Akita St. Pope John Paul II Warning

Pray for Fr. John Hardon who is still in Purgatory

Yes, pray for Fr. John Hardon who is still in Purgatory. Doubtless some will say (angrily to be sure) that how could such a holy priest still be in Purgatory, or even how could he have ever gone there at all? The simple answer: Communion in the hand. Any priest who gives Communion in the hand enables profanation of the Eucharist which is a mortal sin (and culpable negligence also falls into that category). Some will object that the Church allows such things. No it doesn’t. The Church teaches that Communion in the hand cannot be given when there is any danger of profanation, which is always, as any priest who is honest will be able to confirm that there are Particles of Our Lord Jesus Christ always present from simply handling the Consecrated Host. Jesus falls on the floor and is trampled upon, He is thrown in the wash from wiping your hand on your clothes, and of course sold to satanists for black masses. Remember that Communion in the hand was started by modernist heretical prelates in disobedience to help destroy belief in the Real Presence, as was done during the Protestant Deformation. How well that has worked, hasn’t it? In our time, permission was given by Freemasons controlling the Vatican to a local ordinary (bishop) to decide if he wants to enable such profanation and violate the Tradition of the Church. Almost all do. No, the real Popes (Paul VI, John Paul II, Benedict XVI) did not approve of such things. Any cleric who offers Communion in the hand spends much time in Purgatory, if he is saved at all, for enabling such sins. Yes, Virginia, that means most priests on earth. And yes, that means most Catholics, if they are saved at all (most are not), also spend much time in Purgatory for the same sin.

At the Warning – the Illumination of Conscience – all naysayers will learn the hard way as they will see the punishment due to that sin in particular (as well as all sins). Priests, stop giving Communion in the hand, and laity, stop taking Jesus in the hand. Your salvation, in part, depends on it.

After the great schism, as mentioned in the Akita prophecy occurs, the Remnant Church will not offer Communion in the hand.

Some will ask how is this status known about Fr. Hardon? Through private revelation in asking the state of that priest’s soul.


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  • St Thomas Aquinas :

    nothing touches it but what is consecrated, hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest’s hands, for touching this sacrament.

    Hence it is not lawful for anyone to touch it, except from necessity, for instance if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency”

    ( SummaTheologica,  III, Q. 82, Art. 13).

  • Dear Remnant Clergy,
    I did not know this about how we are not to take Communion in our hands. How did I not know this- it makes me cry to now see it was wrong. At my parish there are Eucharistic Ministers,of the laity, who give the Body of Christ to us during Mass. Am I correct in realizing that this is a huge error? How did it go this far that it is accepted as normal and right? What happened? This site has woken me up and I am seriously amending my life, and I want to do only what is right. In the short time I have been aware of the Truth posted here the messages have taught me so much. Still, so much yet to learn. I am so thankful to everyone of the Remnant Church for this. Thank you for your answer.

    • Dear John6
      I am stunned. The video, the traditional Latin Mass, I have never seen this Mass. This is the Mass I want. Thank you for answering and showing this. And for the information on the missal, which I will get. Why they would change Mass like they have is something I can’t understand. The TLM is so beautiful in the video. Beautiful is not even a good enough word to describe this, it is beyond beautiful, so much love. Thank you.

      • Wait til you read the words of the Missal and actually participate! You will most certainly know the difference in your soul! Be alert to the devil’s wiles whose aim is to prevent you, distract you and turn you off though. God’s grace is much greater but pre-warned is armed.

  • When I was growing up in the 80s, there was a priest who only distributed Communion on the tongue.

  • On April 15, 2000, I was awaken in the middle of the night and told by the Blessed Mother, “Receive only on the tongue”.