Great Tribulation New Era Pedro Regis

“After all the tribulation, the earth will be transformed and the men and women of faith are to experience great joy” (4210)

4.210- Message of Our Lady of Anguera. transmitted in Rio de Janeiro transmitted in 10/19/2015

Dear children, humanity is sick and needs healing. Live turned towards Paradise for which alone you were created. Follow the Lord. Prove to everyone, with your example and words, things of the world are not for you. I am your Mom and I come from heaven to call you to holiness. Give the best of yourselves to the mission entrusted to you. Fully trust in the power of God and all will be well for you. Do not lose heart. When all seems lost, the Lord will manifest His power in favor of the just. Seek Him in the Eucharist to be great in faith. Don’t live far from His Grace. You are in the world but not of the world. Courage. After all the tribulation, the earth will be transformed and the men and women of faith are to experience great joy. Rejoice. What the Lord has prepared for His elect, human eyes have never seen. Forward on the path I have pointed out. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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