Pedro Regis

Pedro Regis prophesied a “Black Pope” – Jesuit – right before Benedict XVI’s Election Process

Pedro Regis was given a prophetic indication of the coming “black pope” – a Jesuit – back in 2005 shortly before Pope Benedict XVI was validly elected. Although the plan was to get Bergoglio elected then, it was delayed, as detailed in the Team Bergoglio documentation. Note that the Jesuits take a vow not to hold high office as prelates, so truly following the vows of the Jesuits means that a Jesuit could not accept the papacy.

Pedro Regis interview with Don Leonardo Pompei

Partial excerpt translated from Italian here.

D.L.: Here is a message which is not easy to understand. Even the translator does not understand what to put.

Message 2505, 04/04/2005
“Dear children, pray with your heart, and do not stray from the truth. The day will come when there will be contempt in the house of God and that which is sacred will be thrown out. A xino will be on the throne countering many, but God is the Lord of Truth. What I am telling you now you cannot understand, but one day it will be revealed and all will be clear for you. The mirror: here is the mystery. […]”

Pedro In this message the coming of a Jesuit Pope is prophesied because xino, if read in the mirror, in reverse, reads Onix, meaning black stone
D.L. I understand very well I! Xino is the opposite of Onix which is a black stone. The black pope … [stone represents the papacy – upon this rock I will build My Church…]
Pedro The superior of the Jesuits is called the black pope …
D.L. Of course!
Pedro And wears black. The message is prophesying that there will be a Jesuit pope …
D.L. And it was the year 2005, the newly elected … no, Benedict was not yet elected, because Benedict was elected on April 19 [2005]. This came first !!!
Pedro Before the election of Benedict prophesied that in the future will be elected a Jesuit pope. Understand?
D.L. Absolutely!
Pedro The message says ‘the mirror is the mystery’.
D.L. The mirror is the mystery! We have to put the word ‘xino‘ in front of the mirror and the word ‘xino‘ front of the mirror reads backwards!
Pedro Onix! Onix, black stone. When I gave this message I thought that the next pope would be a Jesuit, but it was not so. The election was on April 19, this message is from April 4. So when I gave the message it was not speaking of the pope to come but of the next. At Benedict’s election the successor was prophesied.

But one day it will be revealed and all will be clear for you.” Now is that day.


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  • The sad thing is that Heaven is using the Law of Reverse to describe him.
    Those who belong to Satan, signal the reverse or direct opposite of Christ.

  • The interviewd you posted, is showing us that Our Lady prophesied the election of a Pope who would have been a Jesuit, adding that he would have made many people not happy. But in good or in bad? Now I’ll post some messages about Pope Francis, given to Pedro Regis by Our Lady:

    3.830 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 8, 2013 transmitted in 08/06/2013

    Dear children, on your knees and in prayer, adore my Son Jesus in the Eucharist. In your prayer to Jesus, listen to Him. He wishes to speak to you. Prostrate yourselves before Him and truly adore Him. Your strength and your victory is in the Eucharist. Before Jesus, pray for the Church. Pray for Pope Francis. The Church is going toward a sorrowful future. Decisions will antagonize many, and the way of Calvary will be sorrowful. I am your Mother and I love you. Courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

    There She is calling Francis as Pope, so his election is valid.
    Let see another message. This has been given few days after Pope Benedict XVI resignation:

    3.777 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, delivered on February 16, 201 transmitted in 16/02/2013

    Dear children, follow Jesus. The road to holiness is full of obstacles, but you are not alone. Trust in Jesus. Your victory is in Him. Do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Be men and women of courage. Be filled with hope. My Jesus will not abandon you. In these days, intensify your prayers for the Church. The Church will walk in the midst of great tribulation. Do not be afraid. The Church will still have Peter. That which I have announced in the past will come to pass. Go forward along the path I have shown you. Do not hold back. I know your necessities and I will plead with my Jesus for you. I am your mother and I love you. Listen to me and I will lead you by the path of goodness. What you have to do, do not put off until tomorrow. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here one more time. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

    She is telling us to not to worry, because after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Church would have still Peter. But who is Peter? Our Lady is answering that in this message delivered three days after the election of Pope Francis:

    3.790 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on March 16, 2013 transmitted in 16/03/2013

    Dear children, St. Peter will direct his barque amidst great tempests. Pray. The successor of Peter is going to need your prayers. He will experience his Calvary. He will be loved and hated because of his positions. Now is the time of suffering. The poison is in the tree, not in the fruit. The Church of my Jesus is going toward a future of great trials, but as I have already told you, Jesus is in charge of everything. Peter in the land of Peter. What I am telling you, you may not comprehend now, but calm your hearts, for Jesus walks with you. The king will suffer because of his subjects. Do not be afraid. I am your Mother and I will plead with my Jesus for you. The road will be short for the king, similar to the crossing of the famous plaza. Bend your knees in prayer. In the end, the victory will belong to the Lord. Love the truth and remain with the Church. The lessons of the past should not be forgotten. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring to you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

    Perfect, we have the answer. The successor of Peter, is obviously Pope Francis. She’s telling us that the successor of Peter (Francis) will need our prayers, and that he’ll be loved and hated by many for his positions. So, our Lady is obviously not talking about Pope Benedict, which resigned only the month before. Our Lady is also telling us that the road of Francis will be short. Even Pope Francis, on the second anniversary of his pontificate, declared that he is expecting a short one, no longer than 4-5 years. So, it could very well end in 2016-2017.
    Our Lady is referring to Francis as a king, because She thinks that Francis is rightly occupying the Throne of Peter according to God wishes. Unfortunately, Francis (Peter) will be betrayed:

    3.836 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 22, 2013 transmitted in 22/06/2013

    Dear children, Peter will encounter Judas in his way. Boulder on top of boulder. I ask you to intensify your prayers for the Church of my Jesus. The smoke of the devil has infiltrated the Church and blinded many of the consecrated. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Be men and women of faith. Do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Have courage. Remain in the truth and defend it. After all the spiritual tribulation, victory will come. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

    This is why Francis will have to suffer. Otherwise, if he really was a false prophet, he won’t be betrayed by Juda (a cardinal who will really be the impostor). Please note: I’ve just shown you how Our Lady is calling Francis as Peter, and that message of Juda has been delivered on June 2013, during the pontificate of Francis. This mean that he’ll be the one who will be betrayed by Juda.

    Now, remember message 3.830 which I posted above. It refers to decisions by Pope Francis which will antagonize many, and that the way of Calvary will be sorrowful. But will these decisions be for the good of the Church? YES! Our Lady is giving us the answer here:

    3.860 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on August 13, 2013 transmitted in 13/08/2013

    Dear children, love the Lord. Whoever loves Him and lives according to His will shall see the face of God. Your life on Earth brings you happy moments, but nothing can compare with that which God has prepared for His elect. Along your way, you will often encounter situations which tend to separate you from God. Be alert. You are in the world, but the things of the world are not for you who belong to the Lord. Live looking toward Paradise, for which alone you were created. God is calling. His call is for everyone, even though many, using their free will in an egotistical way, choose the path of darkness. My Jesus is the Light of the world and all those who follow Him will find full joy, now here on earth and later with me in Heaven. The time which I announced in the past has arrived. Bend your knees in prayer. Decisions for the good of the Church will provoke great confusion. Hold on to the truth. Do not deviate from the path which I have shown you. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

    I’ve studied Pedro Regis messages for years, and I know what I’m talking about. The true impostor, will come shortly. They’ll probably kill or dismiss Francis, then they’ll elect an antipope who will say: “This is how My predecessor would have act!”, so the antipope will really start to destroy the Church. Francis, even if hated by many traditionalists, is still a valid Pope. Did he touch the Eucharist, yet? No. So, how could Francis be a false prophet, according to this message?:

    Maybe Francis won’t be like Pope Benedict XVI, but neither an antipope. You’ll see that in 1-2 years.

    • geracs

      >>> i’ve studied pedro regis messages for years, and i know what i’m talking about >>>
      are you sure about that, mate?

      your interpetation of pedro regis’ messages directly contradicts mdm
      (see below message as just one example).

      if your interpretation is correct, then logically, you make pedro regis out to be a false prophet
      (ie, they cannot both be right).

      they intend to oust pope benedict xvi from the seat of peter using devious means
      2012.05.26 1600

      today i ask of my followers, my dearest daughter, to pray hard for my beloved vicar pope benedict xvi .
      he, my holy servant is under terrible persecution behind closed doors in the holy see.
      i have told you before that the masonic groups who have a vice like grip inside the vatican want my beloved pope out.
      and they intend to oust him from the seat of peter using devious means.
      he will, as i have told you in the past, have to flee for he will have little choice.
      this time is short.
      you must pray hard that he can stay as long as possible for as soon as he leaves, the imposter, the false prophet, will take his place.

    • You clearly are incapable of properly discerning prophecy since you cannot even get the simple symbolism right. The xino – reverse of onix (onyx in English) – shows the devil, since the devil does the reverse of God. Said another way, the devil apes God, and does things backwards. Ditto on the black pope reference. The black is a double meaning, as Jesuit, and black as evil. The real pope wears white, symbolic of him bringing light into the world while the black pope brings darkness, the lies of Satan, as Revelation 13 states.

      That you consider Francis as good is quite telling. Those who do are Freemasons, modernist heretics, or sleepy Catholics, not good company to be in. Perhaps you are a Freemason trying to setup an attack against the coming Peter the Roman (St. Malachy prophecy).

      Let’s address some points. We are to pray for everyone, including Francis, and ISIS and every evil soul. Our Lady uses terms that are understandable by the readers. Most people think he is pope, so that word is used. In no way does this confirm a valid election. Apparitions cannot go against Church law or doctrine, so there is no valid resignation of Benedict XVI and cannot be a valid election of Francis. The Team Bergoglio articles detail that, along with Cardinal Daneels and the St. Gallen Group (“mafia club” of cardinals). How can you miss that?

      The Church will not be without Peter, as Benedict XVI is still the pope, Peter is still here. When Benedict XVI gets martyred as described in the third secret of Fatima, then we will afterwards have Peter the Roman as pope, who will fight against False Prophet Francis. This will be after the Warning. Benedict XVI is still in the land of Peter, the Vatican. The king – Pope Benedict XVI – suffers because he sees how the False Prophet is leading most of the Church – the sleepy Catholics and modernist heretics – astray. B16 is the betrayed king.

      B16 has had the kiss of Judas – Francis – as shown in various published photos at certain events, just like Jesus was kissed by His betrayer. The media promotes these “unity” events.

      Ad to the Eucharist, the abomination of desolation hasn’t happened yet, but we see the promotion of sacrilege to allow adulterers and sodomites to receive. In fact, even Lutherans were told to follow their conscience and decide for themselves. Did you miss those? The full abomination is likely in May 2016 based on interpretation of prophetic time frames, but that timing is merely my opinion.
      Francis will have a papacy that will end in hell, as the Bible says, so not too many years from now as the 7-year great tribulation started in December 2012. So yes, his “papacy” will be short.

      If Francis and his synods aren’t already really destroying the Church, then what are they doing, helping? Check the Errors category on this site for just some of those problems.

      The bottom line is that your interpretation fails the basic symbolism tests and is inconsistent with other prophecies, hence it is wrong, perhaps deliberately.

  • Dear geracs,
    You have very well presented your position, and your presentation can be the means of some good reflection on true spiritual discernment. But you miss the forest for the trees.
    There is no conflict between MDM and Regis, merely a different focus. The truth revealed from both perspectives is needed for a healthy view of the present crisis and to survive it. MDM reveals the danger of numerous heretical errors from the “destroyer.” Regis reveals the overall good that Heaven will work in the midst of AND BECAUSE OF this great test from evil and confusion. By looking only at the evil and its very real threat we can easily become overwhelmed if we do not also understand that God never allows anything that does not in the end bring a greater good especially to men of “good will” and faith. Look at the Regis messages again and you will see that this is emphatically their purpose. This particular focus of Regis was also plainly revealed in the ministry and Crucifixion of Our Lord with the inclusion of Judas as a Disciple which was also a great test for the other Disciples. The betrayal, though evil, leading to the Crucifixion, the truly great evil, also was a great good–the Greatest Good of all and it fulfilled the perfect will of God! That was also the occasion of Great Confusion among the followers of Christ! So its in light of these eternal divine truths we must interpret that which was revealed to Regis:
    “Decisions for the good of the Church will provoke great confusion.”

    As for Francis being called “the Pope” again this is a difference of perspective and it does not deny the invalidity of Benedict’s resignation! Several other revelations Heaven refers to “two popes” reigning, including the 1643 revelation of Our Lady of Good Success, St. Francis and one to Mélanie Calvat of LaSalette. Was Herod the king of the Jews or was Christ? Could not this also be answered two ways? So the reference has nothing whatever to do with legitimacy, but is often an observable practical reality and on that basis Francis is the pope, though he is clearly illegitimate, not only by Church canon law but also by any spiritual measure! It is in light of this that we have been urged to pray for Francis. Have we not been told to “pray for those who need it the most?”

    The real problem with far too many of us traditionalists and the Orthodox is in the very carnal and nonspiritual way we tend to approach messages that are presented as from Heaven. Looking first for error rather than truth is a serious spiritual defect, a lack of faith and lack of a personal and real relationship to God which leads to the domination of fear in one’s life. This leaves one somewhat in darkness and incapable of true discernment. Thanks for sharing we are all part of a great leaning process through and BECAUSE OF this crisis!

    • Dear Dave, Pedro Regis and MDM are two extremely different matters.

      MDM = Pope Francis is a false prophet.
      PEdro Regis = Pope Francis is a Pope, whom will be betrayed, and so on.

      How could you say that they’re the same thing? This is a true mystery to me.

      • geracs, your error is rash judgment. You want to make a contradiction and you did not approach this potential messages from Heaven with the caution and respect (and sincere prayer for wisdom and insight) that anyone would deserve who presents such a message. Your reasoning would lead to the view that Judas Iscariot was a true Apostle of Christ because he also was betrayed by the Sanhedrin. You also know little about how evil works in lives and how evil men ensnare others who are double minded as was Bergoglio who obviously had plans to do much good should he ever become pope. Breaking his Jesuit vow however meant he had to sell himself out to another power to gain that position. That was the CIA/Illuminati in the Argentine “Dirty War.” It was witnessed that they promised him the papacy for his “cooperation.” Obviously other things were promised which they have backed out on. Likewise Judas, who was also double minded, wanted Jesus to rule Israel, and thinking he had a better way to make this happen colluded with the Sanhedrin to try to make this happen. They deceitfully went along with him in order to gain information on Jesus. When this did not work out, because the Sanhedrin betrayed him and Jesus having to rebuke him, he turned on the Lord. Judas wanted a lot of good things to happen in Israel, but he was double minded (with his own personal ambition of becoming High Priest coming first.) and so Satan destroyed him for that weakness which for 3 1/2 years failed to overcome despite the love and mercy shown him repeatedly. There is a perfect parallel here. Betrayers never start out thinking they will betray. The warning from Heaven here from Regis is the danger we all are in who have not yet placed Christ and His glory and will above our own ambitions. That I think would include they way we view and judge what Heaven is saying to us through its chosen servants.

  • Here I am again, happy new year everyone. I’ll try to keep the message as short as possible. Message of Pedro Regis:

    Message 2505, 04/04/2005
    “Dear children, pray with your heart, and do not stray from the truth. The day will come when there will be contempt in the house of God and that which is sacred will be thrown out. A xino will be on the throne countering many, but God is the Lord of Truth. What I am telling you now you cannot understand, but one day it will be revealed and all will be clear for you. The mirror: here is the mystery. […]”

    Xino is like you said: xino is a bad man, one who is defining himself as a Christian, but only by words, not by fact. The xino you’re talking about, is an antipope. Someone who will become “Pope” against the will of many. But God is the Lord of Truth. This mean that the Xino could say whatever he wish, but God is still the only Lord of Truth.

    But. Our lady tell us that the mystery is in the mirror. Xino, as seen through a mirror, becomes Onix. Onix, a black stone. So, it is clearly referring to a Pope who comes from the Jesuit order, because the “boss” of the Jesuits, is called Black Pope.

    And here is where your analysis fail, Remnant. You perfectly described the xino as a bad Pope, but you missed the most important point. Why is our Lady telling us about the xino, and why didn’t she talk directly about the onix? Well, because the mirror is the mystery. And do you know what the mystery is?

    Well: Our Lady is clearly describing a time where there will be two thrones. One will be falsely occupied by the Xino, an antipope. The other will be rightly occupied by an Onix, a valid Pope! And this Pope, the Onix, is clearly Pope Francis! Here is the mystery! The mirror is a perfect and divine example, because it shows the complete opposite in the mirrored image! Perfect, just perfect. Only Our Lady could have prophesied something like that.

    This is why Our Lady told us about the mirror, and this is exactly why previously I told you that the real antipope has yet to come, and very shortly. She foretold the battle between Xino and Onix, an antipope and a valid Pope. And they will reign at the same time. You’re still not sure? Then, read this:

    3.836 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 22, 2013 transmitted in 22/06/2013

    Dear children, Peter will encounter Judas in his way. Boulder (stone) on top of boulder (stone). I ask you to intensify your prayers for the Church of my Jesus. The smoke of the devil has infiltrated the Church and blinded many of the consecrated. I suffer because of what is coming for you. Be men and women of faith. Do not permit the flame of faith to be extinguished within you. Have courage. Remain in the truth and defend it. After all the spiritual tribulation, victory will come. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to bring you together here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

    This message has been given during the pontificate of Francis, after the resignation of Benedict XVI. So, when Our Lady is talking about Peter, who will meet Judas, she is clearly referring not to Benedict, because now “he’s living alone”, but the actual Peter, who’s Francis. So, Francis, who is a good stone, will be betrayed by a bad stone, a Cardinal, who will later become the antipope. She is also telling us that a stone (antipope) will be placed on the top of another stone (the valid pope), with a false election. Anyway:

    31 May, 2008. Message 3004 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

    Dear Sons and Daughters, a rock will hit a great ship, which will break in two and there will be great suffering for My poor children. Bend your knees in prayer. Know that humanity is going towards the abyss of destruction that men have prepared with their own hands. I am your Mother and I suffer because of what is waiting for you. Accept My appeals and change your lives. I come from heaven to lead you on the path of goodness and holiness. Open your hearts and I will lead you to Him Who is your all. The day will come when a war between religious will leave many men and women withdrawn from the truth. That which I have predicted in the past will come to pass. Be docil and don’t get away from prayer. Forward without fear.This is the message I transmit to you today in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

    The rock, stone, which will hit the great ship (Church) breaking it in two (Schism), is obviously the antipope, the xino which has yet to come. The xino will be a cardinal:

    29 August, 2008. Message 3046 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil

    Dear Sons and Daughters, bend your knees in prayer for the Church of My Jesus. The one who could have been Peter will become Judas. He will open the doors for the enemy and will make men and women of faith suffer. Tell everyone that God is in a hurry. Don´t just cross your arms. I am your Mother and I come from heaven to lead you to the truth. Open your hearts and be docil to My appeals. I don´t come from heaven as a joke. Don´t wait for tomorrow to do what you have to do. This is the message that I transmit to you in the name of The Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of The Father, and of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen. Be in peace.

    Please note: the message above is talking about the same Judas of message 3.836, which also describes a future event where the bad cardinal will decide to be elected “Pope”. That message has been given during the pontificate of Pope Francis, so obviously the real antipope has still to show himself, covering the other stone, which will be the valid Francis! This is just logic, but if you still try to compare Pedro Regis with MDM, you will always fail to interpret the messages of Our Lady of Anguera, because the two prophets are stating completely different things. Did you notice this, at least? How could Our Lady call Francis as a Pope (3.830), if he would be a false prophet according to MDM? Did MDM ever called Francis as Pope on its previous messages? Did it even named him? Come on… MDM and Pedro Regis can’t both be right. You choose! I’ve already taken my decision, and the one to be absolutely right is Pedro Regis. You will have your false prophet, but he has yet to come. Very shortly.

    • I would like to add one more thing. When the message 2505 is stating that “the sacred will be thrown out”, Our Lady means the Eucharistic. So, the antipope (the Xino, which will battle against the Onix at the same time, as in a mirror… and the Onix is Pope Francis), will declare that there is no trace of Jesus Christ into the Eucharistic.

      Here you can find the remaining messages of Our Lady of Anguera in english:

  • It is utterly amazing to see what someone will do to support an obvious false (and morally and spiritually dangerous) conclusion that makes Francis a valid and good pope! So we can ignore the 3 count canonically invalidated resignation of Benedict; We can ignore the prophecy of Regis himself (and now the public record of its fulfillment) that Bergoglio and his team planned to oust Benedict; We can ignore his violation of the Jesuit oath not to seek the papacy; We can ignore the utter confusion and destruction Francis is bringing to the Church both morally and theologically just so we can accept a fanciful and clearly unsubstantiated conclusion of someone who calls himself geracs that Xino and Onix are actually two different persons rather than the same evil person (Onix) hiding under the mask of goodness (Xino)??? This dual view is plainly revealed in Rev. 13:11 for the False Prophet. Is this geracs so ignorant that he cannot even see that the reflection revealing Onix is a reflected view of Xino?? Oh, God help us! No wonder we are headed for a great Tribulation!

  • GERACS, you will certainly NOT see any conflict between Francis and he who is to shortly come, the AntiChrist himself, the Man of Sin, the Abomination. What will very shortly be is Francis in full support of the soon to appear AntiChrist. It is the AntiChrist who will “take away” the daily Sacrifice as he sits in the Holy Place, the Temple of God next to Francis. Are you not aware that Francis has already revealed his real antiChrist view of the Eucharist when he over rode an Argentinian bishop who denied the Host to an illegitimately remarried divorcee? He justified his override by denying any real Presence and thus any possible sacrilege with the words,”What could a little wine and bread hurt?”

  • GERACS, here, by the way, are the several quotes from Pedro Regis you have twisted to fit your unholy conclusions, with my comments in caps.


    “Dear children, St. Peter [BENEDICT (AND THEN PETER THE ROMAN)]will [SPIRITUALLY] direct his barque amidst great tempests. Pray. The [TRUE] successor of Peter [BENEDICT] is going to need your prayers. He will experience his Calvary. He will be loved and hated because of his positions [LOVED BY TRADITIONAL CATHOLICS AND HATED BY MODERNISTS (WHERE DOES THAT PUT YOU GERACS?)]. Now is the time of suffering. The poison is in the tree [THE INSTITUTIONAL CHURCH THAT IS DOMINATE UNDER FRANCIS], not in the fruit [THOSE SUFFERING BECAUSE OF “THE POISONED TREE” ARE PRODUCING GREAT VIRTUE]. The Church of my Jesus is going toward a future of great trials, but as I have already told you, Jesus is in charge of everything [EVEN FRANCIS’ BETRAYAL OF THE FAITH]. Peter in the land of Peter.” [BENEDICT IS STILL IN ROME!]

    “Dear children, Peter [BENEDICT] will encounter Judas [FRANCIS] in his way [FRANCIS IS BLOCKING BENEDICT]. Boulder [FRANCIS] on top of [SUPPRESSING AND CRUSHING] boulder [BENEDICT]. I ask you to intensify your prayers for the Church of my Jesus. The smoke of the devil has infiltrated the Church and blinded many of the consecrated.” [TO THE VERY TOP AS REVEALED BY MANY VISIONARIES]

    “The king [THE TRUE RULING POPE WHO REIGNS SPIRITUALLY IN SILENCE AS DID JESUS] will suffer because of his subjects. Do not be afraid. I am your Mother and I will plead with my Jesus for you. The road will be short for the king.” [BENEDICT WILL SOON BE DRIVEN FROM ROME AND MARTYRED AND THAT COULD BE AS SOON AS MAY OF THIS YEAR.]


  • Hi Dave, I understand that you believe that Francis is a false prophet, but this is not what Our Lady is saying to Pedro Regis in Anguera. The reason is very simple: you’re trying to interpret the messages of Pedro Regis, starting from the ones of The Warning. So, you will never be able to put them together so that they would both state the same thing. That would be a truly impossible thing to do. Moreover, you didn’t accept my point of view and called me ignorant, so why should I accept yours? But I would like to proceed anyway with our discussion. Keep in mind though that I’m aware of Pedro Regis apparitions since decades, while I suppose that you’ve only heard of them since no more than 2-3 years, I suppose? So, I would not want to show myself as arrogant, but you should consider the opinions of someone more experienced, when considering these messages, without just trowing them to the rubbish bin… Anyway, I would like to continue this interesting discussion with a single question, for now.

    For which reason Our Lady would have asked us to pray for Pope Francis, if he was the false prophet? Here is the message:

    3.830 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on June 8, 2013 transmitted in 08/06/2013

    Dear children, on your knees and in prayer, adore my Son Jesus in the Eucharist. In your prayer to Jesus, listen to Him. He wishes to speak to you. Prostrate yourselves before Him and truly adore Him. Your strength and your victory is in the Eucharist. Before Jesus, pray for the Church. Pray for Pope Francis. The Church is going toward a sorrowful future. Decisions will antagonize many, and the way of Calvary will be sorrowful. I am your Mother and I love you. Courage. This is the message which I bring you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to gather you here once again. I give you my blessing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Peace be with you.

    I will patiently wait for your reply to that question.

  • We are to pray for Francis just as did Our Lord for the entire generation of vipers (as the Lord Himself called them) who were guilty of His Crucifixion: “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” We are to pray for Francis for he is certainly among those who need it the most. We are to pray for Francis because the sorrow of God and all Heaven is no less for his eternal loss than it would be for you or I. We are to pray for Francis, if not to save his soul, it would be because in a position of great power his decisions will certainly bring great harm to the people of God, some even losing their eternal souls (!!!), and those decisions/actions can be modified or changed by prayer. Prophecy does not determine anything as too many Christian seem to think. Conversely our lack of love (which must include the truth), sacrifice and prayer determines prophecy including its timing. But Jesus prayed for Judas even though He knew he was the betrayer! And so we have been explicitly instructed in 1 Timothy 2:1-3:

    “I DESIRE, therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men [even false prophets]. 2 For kings, and for all who are in high positions that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable life in all piety and respectability. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior.”

    PS: I posed the question about your intelligence because I would rather question that than than your integrity over your obvious misuse of the mirror reflection of Onix from Xino, wrongly making them two different people, which is no light matter for it presents Maria Divine Mercy, who has proven to be true to the faith, as False Prophet instead of Francis, and by that you justify the dangerous deceitful heretic Francis even calling him a valid pope! So I would like an answer. Are you ignorant or simply dishonest and unwilling to honestly review your position?

    • Hi Dave, I consider myself to be an intelligent man, only because people that I’ve met, describe me in that way. Anyway, Our Lady is calling Francis as Pope, asking us to pray for him. Do you pray for Francis, calling him Pope, as Our Lady asked us to do? Just as you suggested in your previous message.

      For example, when you pray for Pope Francis (as stated in the message of Our Lady), do you say something like: “Please dear God, make *Pope Francis* aware of his errors.”, or you’re calling him with different names, or only by saying “Francis”?

  • Yes, GERACS, I have on numerous occasions referred to Francis as “pope” as he is indeed the pope of most Catholics and the only acting pope (Father) of the Catholic Church in its institutional sense of which I am still a part of and of which Heaven still expects us to be even as Our Lord and His Apostles were to the corrupted Temple system of Israel until the Crucifixion. (The Church has both a spiritual as well as institutional component.) But he is not my pope nor the pope of any who follows Christ in the full faith of the Church in that spiritual sense. I have covered this previously asking you who was the king of Israel, Jesus or Herod. That could legitimately be answered in 3 ways, yet all would be apparently contradictory responses. But let’s use another example: Was Judas a Disciple of Christ? But you, to this point, appear to be brain dead to anything you find convenient to ignore, so that makes you more intelligent than you should be –not a good quality.

    And yes, geracs, I do pray for Francis often feeling something of the sorrow of God and Heaven over this loss of what certainly was true of him as a child and a young boy. But what has that to do with the points made showing you that Francis, though the acting pope, cannot possibly be the legitimate pope? And what has that to do with the way you have utterly distorted and denied the revelation of Pedro Regis that Xino is only a false righteous cover for the secretly black robed Jesuit Francis, who is now deceitfully covered in white just as Revelation 13 says he would be. Again this diversion from the issue shows your intelligence is far beyond what it should be. That of course is a problem we all have had to deal with at times, but now its your turn.

    • Hi Dave, you wrote:

      “I have on numerous occasions referred to Francis as “pope” as he is indeed the pope of most Catholics and the only acting pope (Father) of the Catholic Church in its institutional sense of which I am still a part of and of which Heaven still expects us to be even as Our Lord and His Apostles were to the corrupted Temple system of Israel until the Crucifixion. (The Church has both a spiritual as well as institutional component.) But he is not my pope nor the pope of any who follows Christ in the full faith of the Church in that spiritual sense.”

      So, you’re saying that in your case Francis is just a “pope” in an institutional sense, and not in a spiritual one. So, you’re dissociating from Pope Francis.

      Do you know that every Catholic, to be considered so, has to follow the actual Pope, until the Church eventually identifies him as an heretic? And do you know that if a Pope hasn’t been officially recognized as an heretic by the Church, and if someone thinks that a Pope is leading a false church, than he’s a schismatic?

      But, if a Pope is an heretic, AND the Church identifies him as an heretic, then the faithfuls can dissociate from him.

      Or, if you prefer: do you know what the Catechism of the Catholic Church is saying on this matter?

      So, how did you solve that problem with the Catechism, through the decisions which led you here?

      This conversation is really interesting, I’m happy to have started it, though.

  • To tell the truth, this conversation is getting rather redundant and boring, and in respect to you geracs, obviously quite useless. But for others who often get trapped in same deceitful semantic games that you have proven so good at I will try to explain a few points raised.

    First, contrary to geracs assertion one does not have to “follow” anyone whether a priest, a bishop or even a valid pope if they ask you to do something spiritually or morally wrong or spiritually harmful to others, as in the case of Bishop Lefevre, who ordained bishops against the orders of even a valid pope, or to violate one’s oath to God, as in the case of Mary Mackillop’s refusal to obey her bishop, or to renounce what God tells you and his calling on your life, as in the case of Joan of Arc’s refusal to obey her bishop to the point of sacrificing her life. Oh, how much ignorance there is among some whose intelligence is more in avoiding the issues and in disguising there errors.

    Second, neither I or anyone else is prohibited from pointing out the errors even of a valid bishop or pope; or from accusing the same of heresy who indeed speaks such –just because the Church has not officially ruled on the accusation! If that were true then you would never ever see a bishop or pope tried for any heresy. The accusation of heresy has to first come before any definitive ruling could come about in a trial.

    Third, one does not have to wait for the Church to declare Francis a heretic, before one disassociates, rejects, disavows him as he is not the true pope but an obvious usurper who has even violated his Jesuit oath, as has been made abundantly clear to anyone reading these posts. He is only acting in that position and as such is “pope” only in the sense of an anti-pope and only the “true pope” of the apostate system and apostates within the Church.

    I counsel any reading this post, do not be like the Pharisees in Our Lord’s day who also used (misused) the laws of the Temple to entrap people into false loyalty to perverted leaders and into harmful practices contrary to sound doctrine.

  • In message 582 dated 182/1993 it states “…pray for the Pope because the hour of his martyrdom is coming closer”. Pope John Paul II was pope at the time. He died in 2005 and he was not martyred. Message 595 2/5/1993 states the same thing. Is there an explanation why this message did not come true?