Great Tribulation Pedro Regis

“Now is the time of the Great Tribulation” (4357)

4.357 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace in Goiânia / GO transmitted in 05/09/2016

Dear children, give me your hand and I will lead you to Him Who is your only Way, Truth and Life. Don’t live away from my Son Jesus. He is your all and without Him you are nothing and can do nothing. I encourage you and everyone to assume your true role as Christians. I came from Heaven to help you. Be meek and humble of heart, for only then can you understand God’s purpose for your lives. Do not cross your arms. Happily accept the Gospel of My Jesus and let His words penetrate your hearts. You belong to the Lord, and only He should you follow and serve. Now is the time of the Great Tribulation. Humanity has gotten away from its Creator because people have gotten away from the path of conversion. Turn you. Your God awaits you with open arms. Bend your knees in prayer, for only by the power of prayer will humanity be healed spiritually. Do not lose heart. This is the day of your liberation. With the Final Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, the good will contemplate the new heavens and new earth. Courage. My Jesus will never abandon you. This is the message I give you today on behalf of the Trinity. Thank you for permitting Me to reunite you here once more. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.


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  • My understanding of The Great Tribulation is that it is the period of time– 3 1/2 years– when the Antichrist is in power.

    • That is a common opinion. However, the great tribulation can be applied to more than that since it is the worst time on earth before the Second Coming.

  • Believer,
    Thank you for your input…

    A consensus among some orthodox Catholic Scripture Scholars– e.g., Fr. Herman Kramer and Steven Paul– is that the Tribulation lasts 7 years and that the last 3 1/2 years is called the Great Tribulation because the Antichrist is “running the show.”

    With 3 1/2 years of the False Prophet just finishing up on Sept. 13, 2016, it appears we would be on the verge of the GT.

    • Yes, that is the prevailing opinion, but there is no dogmatic teaching on it. The antichrist will soon be openly on the world stage whereas now he is behind the scene. We can certainly say that the time of the antichrist will be the greatest tribulation ever.

  • There is no basis whatsoever in the Scriptures for a “Seven year Tribulation”. The notion came from confusing the entirety of “70th Week” (7 years) of Daniel 9 with the period of Tribulation in St. John’s Revelation when in fact only the last half of that seven years has relevance to St. John’s Revelation. The first half of Daniels 70th Week was fulfilled in the the 3 1/2 year ministry of Our Lord after which He caused the Old Covenant Sacrifice to be invalidated or cut off. But to finally “bring in everlasting righteousness” will require the final 3 1/2 years of that 70th Week of Daniel described in Revelation just as Daniel 9:24 states.

    So with a faulty understanding many Bible scholars especially Evangelical Protestants have simply assumed that the events described in Revelation 6 (the seven seals) are the first half of the “Seven Year Tribulation.” Now these events described under these 6 seals do appear to precede the 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation but there is no time frame given!

    This now becomes very interesting when you understand that for Satan to win his contest with God he must counter God by mimicking Him. He thus must have his own 70th Week in which he brings in his own form of “righteousness,” (the kind of “righteousness” seen in Francis and the “Progressives” ). God through Maria Divine Mercy reported correctly on this very 70th Week of Satan, for which she was rejected as a true prophetess. This seven year period of TRIBULATION FOR CHRISTIANS started in 2009, shortly after Obama (Satan’s John the Baptist who likewise declared he was not the Messiah) took office and thus this 7 year period would end in the middle of 2016, which also was the end or close to the end of the 100 years given Lucifer to destroy the Church which we can assume began in 1917 when Satan’s extra power was manifest in the Russian Revolution and when Heaven also gave the Church opportunity to counter that extra power in the provisions given at Fatima.

    Now, a number of things finally make sense: 1) MDM’s revelation in July 2011 that “we are in the midst of tribulations.” 2) MDM’s revelation of December 22, 2012 which occurs smack dab in the middle of this 7 yr period: “Great Tribulation” (for Christians) begining on that day. We all know of the slaughter of millions of Christians that accelerated. 3) To mimic God, Satan had to bring in his False prophet at this point and his Anti-Christ to cut off the Holy Mass in the middle of this “Week”. He does get Francis elected but because Benedict is still pope he cannot openly reveal the anti-Christ. And it is not until the following year during the Easter Season April 21-27, 2014 that he somewhat mimics the “cutting off of the sacrifice that Christ accomplished” by having Francis call the Eucharist “a little wine and bread” in response to criticism for his approving giving communion to an illegally remarried divorcee. He also somewhat fulfills the Abomination in the Temple by the erection of the massive symbol of an Egyptian deity in St. Peter’s square. Of course in the midst of this, the giant Crucifix erected for the canonization event, which was a blatant hypocrisy, Heaven struck to the ground.

    So now we have confirmed in the above revelation of 05/09/2016 that “now is the time” for the final 3 1/2 years of the 70th Week of Daniel 9 which will bring in “everlasting righteousness.” THE REAL WAR BETWEEN HEAVEN AND SATAN HAS BEGUN.