Our Lady: “You must understand that if you are in any doubt about the validity of this warning, that I, the Beloved Mother of Christ, will be used to hide the true intent of those forces, who have entered My Son’s Church on Earth.
I will be used as a figurehead of the Church to distract people from the true intentions of this wicked group.In order to convince God’s children that they remain loyal to the true word of God and the traditions of the Catholic Church, they will create ceremonies, which they will say honour me.
They will use the prophecies of Fatima to desecrate my image, by presenting a great deceit to the world.They will use me in order to defile My Son’s Church and everything they will do will be backwards, in accordance with the demands of the evil one.
By giving the impression that they honour the mother of God, many Catholics will be led into a false sense of security.” (Source)
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