand every day and all the saints protect you.
            The battle begins the moment the first book is sold. It will spread all over the world so you must prepare adequately.
            Call for help and you will receive it.
            Go in peace and love.
            Your beloved Mother
            Mother of Salvation

          • To the best of my knowledge from what M.D.M has told me,is that anybody who gets messages regarding the second coming since October 2010 and who never got messages before that, is who is to be regarded as fake.
            By the way, the message dated May 6th is ok. She confirmed this to me herself.

  • Jesus, Saturday, October 26th, 2013 @ 11:15


    When I speak, I desire that you listen. I cannot force you. You may look everywhere and try to find My Messages, given to prepare
    the world for My Second Coming at this time, and you won’t find them. My public Messages to prepare you for this, the final stage
    before My Covenant is fulfilled, can only be found in the Book of Truth.
    The Word is Mine. My Words will be heard in every nation. No one will stop Me, for My Power is Almighty.
    Your Jesus