Holy Love

“Everyone’s life has a certain Via Dolorosa aspect to it”

April 14, 2017
Good Friday

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I invite you to understand, as you contemplate My Passion, that everyone’s life has a certain via dolorosa* aspect to it. If the soul accepts his cross, then we are friends in this life and the next. Not to surrender to the cross places distance between us. So many trials and sufferings go wasted by lack of surrender. So many graces are consequently left unattended.”

“My Crucifixion was necessary to open the Gates of Heaven to all mankind. As I suffered, I mourned for those who would not see Heaven despite My Sacrifice. No one will ever suffer the pain that I did on the Cross. Yet, I would not hesitate to suffer all of it over again for souls.”

“I entreat you to love the salvation of souls above all.”

* The term, “via dolorosa”, as defined in the “Merriam-Webster Dictionary” is “a painfully difficult route, passage, or series of experiences”.

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