New Era Pedro Regis

“God will transform the earth and the righteous will live happily” (4241)

4.241- Message of Our Lady transmitted in 12/24/2015

Dear children, I am the Mother of God the Son and your Mother. You are not alone. In the most difficult moments for you, I am at your side. Be filled with hope. Let the grace of God transform you. Be docile. Seek the Lord and you will be great in faith. I ask you to keep burning the flame of your faith. Nothing is lost. God will transform the earth and the righteous will live happily. Give the best of yourselves to the mission entrusted to you. Everything that you do in favor of My Plans, the Lord will reward you generously. Forward with joy. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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