Chastisement Earthquakes Famine Floods Maria Valtorta Second Coming Signs Weather Wrath

“At the last hour three quarters of My Church will disown Me”

Jesus says: “My Church, before the hour of the world comes to an end, will have its glittering triumph. Nothing differs in the Mystical Body’s life from that which was in Christ’s life. There will be the hosanna on the eve of Passion, the hosanna when the nations, seized by the fascination of the Divinity, bend the knee before the Lord. Then the Passion of My Church militant will come, and finally the glory of eternal Resurrection in Heaven.”

Jesus says:

“When I put in Zephaniah’s mouth that I will take away everything from the earth, I am having him prophesy what will happen the day before the eve of the last time. I then announced the same thing when I spoke about the destruction of the world, veiled behind the description of the ruin of the Temple and of Jerusalem. Later the Beloved prophesied it again in his Apocalypse (Rev.14:14-20, 19:11-21, 20:1-15).

The voices follow each other. In fact, I can say that, as in a sacred building erected to testify the glory of the Lord, the voices climb from pinnacle to pinnacle, from prophet to prophet previous to Christ, until the highest point on which the Word speaks during His human life, and then they climb down from pinnacle to pinnacle, over the centuries, speaking through the prophets after Christ.

It is like a concert which sings the praises, the will, the glories of the Lord, and which shall last until the end. Then the angels’ trumpets shall gather the dead of the tombs and the dead of the spirit, the living of the earth and the living of Heaven. All will prostrate themselves before the Lord’s visible glory and hear the words of the Word of God–that Word whom countless have rejected or neglected, disobeyed, sneered at, scorned, that Word who came: Light in the world, and whom the world did not want to welcome, preferring darkness.

“I am the peak of God’s building. There can be no words loftier and truer than Mine. But My Spirit is in the mouths of the lesser ‘Words’, because everything testifying what is of God, is a word inspired by God.

Famine and deaths due to epidemics will be one of the forerunning signs of My second coming. These chastisements designed to punish you and call you back to God will carry out, with their distressing power, one of the sortings-out between the children of God and Satan’s children.

Hunger will arise from plunder and cursed wars, decreed without the justification of national independence, decreed only out of power’s savagery and the pride of demons in human disguise. Hunger will arise from the stoppage, by God’s will, of the cosmic laws: cold will be bitter and drawn out; heat will be scorching and not moderated by rain; the seasons will be turned around and you will have drought in the rainy seasons and rain when the crops are ripening; plants and trees will be tricked by unexpected warmth or unusual coolness, plants will bloom out of season and trees, after having already produced, will cover themselves with new, useless flowers that will exhaust them fruitlessly. Because every intemperance is harmful and leads to death–remember that, O people–hunger will cruelly torment this haughty race hostile to God.

The animals, lacking hay and fodder, grain and seeds, will starve to death, and to still people’s hunger will be destroyed, given no time to breed. Birds of the air and fishes of the waters, herds and flocks, will be attacked on all sides to give your bellies the food which the land shall but scantily put forth for you.

Deaths caused by wars and scourges, earthquakes and heavy storms will hasten both good and wicked into the hereafter. The good, for your punishment, in as much as once you are deprived of the best, you will get worse and worse. The wicked, for their own punishment, in as much as they will have, before the expected hour, hell for their dwelling.

The victim prepared by the Lord to purify the altar of the Earth desecrated by the sins of idolatry, lust, hatred, pride, is you, people who shall perish by the thousands and tens of thousands, cut down by the sharp scythe of the divine thunderbolts. Like April grass mown down on a field, you will fall on top of one another: holy flowers mixed with poisonous flowers, the delicate stems mixed with the prickly rambles. My angels’ hands will pick the blessed and separate them from the damned, bring the blessed to Heaven and leaving the damned to the demons’ pitch forks for Hell’s pasture. To be kings or beggars, learned or ignorant, young or old, warriors or priests, will make no difference, will be no bulwark against death. There will be a chastisement and a fearful one.

God’s eye will choose the destined by taking away the ‘lights’ so they no longer have to suffer from the fog caused by the people united to Satan, by taking away the ‘darkness’ generating darkness because possessed by the father of darkness: Satan.

God’s eye enters palaces, churches, consciences–and there is no barrier and no hypocrisy that prevents its seeing. God’s eye will scrutinize the inside of the Church, today’s Jerusalem, and will scrutinize the inside of souls and will write the one decree for the slothful, the indifferent, the lukewarm, the rebels, the traitors, the murderers of the spirit, the deicides.

No, people, do not think that God will do you neither evil nor good for your works. I swear it to you, I swear it to Myself, I swear it for My Justice’s sake, I swear with a triple oath, I will do you good for the good that you do and evil for the evil done by you.

Though for you the uncleanness of the flesh and of your lives fit for brutes crust over the soul’s eyes to prevent them from seeing God, for God nothing veils His eyes. I will weigh My hand down on those who enjoy being in the mud and who want to stay in the mud despite every invitation and every means I extend to them to get out of it. They will become mud in mud, because they turn the mud of sin into the favorite food of their impure hunger.

The day is drawing near, children who have disowned the Father. Earth’s time is long and short at the same time.

Wasn’t it yesterday by any chance that you enjoyed an honest well-being produced by peace and peaceful actions which yield bread and work? Wasn’t it yesterday by any chance, O you living in this dreadful hour, that you enjoyed the delight of the undivided, unruined family, the delight of children around the father’s dining table, of the bridal chamber–the groom by the bride–and of the father bent over the children’s heads like a teacher and friend. And now? Where is all that? Swift like a bird flying to far-away shores, that time is past. It was yesterday… now you turn round and see it is separated from you by a number of days, which horror multiplies with its blood-drenched intensity. You take refuge in your memories, but heaps of rubble and rows of graves destroy the pleasantness of your memories with the reality of the present.

Oh people, people who insult God with the voices of both mouth and heart, thinking it is licit for you do so, listen, people, to God’s harrowed and harrowing voice, which is already thundering over the world because it is useless for Him to speak through His servants and friends. His voice, announcing His wrath to you, still calls you because He suffers from punishing you.

Before the blindness of your spirits be total, come to the Physician and to the Light. Before there be so much blood as to be a lake of death, come to the source of Life. Gather up your scanty abilities to love and direct them to God. Love will forgive you on account of those scraps of love, left over by the plunder of the flesh and of Satan, the scraps which you offer to Him.

God ought to be given the first produce and the totality of goods. But since you have been unable to do that, O children who have cost Me My life, give the great, compassionate, powerful Lord that which you still have. In your poverty of spirit, not the evangelical poverty but human poverty, tear off from your hearts the last bit, withhold that left-over from the flesh and give it to Me. I know that it costs My beloved ones less to sacrifice their lives, because love inebriates them, than the sacrifice of a kiss costs you. And for your effort, out of proportion with the offering, I will give you a reward out of proportion with the gift. I will give it to you, as long as you come.

Anyone who works well at the last hour will be admitted to the Kingdom like anyone who, from dawn to anticipated dusk, held the plough until falling onto it. You will not complain for having different dwellings in Heaven: in Heaven there is no narrow-mindedness of human envy. But do conquer this Heaven which I created for you and opened for you by My death on the Cross. Come to the Lord before the Lord comes upon you with His Judge’s majesty.

With regard to you, My beloved ones, stay on the way you have chosen. Whirlwinds and storms will be unable to make you lose the destination that I am, whose Heart is open to receive you with a kiss of love more alive. Let kingdoms and nations fall. Let what is considered powerful become ashes and rubble. Let that alleged right to dictate wills and teachings turn to dust ground down by God’s Will and Law.

During My short rule over the world, I will be the One reigning, I and the rest of My people, in other words the real faithful, those who did not disown Christ and cover the sign of Christ with Satan’s (fake) tiara. Then the false gods of excessive power will fall, as well as the indecent doctrines that disown God, the almighty Lord.

My Church, before the hour of the world comes to an end, will have its glittering triumph. Nothing differs in the Mystical Body’s life from that which was in Christ’s life. There will be the hosanna on the eve of Passion, the hosanna when the nations, seized by the fascination of the Divinity, bend the knee before the Lord. Then the Passion of My Church militant will come, and finally the glory of eternal Resurrection in Heaven.

O bliss of that day when the conspiracies, retaliations, struggles of this earth, of Satan, of the flesh will be over forever! My Church will then be made up of real Christians, in that time, in the next-to-last day. Few, as in the beginning, but holy as in the beginning. The Church will end in holiness as it began in holiness. Liars, betrayers, idolaters will stay outside, those who on the last day will imitate Judas and sell their souls to Satan, harming Christ’s Mystical Body. In them the Beast will have its replacements for its last war.

And woe betide those in Jerusalem (the Church), in the end times, who become guilty of such a sin. Woe betide those who in Jerusalem will exploit their authority for human advantage. Woe betide those who openly disown God and those who disown Him by their actions, I will make no difference. And in truth I tell all of you, with the sorrow of a sublime Founder, that at the last hour three quarters of My Church will disown Me, and I will have to cut them off from the tree trunk as dead branches infected by an unclean leprosy.

But you who will remain in Me, listen to Christ’s promise. Faithfully and lovingly wait for Me and I will come to you with all My gifts. With the gift of gifts: Myself. I will come to redeem and heal. I will come to floodlight the darkness, defeat it and rout it. I will come to teach people to love and worship the Eternal God, the Lord Most High, the Holy Christ, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. I will come to bring you not the peace of this world, the endless destroyer of Peace, but the Peace of the Kingdom that does not die.

Exult, O My faithful servants. This is what the mouth that does not lie tells you. You will no longer have to fear any evil because I will put an end to the time of evil, I will anticipate this end out of compassion for My blessed ones.

Exult especially you, O today’s beloved of Mine. For you the coming of Christ and His embrace of glory will be even more solicitous. For you the gates of the City of God are already opening and your Savior is coming out to greet you and give you real Life.

Yet a little more and I will come for you. As I did for My friend Lazarus, I will call you one by one: ‘Come out!’ Out of this life on earth which is a grave for the spirit jailed in the flesh. Into Life, into Heaven’s freedom.

Call Me with your faithful love. Let it be the blaze that melts the chains of the flesh and gives the spirit the freedom to come quickly to Me. Utter the best cry ever written by a man: ‘Come, Lord Jesus!’.

Written by Maria Valtorta, October 29th, 1943.

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