Pedro Regis

Your future will be of great spiritual confusion

4156-Message of Our Lady, transmitted in Maceió / AL broadcast on 21.06.2015

Dear children, courage. My Son Jesus is with you and calls you to conversion. Take care of your spiritual life and witness everywhere that you belong to the Lord. I came from heaven to help you. Fear not. Who has the Lord will never be defeated. You are special and belong to my Immaculate Heart. Give me your hand and I will lead you along the way of goodness and holiness. We live in a time of sorrows. Your future will be of great spiritual confusion. Stay with Jesus. In Him is your complete happiness. Forward without fear. I will always be with you and take care of you. Do not stray from the path I have pointed out. Seek strength in the Gospel and the Eucharist. Victory of the Lord will be your victory. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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