July 15, 2015
Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”
“Today, please understand the importance of humility and love to personal holiness. These two are the warehouse of all the other virtues. If there is any port of entry into this warehouse, Satan finds it. He is the thief that surrounds the warehouse and tries to breach its security.”
“The doorway to this warehouse of humility and love is the Truth. The windows which look out on the world are temptations. The path leading up to the warehouse is the search for the Truth and the key which unlocks the door is conviction of conscience. The roof is the Mantle of My Protection.”
“Knowing this, comprehend the significance of the Seal of Discernment and the Blessing of Truth which are given freely at this apparition site.* It is through these graces you can discover for yourself the ‘cracks’ that Satan uses to sneak into your warehouse. It could be guilt over the past, fear of the future, unforgiveness, or any weakness in virtue. But you have a built-in burglar alarm. It is lack of peace. When this alarm sounds, step back and take account of the way the thief is entering.”
* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
I love it! The way Mary talks!! The “cracks” through which Satan tries to “sneak in”; the “built-in burglar-alarm”, It makes me chuckle to myself. She’s got a sense of humour amid all the heavenly commonsense.