“It is as though the journey in personal holiness were a ladder”

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  • “It is as though the journey in personal holiness were a ladder”

July 14, 2015

St. John Vianney, the Curé d’ Ars and Patron of all priests says:  “Praise be to Jesus.”

“You ask how a soul can become more holy.  The more God is the center of their life, the more holy the soul will be.  It is then God is a part of every decision, every victory, every disappointment and every defeat.  Such a soul interacts with grace and is never far from God’s Provision.”

“This is so important for priests who, too often, feel alone and make poor decisions based on free will and not the Divine Will.”

“It is as though the journey in personal holiness were a ladder.  The only way up the ladder which reaches to the Divine Will is to reach for the next rung.  In the spiritual realm, you reach the next rung through your efforts in prayer and sacrifice and self-abandonment.  These efforts make God the center of your existence.”

“Allow God to take dominion over your heart in this way.”