4262 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, transmitted in 02/11/2016
Dear children, open your hearts to the action of the Holy Spirit and you will be enlightened on your actions. Do not be a stumbling block for your brothers. Listen to me and you will be happy already here on earth and later with me in Heaven. Give yourselves to the Lord, and all will be well for you. Bend your knees in prayer. You live in a time of great spiritual confusion, but if you hearken unto the voice of God you will be victorious. You are heading towards a painful future. The true Teachings of My Jesus will be left aside and false ideologies will be embraced by men. I suffer because of what will come to you. Love and defend the truth. Do not hold back. I am with you always. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.
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