Pedro Regis Signs

“There will be a statement with an apology that will shake My devotees”

4172Message of Our Lady of Anguera, broadcast on 30/07/2015

Dear children, I am your sorrowful Mother and I suffer because of what is coming to you. Do not let anything separate you from My Son Jesus and the truth of His Gospel. There will be a statement with an apology that will shake My devotees. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith. The lie of the devil enslaves, but the truth of My Son Jesus frees. Pay attention. We are heading towards a future of fraudulent trials, but those who remain faithful will experience great victory. Courage. Do not lose heart. I’ll take care of you. Be docile. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

[UPDATE: perhaps this is the reason here.]


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  • An apology to the FFI or to the SSPX or to +++Burke? You’re dreamin’, as we say here in the land of the southern cross.

    An apology to those in the public state of adultery, sodomy, to Luther and Henry8, to schismatics, heretics, apostates of all kinds, pagans, masons, communists, satanists?
    You bet.

  • And will the faithful say: “We can’t go along with this”? Pull the other one, as we say in the companion land of the southern cross. Or will they say: “Who can be more Catholic than the Pope”? Spot on.

  • “There will be a statement with an apology that will shake My devotees.”

    In order to “SHAKE devotees”, this apology must go against Christ teaching. I think the false prophet will apologize to gays for so-called “persecution” of church against them and maybe even divorces…

    I am already shocked because this “pope” says nothing about brutal murders of Christian by ISIS and nothing against the holocaust of unborn done by the Planned Parenthood!!!

    • and, afaict, the FP has said NOTHING about the Ireland and USA #marriageequality abominations.

      btw, the australian govt ruling coalition has just voted internally a resounding NO to a conscience vote on #gaymarriage.
      deo gratias.

      this *should* push back the issue until the next election, jan 2017, ie imo after the warning, ie after all consciences will have been illuminated by the light of the truth of God’s laws.

      st mary mackillop, patron of australia, whose feast day was a few days ago, thank you.

      • australia saved by the two anthonies:
        Anthony the abbot
        Anthony the archbishop

  • Abolition of celibacy. Apology to priests of all times for not letting them know the joy of having a faithful wife and loving children.

  • I interpret “My devotees” as those devoted to our Lady (since our Lady gave this message). So my guess is that there will be an apology for declaring the Marian dogmas so as to appease protestants and others. Such a statement would be earth-shaking and the direct cause of the Woman of Apocalypse XII to flee into the wilderness.

      • As feasible as it is terrible. The implications would be very far reaching

    • yes, or the denial/rejection of marian apparitions/locutions such as medj, garabandal, fr gobbi…

      • Since most Catholics don’t really care about apparitions and even less listen to them, the more likely problem is an attack on the Marian dogmas / doctrines, or something like dissing the proposed Co-Redemptrix dogma as not good because of ecumenism.

  • In view of these possible anti-Mary manoeuvres, it would be as well for persons to trace a link between all these Marian manifestations,
    since there is still strong Marian devotion in the world which may make such devotees amenable to the end-times Marian scenario and help people understand the place of the Warning in Marian prophecy, the Book of Revelation, and the way Maria Divine Mercy expands on The Marian Movement of Priests
    which was instrumental in my immediate acceptance of the Book of truth. The date 1960 from Fatima ties in with Garabandal and Vatican II, 1973 for the beginning of Fr Gobbi ties in with the smoke of Satan that Paul VI detected. But I have not worked out why 1998 was the cut-off point for Fr Gobbi, as 2015 was for Maria Divine Mercy.

  • If we examine this in light of Francis’ main objective of bringing as many as possible to his new “universal religion” he will first be focusing on drawing as many traditional (non-liberal) Protestants to himself as possible. In this light, this apology, yes, might be for traditional Catholicism’s “extreme” views on Holy Mary but more likely it will be the broader issue over the Catholic Church’s failure to embrace the Reformation and its “tragic condemnation” of Protestantism at Trent. The apology then would be over the Catholic Church “causing” the tragic division among Christians. Francis certainly will not deny there are “differences” but none worthy of making an issue over. Just look at this headline that appeared August 26:

    “Vatican Backs Plan to Name Rome Square for Martin Luther”. See at

    Most Catholics are extremely vulnerable here particularly over a faulty understanding of Trent’s pronouncement of “no Salvation outside the Catholic Church.”

    To the vast majority of traditional Protestants that means if you died outside corporal membership in the Catholic Church you would certainly go to Hell! I do not think I need to say that nothing has created more of an insurmountable barrier for non-Catholics and has created a greater cause for the rejection of Catholicism and the Catholic Church than what Trent appears to say on this point –the way many Catholics themselves can only see in that pronouncement! I cannot imagine anything more that Francis would love to exploit, in his attempt to destroy the Catholic Church and its faith, than the serious misunderstanding about Trent that many have derived from it! That these misunderstandings have not been addressed in the Church in Protestant America has been in my opinion one of greatest failures of the last 500 years since the Reformation. I think it might now become one of the most deadly if it is exploited by Francis.

    Is there Salvation Outside the Catholic Church?

    The declaration of the Council of Trent is true only in a very specific sense but it is absolutely false in the sense that many have taken it.

    The problem among Protestants has come because they have inadvertently read their own meanings into the word “Salvation.” Evangelical and fundamentalist Protestants who unfortunately see the word Salvation primarily as meaning the salvation of New Covenant regeneration, rather than seeing it in its broader sense of final and complete perfection (needed to actually enter Heaven), have understandably stumbled over the Church’s declaration. Every Christian, however, whether Protestant or Catholic, would agree that before one is fully perfected (and in this final sense “saved,” a requirement to actually stand in God’s presence) he must understand all his errors and be fully reconciled to whatever might be the “true Church.”

    Evangelical and fundamentalist Protestants missing the Catholic sense of final perfection for the word Salvation here and also defining it to mean a salvation from condemnation to eternal damnation can only conclude that Trent has presented a terrible heresy. They thus have come to think the Catholic Church teaches that unless you are fully reconciled to the Catholic Church and faith before you die you will be eternally lost! This is absolutely not what the Church teaches, full reconciliation with the one true Church may take place for many Christians as one stands before Peter at the Pearly Gates! Even those who die as pagans, it teaches, will not in the end be denied Heaven just because they were not Christians, let alone because they were not Catholic Christians! (See Catechism par. 847)

    The only pagans who will certainly be eternally condemned will be those who die living in serious willful sin against what they know to be the Law of God (mortal sin). (See Acts 10:6 where the pagan Cornelius was “acceptable to God” yet not “saved”. And 1 Peter 3:19-20; 4:6; and Ephesians 4:9 where many who were “condemned” in Noah’s flood were given eternal life.) In the end however everyone in Heaven will be a Catholic Christian and unless God is as confused as Christians are now He Himself is most certainly a Catholic God! He certainly is not a Calvinist God with man having no part in his ultimate salvation. He certainly is not a Lutheran God which would deny that the consecrated species is actually the true Body Blood Soul and Divinity of the Lord under the mere appearance of bread and wine. That leaves only one available designation, Catholic!

    That said, this does not mean that these means of complete salvation are always well expressed or manifest (or even understood properly!) in the Catholic Church universally. In fact while some aspects of these saving means have been better expressed in some non-Catholic Christian communions, this loss of unity among Christians has also prevented the Catholic Church’s ability to fully manifest its redemptive mission! (See: Sacramental Bond of Unity of Christians, Cat. par.1271, and par. 855 which speaks of “separated” Christians not in “full communion” who are yet “joined to her by Baptism” as well as the limitation of the Catholic Church to manifest its witness because of its loss of full union with other Christians.)

    Because the Catholic Church (God’s Kingdom on earth) is both a spiritual reality and a divinely ordained and divinely established corporal organic reality (and as such is also called the “One Body” in Scripture) Christians are indeed spiritually united to the Catholic Church even though they might not be united corporally or organically to it. This is true as much as a child who has left home and family over some unfortunate difference is still the child of its parents and a member of his family even though no longer organically or geographically in union with it, that is unless the offense of the child is so great that there is disownership.

    But what else does the Catholic Church mean by “no salvation outside the Catholic Church” other than it alone has all the means to fully reconcile man to God? It certainly means that whatever of these means are found in other Christian communions (and many of these means are found in other Christian communions!) they originally came from the one original Catholic (Universal) Church which Christ founded and exists this day as the Catholic Church. That means that without the Catholic Church none of these means would have existed anywhere in the world. No mother, no children! It’s saying “there would be no salvation for anyone anywhere if the Catholic Church had not existed.”

    Further, since there is still a vital spiritual relationship that the Catholic Church has with all believers in Christ it also means that if the Catholic Church was somehow obliterated along with all knowledge and the memory of its history and rich tradition, the light of anything remaining of Christianity would soon perish in the earth. This would be true if only for the fact that what would be left of Christianity would be missing 1500 years of its vital historical connection to the events of the life and ministry of Christ. But the presence of any Christian witness in the world today is sustained from more than the past, it comes from the moral and spiritual vitality still manifest in the Catholic Church which is not only a birthing mother but a nursing mother to those often completely oblivious to their continued dependence!