14 February 2016 – Source
FIGHTING HAS BEGUN! Turkey Shelling into Syria; Attacking Syrian Arab Army and border of Russian Base in Latakia.
According to Jewsnews, those positions are held by the Syrian Arab Army (legitimate, duly-elected government of Syria) and are NOT being aimed at ISIS terrorists! These are direct attacks by Turkey upon the lawful government forces of Syria.
With their rebel allies falling to the legitimate government of Syria, Turkey has now begun shelling Syria to aid their Rebel forces and ISIS Terrorists.
Sources on the ground inside Syria claim that the Turks began an intense artillery assault at about 6:00 AM eastern US time today. Turkey is also said to be targeting the Kurdish YPG.
It is unclear at this time, whether the YPG is supporting Bashar Assad and his officially elected government, but it is clear that the YPG has directly attacked and destroyed ISIS in the past. At this point it appears that the YPG are being attacked by Turkey for supporting Assad!
Russia Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has warned US and Arab Countries Not to Dare Enter Syria With Armies threatening:
“Invading Syria Will Start A New World War.”
If Russia initiates an offensive against Turkey, even though they may have the legitimate right to do so, Turkey will undoubtedly appeal to NATO for support. Having been “attacked” they will try to invoke Article 5 of the NATO self-defense agreement. That would require NATO to come to the defense of Turkey, thus engaging Russia directly.
One intelligence source in the US said, “This Has Disaster Written All Over It.”
UPDATE: 12:32 PM EST — According to superstation 95, Turkish warplanes are flying on the Turkey side of the Turkey/Syria Border, fast and low. Russian warplanes are flying on the Syrian side of the Turkey/Syria border. If any one of these pilots flies across, or fires across, the border, “all hell could break lose” today.
UPDATE: 1:56 PM Eastern US Time, 13 February 2016 — Stratfor is now confirming Russia has dispatched a ship to the Mediterranean, to deliver Nuclear-Tipped Cruise Missiles.
UPDATE: 2:45 PM Eastern US Time — UK military members told to cancel all plans and all leave, prepare for deployment to Syria!
UPDATE: 2:49 PM Eastern US Time — Turkish Military Artillery Forces have just begun yet another barrage of artillery fire into Syria; this one is directly targeting the Syrian Arab Army and is a direct attack upon the lawful government of Syria — Turkey is now levying war upon Syria. Turkey attacked first. Turkey cannot expect to be able to invoke NATO Article 5 because Turkey attacked first.
UPDATE: 2:58 PM Eastern US Time — A fleet of Russian Antonov-124 cargo planes (the largest cargo planes in the world) have begun arriving in Syria carrying Russian Tanks, Nuclear-tipped artillery shells and other major weaponry. Within the last 90 minutes, two of these massive cargo aircraft have landed and are unloading. Other Antoniv’s can be seen circling under protection from Russian fighter jets.
UPDATE: 4:01 PM Eastern US Time — According to CNN, The Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia announced: “Assad will leave — have no doubt about it. He will either leave by a political process or he will be removed by force.”
UPDATE: 10:01 AM Eastern US Time — According to The Guardian, Saudi Arabia said it was preparing to launch what it described as the largest military exercise ever conducted in the Middle East, dubbed Northern Thunder, featuring 20 allied Arab and Muslim countries.
We must not forget that the notable Luciferian illumanatist Albert Pike in 1871 revealed in a letter that three clearly defined World Wars would be necessary to bring in a new spiritual light for humanity. This universal adherence to Luciferianism would come after the world had become, through war and conflict, so completely exhausted with conflict and so completely disenfranchised with all previous religions, including Christianity and atheism, that it would gladly accept this “new light.” The triggering aspect of this war according to Pike will be “conducted in such a way that Islam [the Muslim Arabic World] and political Zionism [the State of Israel] mutually destroy each other.”
See: http://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm
According to Our Lord in Matthew 24:15 this new light will reside in one who will come to “sit in the Holy Place,” which could only be St. Peter’s in Rome. Our Lord called that man “the Abomination of Desolation.” St. Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:2:3-4, called him “the Man of Sin” and “the Son of Perdition,” “so that he, as God, sits in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. St. John in 1 John 2:18 calls this man the “AntiChrist” who will try to pass himself off as Christ returned, with a right to the chair of Peter.
He is called “the first Beast” in Revelation 13 meaning first in prominence (not in order of appearance) The “second Beast” (not in order of appearance but prominence as he is the FORERUNNER of AntiChrist), as the False Prophet, will have already prepared the way for Christians and the world to accept the “first Beast” and will preform miracles when the “first Beast” arrives (Rev. 13:13:13-14) to get the world to actually worship the Anti-Christ. I mention this because some have claimed that Francis is not the False Prophet because they say he must come AFTER the arrival of AntiChrist because he is called “the second” Beast. That is a wrong interpretation of “first” and “second” in Revelation 13 because not only is BENEDICT last true pope BEFORE THE TRIBULATION according to St. Malachy, but ST. John Bosco’s revelation and St. Francis’s revelation with TWO reigning popes up to the time of Tribulation ALSO supports this. The next TRUE pope after Benedict is Peter the Roman, and he reigns DURING THE TRIBULATION. He is the one St. Bosco’s revelation who is elected immediately after Benedict, on “the Flagship,” is killed.
Thank you DAVE for reminding us about the masterplan of Albert Pike back in 1871. I agree that the titles “first beast” and “second beast” do not denote the order of appearance, but rather the order of importance. Aslways you give a clerar picture through the fog of current events.
As always, you give a clear picture through the fog of current events.
Peter the Roman is reigning from Heaven now dear amigos. We are in the great TRIBULATION. GOD THE FATHER took back the keys from the chair of Peter when Fp got elected from the ones promoting him to the rest of the heiarchy. when His Holiness Benedict resigned. i have to look it up in The Book of Truth to make sure. Are you guyz following it??? The great Trib started 12-22-12. 1290 days brings us to 6-12-16??? not boxing The Lord in with dates of course. Peter the Roman is St. Peter according to God’s Holy Word in the Book of Truth. i don’t intend to sound argumentative …just seeking to find common ground.
Peter the Roman will be a man on earth with the spirit of St Peter
According to the Book of Truth, Pope Benedict is our last Pope.
Message from 12th April 2012
My beloved Pope Benedict XVI is the last true pope on this Earth.
Peter the Roman, is My Peter, the original apostle, who will rule My Church from the Heavens, under the command of My Eternal Father. Then, when I come to Reign, at the Second Coming, he will rule over all of God’s children when all religions will become one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
I only speak the Truth, My daughter.
I must warn you that many new self-proclaimed prophets will now emerge, who will contradict My Holy Word given to you, the end time true prophet…………”
Benedict is the last true pope “on THIS earth.” THE GREAT TRIBULATION, beginning at Benedict’s martyrdom, begins a different “earth,” another era, another world. Heaven wanted to make it unmistakably clear that Francis was not, could not be, a true pope. He does not even believe in the office as instituted by Our Lord. He believes the authority of the papacy resides in all the bishops and ultimately in the people. That so many cannot see this is the great tragedy of our day and indication of how spiritually un-discerning so many are including bishops and priests
That is right after the Warning begins a “new era” which was called the intermediate coming or middle coming by some doctors of the Church.
You must look at all the revelations of God for these times to truly understand how to interpret this. Saying that there will not be any more a pope on earth is literally a heresy since Vatican I (not II) declared such dogmas formally. Don’t follow a protestant way of thinking and take one verse and make conclusions from that alone. Pope Benedict is the last pope of THIS ERA (“this Earth”) since with the Warning we begin a “new era”, which was called the Intermediate Coming or Middle Coming by doctors of the Church. St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Sermo 5, In Adventu Domini, 1-3). I will post more on that later when I have time to look it up.
In my opinion the NEW ERA starts with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I believe in the Book of Truth.
Doctors of the Church know better than you.
Yes you are right.
Theologian, dr Kelly Bowring in his book “The Great Battle is Unfolding” states that ” There are many indications from various prophesies that ‘Peter the Roman’ is St. Peter reigning over the Church from Heaven in these times (…)”. He also recall the prophecy of Bl. Elizabeth Canori Mora, in which she confirmed that the last Pope will be St. Peter. The same says Pedro Regis in his messages, and – of course – MDM as well.
Interpretation of prophecy cannot contradict dogma which says there will be a pope on earth until the end of the world. Jesus call John the Baptist “Elijah” meaning the spirit of Elijah. Same idea here.
Another example of the spirit of those in Heaven ruling through someone on earth would be the 24 elders in Heaven. They were were given power to “reign on earth” (Revelation 5:8-10). How would this be done? They reign through those on earth who are united to them in spirit and prayer.
Yes, but when we read the MDM’s messages, which state “Peter the Roman, is My Peter, the original apostle who will rule My Church from the Heavens under the command of My Eternal Father” then it is not an interpretation. It is what the prophecy clearly states.
Bl. Elizabeth Canori Mora, on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29, 1820, saw Saint Peter descending from heaven, robed in papal vestments and surrounded by a legion of angels. She describes it as follows (excerpt from “The Great Battle is Unfolding” by Kelly Bowring):
“ With his crosier he drew a great cross over the face of the earth, separating it into four quadrants. In each of these quadrants, he then brought forth a tree, sprouting with new life. Each tree was in the shape of a cross and enveloped in magnificent light. All the good laity and religious fled for protection underneath these trees and were spared from the tremendous chastisement. Woe! Woe to those unobservant religious who despise their Holy Rules. They will all perish in the terrible chastisement together with all who give themselves to debauchery and follow the false maxims of their deplorable contemporary philosophy!“
Donald, you have chosen to create a contradiction with the teaching of the Church with no justification whatsoever. Again, the revelation to St. John also just as plainly says that there will be those who will “rule on earth” while still in Heaven sitting on their thrones because they will be mediating the prayers of the saints(Rev.5:8). If this rule from Heaven will not be without the saints on earth carrying out their rule, neither will Peter’s reign from Heaven be without a man named Peter the Roman! You even quote MDM admitting that Peter will rule while in Heaven, NOT ON THE EARTH.
Then you quote Bl. E. C. Mora saying she saw in a vision Peter descending to earth. Since you do not see this as a contradiction you apparently see this only a graphic way to show the spiritual reality of the spiritual union of Peter in Heaven to the man elected pope on earth following Benedict’s martyrdom. There are no contradictions in any of these revelations but very important spiritual truths Heaven is earnestly trying to get across to us.
Dave, I don’t create a contradiction. I just quoted the prophecies. See my explanation to RC (below).
Why do you think that any interpretation of prophecy can contradict the dogma on the papacy as declared by Vatican I? That does not mean the prophecy is wrong but the interpretation of it is.
I don’t think that there is a contradiction between the prophecy and the dogma declared on Vatican I. I didn’t say that there is and I didn’t mean it. I only quoted the prophecies, which say about Peter the Roman’s identity.
However, if somewhere seems to be an inconsistency then it might be on the interpretation side of… the Vatican I dogma and current situation. The dogma says that there will be a pope on earth until the end of the world (if I correctly understood). So, we have a Pope and it is Francis. As Kelly Bowring says, ecclesiastical law requires that we cannot assume we have a invalid Pope, unless the Church’s competent authority formally declares otherwise. So far, we heard nothing about such a declaration, so we must presume that Francis is (for now) a valid Pope. And then, if God permitted the False Prophet to be elected as the Pope on earth, then it is obvious that the keys cannot be handed over to him. Here there might be a room for St. Peter, the original apostle and the first Pope. But this is only my interpretation and I won’t argue that I’m right.
Nonetheless, It seems (at least to me) that the prophecies leave no room for an interpretation regarding the identity of Peter the Roman. There might be a room instead for an interpretation of the sentence telling that there will be a pope until end of the world…
I am not surprised that you try to redefine the dogma of the papacy by saying there is a different interpretation of that which supports your erroneous interpretation of MDM. There is a contradiction if you really understand the dogma about the papacy and the end times events. Until the end of the world is very clear, is it not? That occurs at the end of the 1000 Year period, and not before, hence a pope on earth until there is no more earth at all.
Francis is not the pope, but an anti-pope, so you have that wrong too. Therefore you do not even consistently accept MDM prophecies, which said that the pope apparently “elected” after Benedict XVI is a fake, the False Prophet. You can’t have it both ways. Benedict XVI is the real pope. The real pope following B16 will be a man on earth Peter the Roman. The St. Malachy prophecies which explain that do not say that one pope will reign from heaven when every other pope on that list reigned on earth. So you also pit one prophecy of God against another.
There will be the great schism and there will finally be a denunciation of Francis. Pope Benedict XVI will be martyred around that time, as he is the bishop in white in the 3rd secret of Fatima. So you will ultimately get the “official” approval, however slow because of cowardly prelates. In fact, another MDM prophecy says the prelates will remain silent about that until someone finally has the fortitude to speak out, which will then trigger some of the others to do the same, which is the great schism. The Akita prophecy talks about the schism too, cardinal against cardinal, bishop against bishop, etc.
So that you know for sure, as you will understand at the Warning, any obstinate denial of a dogma means that you are automatically excommunicated and outside salvation. Be very careful about your beliefs.
Thank you for the explanation RC! Yet, I’m not going to redefine any dogma. It is not my intention. I was just trying to reconcile the prophecy with the dogma. Apparently it was a wrong way. But I still cannot understand something. If the prophecy says “Peter the Roman, is My Peter, the original apostle” then how to interpret this saying that “Peter the Roman will be a man on earth” (the pope elected somewhere after the Warning)? Anyway, we’ll see.
Jesus said that John the Baptist was Elijah, so how do you interpret that? Did that make it literally true?
6-22-16? 3and 1/2 yrs of great Trib? i don’t like math
MDM has revealed that there are two Tribulations, one instigated by Satan for seven years against believers, mimicking the 70th Week of years of Daniel 9 in which Heaven revealed it would take for Our Lord to “bring in righteousness.” Well, half of that 70th Week of Daniel has already been fulfilled in the 3 1/2 year ministry of Christ ending in His Sacrifice for mankind. The last of that period will be fulfilled in Heaven’s 3 1/2 year Judgment on the AntiChrist and his followers. This FOLLOWS Satan’s 7 year Tribulation upon Christians which must have begun shortly after the beginning of Obama’s first term in office in 2009. We conclude this for two reasons: 1) MDM said that July 2011 was in the midst of this Tribulation and 2) December 22, 2012 was the beginning of the “Great Tribulation” from Satan upon Christians. This seven year period then would end no sooner than in January of 2016 and no later than July of 2016. If this “Great Tribulation” on Christians is exactly 3 1/2 years then it would end in June of 2016.
Following this would come the ENLIGHTENMENT / WARNING and within the following year, the MIRACLE. Since April 13, 2017 is almost certainly the date of the MIRACLE (after which the CHASTISEMENT occurs), the ENLIGHTENMENT will occur sometime in the preceding year between May 2016 and February 2017. The martyrdom of Benedict, the election of Peter the Roman, the taking away of the Daily Sacrifice, will also occur sometime during that period. It is most interesting that on Sept 23, 2017 the constellation Virgo (The Virgin Mary) appears with the sun rise directly behind it as in Rev 12! Certainly that must signal the final blows of Our Lady on the Seat of AntiChrist, the False Prophet and Satan. See: http://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/2127-apocalypse-now-another-great-sign-rises-in-the-heavens
It APPEARS from this that the CHASTISEMENT has been shortened, as Our Lord seemed to indicate would happen. From 3 1/2 years it seems to have been reduced to 2 1/2 years and to therefore end in December 2019. But we shall wait and see.
Has there been any new communication from Maria Divine Mercy since March 2015 that would help to clarify the timing of events?
None that I know of.
Could His Holiness Benedict XVI be the last Pope on earth since he is technically still The True Pope and technically is the leader of the Remnant Church on earth. His spiritual martyrdom began on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes 2013 (when he announced his physical resignation because of the enemy within) and MAYBE will continue until the 2nd Coming. i thought i read somewhere he goes to Jerusalem and that is how the Jews will know he is the True Pope??? I thought that the Triumph of the Imm. Heart of Mary commences the New Era??? Is that simultaneous with the Illumination of Conscience? or the 100th Anniversay of Fatima? and God Bless every one of us.
Pope B16 is the martyred bishop in white in the 3rd secret of Fatima. He is the last pope of the earth of this era.
Maybe Pope Benedict has the spirit of St. Peter who is Peter the Roman according to Maria as Madeleine quoted her Message on 4-12-2012 see above. Waiting to see more on the Beginning of the End of the End. Thanks R.C.
According to what St. John Bosco was shown in the final anchoring of the Flagship of the Church, a new pope will be chosen by those in the defending auxiliary ships immediately after the Flagship captain (pope) is martyred. That new pope will be Peter the Roman after Benedict is martyrdom and that will come at the revelation of the AntiChrist according to 2 Thessalonians 2. The AntiChrist (Man of Sin / the Son of Perdition) will not be revealed until “he (Benedict) that now restrains will be taken out of the way (by martyrdom).”
Yes you understand.
Peter the Roman will have the spirit of St Peter.
You can’t trust completely to MDM messages. When you are reading and interpreting MDM, you must have in mind this message:
Friday, March 18th, 2011 @ 00:00
My daughter, these Messages are authentic, but you must only communicate with Me during prayer or after prayer. This is important because the deceiver can sometimes try to intercept unless you are in quiet prayer with Me.
This is true for all seers. It is a request for prudence. Perhaps you interpret this as a false message had gone out already when this can be preventative. As the Bible says, despise not prophecy but test the spirits. You will see come true what MDM has said.
Please read the following messages given to MDM:
Thursday, September 15th, 2011 @ 23:50
“…The Truth, My daughter, is usually treated with extreme caution, outright dismissal and considered blasphemous at times. Never fear, for the Words I give you are nothing but the Truth. You must never be afraid to publish what I give you. Why would I give you untruths? Why would I try to undermine these Messages by allowing an untruth to enter them at any time? For this would be contrary to My Father’s Will. Even Satan will not be allowed interfere with these Messages, no matter how hard he tries….”
Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 @ 15:30
“…Messages received by genuine prophets or chosen souls are either true or false.
There is no in between. Heaven would never send a message to contradict another message received by a chosen soul from Heaven….”
Friday, July 19th, 2013 @ 15:00
“…You will never be able to declare falsities, as this is not permitted by My beloved Father..”
Saturday, October 26th, 2013 @ 11:15
“…Who gave you the authority to misinterpret My Word given to My apostles? Why are you twisting them and why do you not believe what I said? My Word is very clear. When I speak, I mean what I say. If I say one thing, I do not mean another. Why would I, for example, contradict Myself and especially now in this Mission?
What is given to God’s prophets is the Truth. Anything which contradicts these Messages, from the mouths of those who claim that I speak with them, must be rejected by you. I would never compete with My Own Voice, because I must ensure that you are given the Truth.
What must I do to make you listen? What must I do to stop your wandering and seeking out other forms of titillation? Why will you not trust in Me? You waste so much precious time seeking out fortune telling, which flows like venom out of the mouths of so-called mystics and sensation seekers, that you insult Me by turning away from Me. I Am here. These are My Words. What else do you seek, for you will only find the Truth from My Mouth? I spoke the Truth when I walked the Earth. I left a legacy of great hope and salvation. I speak the Truth now, as I bring you My Final Words, at this time, for the Great Day will dawn and soon the world without end will begin.
When I speak, I desire that you listen. I cannot force you. You may look everywhere and try to find My Messages, given to prepare the world for My Second Coming at this time, and you won’t find them. My public Messages to prepare you for this, the final stage before My Covenant is fulfilled, can only be found in the Book of Truth….”
Let’s apply this text “Heaven would never send a message to contradict another message received by a chosen soul from Heaven” to St. Malachy and MDM. St. Malachy’s prophetic list of popes have all been for men on earth as they have always referred to popes on earth. So how could MDM say that Peter the Roman is literally ruling from heaven and not be on earth? Jesus said that St. John the Baptist was Elijah. Does that prove re-incarnation? Was Elijah literally resurrected and put into a new body with a different name? If you do not interpret those words according to the teachings of the Church, then you would have to say yes because they are straight forward and clear.
Just like the Bible, the prophetic words are subject to interpretation. That is why Protestants can read the infallible words of the Bible and come up with contradictory interpretations opposed to Catholic teaching. Catholics can make the same mistakes, as especially applied to prophecy.
Let me be perfectly clear. Anyone who says that a pope rules the Church on earth from Heaven is speaking utter heresy because it contradicts dogma on the papacy, despite protestations that it does not. One of the rules of verifying prophecy is to compare it to Church teachings, and if the prophecy contradicts the Church, then it must be thrown out. That applies to interpretations of said prophecy also. If you think it doesn’t, provide us some quotes from Church teachings where the pope rules the Church on earth from Heaven. We await the official quotes. I won’t hold my breath because there are none, but go ahead and look. Don’t behave like a Protestant and use personal opinion “because it’s clear.” Jesus said clearly that we should cut off our hand when it causes us to sin, or cut out our eye similarly. That is clear, isn’t it? How many of you do that literally? Obstinate holding, or even worse, spreading such heresy of a heaven-based Peter the Roman damages the credibility of MDM because the non-believers use that to “disprove” the MDM messages, when the error is the promoter’s heretical ideas. And you are personally held accountable to God for souls who you turn away by spreading such errors, as will be seen at the Warning. Remember that a heretic is automatically excommunicated per canon law. This is no light matter.
I have had enough of this debate, so anyone who promotes this heretical interpretation of Peter the Roman being literally St. Peter ruling from Heaven, will be banned here besides being automatically excommunicated from the Church. The latter is far worse of course. Those folks will have a hell of a Warning – literally.
OK, so I apologize that I still go back to the delicate issue. However, I would like to note that if bl. Elizabeth Canori Mora also says about the identity of Peter the Roman and next she is beatified (in 1994 by John Paul II) then this means that Church’s competent authority found no errors or no contradictions with the dogma (including the identity of Peter the Roman) in her writings. I do not insist that Peter the Roman is St. Peter. I do not contradict any dogma (at least it is not my intention), and I do not promote any heretical interpretation (at least it is not my intention). I only say what some theologists say (e.g. Kelly Bowring) and what we can directly infer from some facts (e.g. E. Caonori Mora has been beatified). I know I’ll be banned, but this is for RC consideration…
With my quotes I did not refer to the later Pope question but to Anonymous’ Statement that there could be mistakes in the messages. It is not my purpose to discuss wheter the next Pope will be Peter the Roman or not. We will see.