Pedro Regis

“In difficult times, call for Me and I will be at your side” (4385)

4.385 – Message of Our Lady Queen of Peace, in Porto Velho / Rondônia, transmitted on 11/11/2016

Dear children, I love you and I came from Heaven to tell you that you are important for the accomplishment of My plans. Give me your hands, for I desire to lead you to Him who is your One and true Savior. I want to tell you that in the past this land has been entrusted to me and that I am very close to you. Do not be afraid. I will pray to My Jesus for you. Courage. Put into your hands the Holy Rosary and Sacred Scripture; In your heart, the love of truth. I ask you to keep the flame of your faith burning. Give part of your time to Prayer, to listen to the Gospel and to live My Conversion Appeals. Humanity has turned away from God and My poor children walk like blind men to guide other blind people. Tell everyone that God is in a hurry. I do not want to force you, for you have freedom, but it is best to do the Will of the Lord. Do not allow sin to enslave you. I need your sincere and courageous Yes. Give the best of yourselves, and you will be rewarded generously by the Lord. Difficult times will come to mankind, but those who remain faithful will experience the Victory of God. I will take care of you. In difficult times, call for Me and I will be at your side. Forward. The Victory of God will come to the righteous. This is the message I am sending you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to meet you here one more time. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be at peace.

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